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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练35 Unit 5 Travelling abroad7.doc

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    2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练35 Unit 5 Travelling abroad7.doc

    1题组提分练题组提分练 3535 UnitUnit 5 5 TravellingTravelling abroadabroad限时 35 分钟 加黑体小题考查写作手法和文章结构题阅读理解 A A (2018·四省三校联考) 体裁:议论文 话题:人际关系 难度:Everybody likes to laugh sometimes, whether at a funny joke, an amusing incident or a funny photograph or sound. Comedians who copy well-known people always tickle (胳肢) my funny bone! The great thing is that once we've had a good laugh, we feel happier. It would seem that bringing a bit of humour into more serious situations might be good for us.Maybe we should get inspiration from Steve Carlisle, president of General Motors of Canada. When he walks around the firm's Ontario headquarters (总部), he shares his sense of humour to bond with his staff. He says “It can help people feel more relaxed, more comfortable and thus be more effective at what they do.”Humour can be used by teachers in the classroom too. It's a good way to break the ice with students and create a more relaxing atmosphere which is good for learning, as long as everyone doesn't spend all their time in wild laughter!But we have to be careful; not everyone laughs at the same things. While some of us may admire a work colleague for his well­told joke, others may consider him rude or just an idiot! According to Professor Schweitzer, from the University of Philadelphia's Wharton School, a worker who successfully uses humour is seen as both confident and competent, which in turn increases his status.So telling the right jokes in the office or classroom can spread some happiness. A study published in The Journal of Behavioural and Applied Management, found emotional exhaustion was significantly lower among healthcare workers who experienced greater levels of fun at work. And another research has discovered that teams who share more jokes give more supportive statements to each otherand that's no joke!(最后一段说明幽默的益处,happiness, significantly, greater, supportive 都是褒义词汇,暗示作者的态度也是积极的、肯定的)【语篇解读】 文章介绍了幽默的作用。21HowHow doesdoes thethe authorauthor proveprove thethe effecteffect ofof humourhumour inin ParagraphParagraph 2?2?A. By giving examples.B. By making comparison.C. By presenting the process.D. By analyzing cause and effect.答案与解析 A 写作手法题。作者举了 Steve Carlisle 的例子,他利用幽默提高了员工的工作效率,故作者利用举例的方式证明幽默的效果。2How can a worker increase his position according to Professor Schweitzer?A. By taking his job seriously.B. By working harder than others.C. By getting along well with his boss.D. By telling the right jokes successfully.答案与解析 D 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句可知善于利用幽默的员工会被认为是能干而自信的人,这反而会提高其地位,故 D 项正确。3What is the author's attitude towards humour?A. Doubtful. B. Positive.C. Casual. D. Critical.答案与解析 B 观点态度题。作者通过举例说明幽默的好处,且在第一段说明幽默对我们有益处,最后一段又说明在办公室和教室利用幽默可以带来欢乐,故作者对幽默是肯定的态度,故选项 B 正确。4What is the best title for the text?A. Humour is RudeB. Seriousness and HumourC. Humour Makes a DifferenceD. How to Be Humorous答案与解析 C 标题归纳题。第一段说明在严肃的场合利用幽默对我们有好处,最后一段说明在办公室和教室利用幽默可以带来欢乐,故文章主要介绍幽默的作用。故 C 项“幽默作用大”作为标题合适。词汇微存 supportive adj.支持的; break the ice 打破沉默;打破僵局阅读理解 B B (2018·湖南五市十校联考) 体裁:说明文 话题:自然 难度:Scientists in Britain have managed to teach bumblebees (大黄蜂) to pull strings to get to food and then pass on what they have learned to others in their colony (群体)showing a high level of intelligence despite their tiny 3brains.(提出研究发现结果:学会技能然后传授技能)Researchers at Queen Mary University of London said the experiments, often used to test the intelligence of apes(猿) and birds, showed for the first time that some insects are up to the task, and can also pass skills on through several generations.(昆虫也能代代相传所学技能)The findings add to the evidence suggesting the ability for “culture spread”the ability to learn and pass on knowledge and skillsmay not be unique to humans.In the research, published in the journal PLOS Biology on Tuesday, the scientists were able to train 23 out of a group of 40 bees to pull strings with their legs and feet.The strings were attached to discsor artificial “flowers”containing food at their center but placed under a transparent screen. The bees, spotting the food beneath the screen, learned to pull the “flowers” out by pulling the string with their legs and feet to be able to get to it.(说明实验中所教授的技能)From another group of bees given the chance to solve the task without any training, only two of 110 were successful.(未经培训的蜜蜂完成任务的情况)Another group of bees was then allowed to observe the trained bees pulling the strings, and 60 percent of them successfully learned the skill. Finally, trained bees were put in colonies, and the scientists found the technique spread successfully to a majority of the colony's worker bees.(观察学习技能成功所学技能传授所学技能)Lars Chittka, a Queen Mary University professor who guided the project, said the team is interested in figuring out the brain processes behind the bees' learning and teaching skills.(预测下文论述重点:蜜蜂大脑)【语篇解读】 研究发现蜜蜂是一种智商很高的生物,它们具有很高的学习和教授能力。5What did the researchers find about bees?A. Bees are as clever as birds.B. Bees learn best in insects.C. Bees are born good learners.D. Bees can be trained to learn skills.答案与解析 D 推理判断题。根据第四段至第六段对于培训蜜蜂获取食物的实验介绍可推断出,蜜蜂可以通过培训学到新的技能,故选项 D 正确。46What may the research team focus on next?A. What else bees can do.B. How bees' brains work.C. How bees teach others.D. Where bees learn skills.答案与解析 B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“研究组对弄清蜜蜂学习和教授技能的大脑过程感兴趣”可知,研究组下一步将致力于研究蜜蜂大脑的运行情况,故选项 B 正确。7HowHow doesdoes thethe authorauthor developdevelop thethe text?text?A. By drawing a conclusion through a research.B. By providing typical examples.C. By comparing opinions from different fields.D. By presenting a cause and analyzing its effects.答案与解析 A 写作手法题。文章第四段至第六段陈述研究过程,第七段说明研究结论,故写作手法是通过研究得出结论,故选项 A 正确。阅读技巧 17 借用线索判手法写作手法题写作手法题(如阅读第 1、7 小题)要求判断文章的组织方式,如时间顺序、空间顺序、举例论证或比较等。设问方式通常是:The passage is mainly developed by _. How is the passage/paragraph organized?解题时需注意以下 线索:看到 while、on the other hand、compare、comparison 等表比较或对比的词考虑是:by comparison/by showing differences;看到 including、like (像)、for example、for instance、such as 等词考虑是:by giving examples;看到说明文中有 first、second、finally 或表方向位置的词等要想到的是:by describing a process/by space order;看到记叙文中有时间先后等线索词要想到是:by time order;议论文中先说明现象,后分析原因,要想到是:by analyzing causes;原文中有不少数据,要考虑到是:by giving figures/statistics。阅读理解 C C (2018·北京朝阳区质检) 体裁:议论文 话题:家庭、朋友与周围的人 难度:PeerPeer PressurePressurePeople who are at your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they influence you on your decision or action, it's called peer pressure. All of us, at some point in our lives, have had to deal with peer pressure. The need to follow the crowd and do what majority of us are doing forces us to take up activities which we wouldn't otherwise.(说明同辈压力现象)5Recent studies have shown that peer pressure might cause an_upside to you. It can make you reflect on your actions and make changes to your ways to become a better one. Observing others working hard to reach their goals will definitely encourage you to make a great effort to achieve something positive. When a teen knows that his teammates are practising hard to become better players then it will directly affect his own performance. He will put in twice the time and energy to raise the level of his game and ensure he has a place on the team.(同辈压力的积极影响)(better、positive、healthy 等褒义形容词说明同辈压力有好处。)Having a group that brings positive peer pressure can also help you pick up healthy habits that can shape both your personality and your future. The motivation to do well because of pressure from your peers can actually become inspiration. For example, when a child knows that some of his friends regularly read storybooks, he may get into the habit of reading. Seeing that his friends exercise daily, even he may take up the habit and adopt it in life. Just as some influences can be positive, some can be negative too. Peer pressure sometimes can make a dip in your self­confidence. Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, or because they worry that others might make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others go along because they are curious to try something new. The idea that “everyone's doing it” can influence them to leave their better judgment behind. (说明同辈压力的消极影响)Besides, peer pressure can distance you from your family and friends. It is common for teenagers to think that nobody understands them and that the whole world is against them. The influence of peer pressure is such that it draws them completely away from their family and friends who mean well. They just shut themselves off and fall into bad company.(补充说明同辈压力的消极影响)It's likely that you've experienced the effect of peer pressure in different areas, ranging from the clothes you wear to the music you listen to. Sometimes it can be hard to resist and you may feel forced to do something 6you're uncomfortable with. So being aware of and carefully choosing the influence of peers that will lead to healthy and happy experiences is a lifelong process.(总结上文提出建议)【语篇解读】 文章介绍同辈压力的好处、坏处,建议读者利用同辈压力的积极作用来帮助自己。8What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. A quick reaction. B. A positive effect. C. A serious challenge. D. A potential conflict.答案与解析 B 词义猜测题。画线词所在句后一句说明同辈压力会让你反思自己的行为,并做出改变以便变得更好,故第二段第一句应说明同辈压力会给你带来好处,故画线词义为 a positive effect, 故 B 项正确。9According to the author, peer pressure can get teenagers to _.A. become less self­confidentB. provide a model for teammatesC. identify characteristics of different habitsD. improve relationship with family members答案与解析 A 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“Peer pressure sometimes can make a dip in your self­confidence.”可知,同辈压力会使你不太自信,故选项 A 正确。10What does the author think of peer pressure? A. It makes no difference to teens' judgment.B. It influences teens to fit into various lifestyles.C. It helps teens to relieve the uncomfortable feeling.D. It seems like a common phenomenon among teens.答案与解析 D 推理判断题。最后一段第一句说明同辈压力来自方方面面,故这个现象是常见的,故选项 D 正确。11WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing showsshows thethe structurestructure ofof thethe passage?passage?7答案与解析 D 文章结构题。文章第一段提出并解释同辈压力现象,第二段和第三段说明其好处,第四段和第五段说明其害处,最后一段总结同辈压力是个常见的现象,并且建议读者利用同辈压力积极的影响来帮助自己,故该篇文章属于总分总结构,故 D 项正确。词汇微存 make no difference to .对没有影响; be aware of 意识到;知道阅读技巧 18 把脉络看结构文章结构题篇章结构题考查文章各段落层次之间的组织关系,该类题型多出现在议论文和说明文中。解题可利用三步法:一读,通读全文,利用各段中心句确定各段大意,然后确定各段落之间的关系;二归,把一些内容相同或关系密切的段落合并在一起;三定,确定各段落之间的组织框架总分式结构(总分总;总分;分总)、并列式结构(段落之间是平行关系,并且相对独立)、对照式结构(结构形式是正反)。阅读七选五 (2018·贵阳模拟) 体裁:说明文 话题:学校生活 难度:To learn new things is beneficial at any age. _1_ The more you learn, the more you live. The following is the ways to learn.Take classes. If you're in school, you have your pick of the topics that interest you. If you aren't, or if your school offers a limited programme, you'll need to find teachers elsewhere. _2_Teach yourself. You can pursue knowledge and new skills on your own. _3_ You can check out books from your local library on the topic, and look information up online. If you are learning a new skill, try tackling the materials from as many directions as possible._4_ Do you know someone who knows something you'd like to know?Ask them to teach you in exchange for you teaching them something else. You might be an excellent gardener, for example, while they're great at guitar. You can trade an hour of gardening consultation for an hour of guitar lessons. _5_ If you want to learn some conversational Spanish, for instance, try putting up flyers 8for a language exchange at language schools, international centers, and other places affiliated with (与有关) the language you would like to learn. Offer to meet up and speak half an hour of English in exchange for half an hour of Spanish with a native speaker who would like to improve their English.Think about the skills you have. Someone, somewhere, would benefit from those skills.A. Do a skill­exchange.B. Seek out people who are interested in trading skills.C. Any kind of learning can benefit other aspects of your life.D. You'll still be studying, but at least you will have company.E. Check out the course listings at your local community college.答案与解析 【语篇解读】 学到老活到老。任何年龄段的学习都有益身心,文章介绍了几个学习的方法。1C 空前一句说明在任何年龄段学习新知识都是有益的,空后一句说明“学得越多活得越充实” ,故选项 C“学习有益生活的方方面面” ,符合语境。2E 空前一句说明不在校或者学校课程有限的时候需要在其他地方寻找老师,故选项 E“了解一下当地社区大学的课程” ,符合语境。3F 该段主旨是“自学” , 空前一句中的关键词 on your own 与选项 F 中的关键词on your own 呼应。4A 该段说明的是互教知识作为交换,故含有关键词 exchange 的选项 A 符合语境。5B 空前一句说明交换园艺知识和吉他课程,故选项 B“寻找对交换技能感兴趣的人” ,符合语境。词汇微存 check out 核实;了解的情况


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