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    生产件批准程序Production Part Approval Process,Conduct PPAP 生产件批准程序对每种零(部)件, 要求供方在向顾客(三大汽车公司)发运第一批产品之前进行Prior to the 1st Production Batch Supply to CustomerFor Each Part Number,顧客呼聲Voice of customer,特殊特性 S.C,可行性評審 Feasibility Review,產品設計及DFMEA DFMEA & Product Design,樣機控制計劃 Prototype C.P,過程設計及PFMEAPFMEA & Process design,試生產控制計劃 Prelaunch C.P,MSA研究 MSA Study,初始能力評估及過程確認Process validation & capability Study,設計輸出 Design Output生產控制計劃 Production C.P,生產 Production,特續改進 Continuous improvement,統計技術 SPC,統計技術 SPC,PPAP submission , PPAP呈交,A P Q P產品先期策劃,Mistake Proofing 防錯方法,生产件批准程序 PPAP,对所有生产、服务产品和散装材料都要求 生产件批准For all production, services and bulk material, needs approval 提交的部件需取自有效的生产过程 Submission is from the valid production process 有效生产过程包括: 一小时到一个班次的生产 Production from one hour to one shift规定的产量至少为 300件 Minimum production is 300 pieces每一腔都应进行 For each cavity,生产件批准程序 PPAP,目的 Purpose了解顾客所有要求 To understand all customer requirements具有潜在能力 (Cpk/PpK)Have sufficient capability (Cpk/PpK)生产节拍满足要求 Production rate is sufficient,生产件批准程序 PPAP,以下列情况出现时, 需在首批产品出货前提交 PPAP:When the following conditions show up, start PPAP process新部件或产品 New component or product2.经修正不合格项目後所生产的产品 Rectification of the nonconforming product3.根据工程更改而修改的产品Products have engineering changes当对PPAP的需求有怀疑时, 联络相关顾客的批准部门 If in doubt of PPAP, contact customer approval responsible department,需编制的文件/项目Document/ Item shall be prepared,无论是否提交供应商必须完成和编制下述19 份文件No matter the documents have to be submitted, 19 records have to be ready:1.所有顾客和供应商设计记录all design records from customer and supplier必须具备所有的可销售产品设计记录,包括:部件水平。 shall have all design records for the saleable product, including components level. 若设计记录,如CAD/CAM是以电子版形式存在,供方必须制作一份硬件拷贝来确定所进行的测量。 Where the design record, e.g. CAD/CAM is in electronic format, supplier shall produce a hard copy to identify measurements taken.,需编制的文件/项目Document/ Item shall be prepared,2.授权的工程更改Authorized engineering changes供方必须具有尚未记入设计记录中,但已在产品,零件或工装上体现出来的任何授权的工程更改文件。 supplier shall have any authorized engineering change documents not yet recorded in the design record but incorporated in the product, part or tooling. 3.客戶工程批准 Customer Engineering Approval在设计记录有规定时,供方必须具有顾客工程批准的证据。Where specified by the design record, the supplier shall have evidence of customer engineering approval.,需编制的文件/项目Document/ Item shall be prepared,4.设计FEMA (有设计时) DFMEA (have design)5.制程流程图 Process Flow Diagram必须具备清楚描述生产过程的步骤和次序的过程流程图。 shall have a process flow diagram clearly describes the production process steps and sequence. 6.制程FEMAPFMEA,需编制的文件/项目Document/ Item shall be prepared,7.尺寸测量 Dimension Measurement必须提供设计记录和控制计划要求的尺寸验证。 provide evidence that dimensional verifications required by the design record and the Control Plan .结果表明符合规定要求的证据。 results indicate compliance with specified requirements. 对每一个的加工过程,如:单元或生产线和所有的型腔、模型、样皮或冲模,必须有尺寸结果。shall have dimensional results for each unique manufacturing process, e.g. cells or production lines and all cavities, molds, patterns or dies.,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,8.按设计记录规定的材料, 性能和耐久性试验结果Test results- material, functional and performance關於設計記錄或控制計劃中規定的試驗,必須有材料和/或性能試驗結果的記錄。 Shall have records of material and/or performance test results for specified on the design records or Control Plan. 9.制程能力评估结果 Results of capability在提交由顾客或供方指定的所有特殊特性之前,必须确定初始过程能力或性能的水平是可以接受的。 The level of initial process capability or performance shall be determined to be acceptable prior to submission for all Special Characteristics designated by the customer or supplier.,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,10.MSA result 量规測驗系統分析供方必须对所有新的或改进后的测量和试验设备进行适用的测量系统分析研究,如:量具的双性、偏倚、线性、稳定性研究。 The supplier shall have applicable Measurement System Analysis studies, e.g. gage R&R, bias, linearity, stability studies, for all equipment used for new or modified gages, measurement, and test equipment. 11.合格实验室文件化Approved Laboratory Documents供方必须具备实验室范围和文件 。 The supplier shall have a laboratory scope and documentation,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,12.控制计划 Control Plan供方必须具备规定用于过程控制的所有控制方法的控制计划。 The supplier shall have a Control Plan that defines all controls used for process control. 13.生产部件提交保证书 PSW warranty圆满完成了所有要求的测量和试验后,供方必须在零件提交保证书应填写保证书上所要求的内容。 Upon satisfactory completion of all required measurements and tests, the supplier shall record the required information on the Part Submission Warrant (PSW).,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,如果生产件是采用多腔铸模、工具、冲模或模型加工出来的,要求对由每一腔铸模等生产的零件进行完整的尺寸评价。 If production parts from more than one cavity, tools, die, pattern, or production process, e.g. line or cell, shall complete a dimensional evaluation on one part from each. 供方必须在保证书或附件中的特殊型腔/铸模/生产过程栏中注明提交的那些零件的特殊型腔和铸模等的编号。 The specific cavities, molds, line, etc., shall then be identified in the “Mold/Cavity/Production Process” line on a PSW, or in a PSW attachment. 证实了所有测量和试验结果符合顾客要求。 shall verify that all the measurement and test result show conformance with customer requirements,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,具备所有需要的文件(或者,对于等级2、3和4,在提交中已括) all required documentation is available (or, for Level 2,3, and 4, is included in the submission)供方负责人签署保证书并注明日期、职务和电话号码。 A responsible supplier official shall approve the PSW and provide date, title, and telephone number. 14.外观批准报告 (Appearance Approval Report)如果在设计记录上某一要求提交的零件或零件系列有外观要求,则必须完成该产品/零件一份单独的外观批准报告。 A separate Appearance Approval Report (AAR) shall be completed for each part or series of part for which a submission is required if the product/part has appearance requirements on the design record.,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,15.散装材料要求检查表 Bulk material requirement checklist对于散装材料,散装材料要求检查表必须经顾客和供方达成一致。For bulk material, the Bulk Material Requirements Checklist shall be jointly agreed upon by the customer and supplier. 16.顾客要求样品 Sample product as requested by customer供方必须按照顾客的要求和提交要求的规定提供产品样品。 The supplier shall provide sample product as requested by the customer and as defined by the submission request.,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,17.标准样品由供应商保存Standard sample kept by supplier必须保存一件标准样品,与生产件批准记录保存的时间相同。 shall retain a master sample for the same period as the production part approval records 必须对标准样品进行标识,并在样品上标出顾客批准的日期。the master sample shall be identified as such, and shall show the customer approval date on the sample. 对于多腔冲模、铸模、工具或模型、或生产过程的每一个位置,除非顾客另有规定,否则供方必须各保留一件标准样品。 The supplier shall retain a master sample for each position of a multiple cavity die, mold, tool or pattern, or production process unless otherwise specified by the customer.,生产件批准程序 PPAP需编制的文件/项目,18.使用的特殊辅助检具Special Aids- measurement equipments如果顾客提出要求,供方必须在提交PPAP时同时提交任何零件特殊装配辅具或部件检查辅具。 If requested by the customer, the supplier shall submit with the PPA submission any part-specific assembly or component checking aid. 19.顾客 特殊要求 Customer- Special requirements供方必须有与所有适用的顾客特殊要求相符合的记录。 The supplier shall have records of compliance to all applicable customer specific requirements.,要 求Requirement-1.         使用了有别以前批准过的零件的结构Use the parts that have different structure from the previous approved举 例 For example例如,在一个偏差(允差)上标明的或设计记录中作为注解包括进去的不同的加工方法,且又没有包含在工程更改中。Use the alternative working method as specified in the drawing, and without engineering authorization,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,要 求 Requirement-2使用了新的改变了的工具、模具、铸模、仿型Use new and changed tooling, mould, cavity, forming die解 释 或 举 例 For example本要求只适用于根据其独特的形式或功能,可能影响到最终产品完整性的工装并不意味着对标准工装(新的或维修过的),例如标准测量装置,起子 (手动或电动)等的描述。Only for the specific form or function, may affect the final product integrity. Not for those standard tooling ( new or repaired), eg. Standard measurement jig, manual or auto tools.,要 求3 Requirement-3对现有工装及设备进行重新装备或重新调整后生产 Production following refurbishment and adjustment of the tooling and equipments是指对工装或机器改造或改进,或增加其能力、性能,或改变它现有的功能-不要和正常的维修、修理、或零部件更换相等混淆。For the improved tooling or machine, or the capability and functional changesdo not mix up with the normal maintenance, repair, or parts changed.,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,重新布置定义为过程流程图(包括新过程的加入)中规定的内容相比,对生产/过程流程的次序进行更改的那些活动。For those activities with the re-layout against the process flow diagram ( included the new added process), production sequence and steps changed.可能要求对生产设备进行微小调整以满足安全要求,如:安装防护罩,清除潜在 ESD风险等等。这些更改可以不用顾客批准,除非该调整改变了过程流程No approval is needed for the minor adjustment to fulfill the safety function: guards, ESD shield.,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,要 求4 Requirement-4 把工装或设备转移到其他生产场地或在另一生产场地Move the tooling or equipments to other production location or site生产过程工装和/或设备在一个或多个场地中的建筑或设施中转移。Production tooling transferred between one or more locations.,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,要 求 5 Requirement-5分包零件材料或服务(如热处理、电镀)变化影响顾客装配、成型、功能、耐久性或性能的要求Change subcontractor of material or services ( e.g. heat treatment, electro-plating) that affect customer fit, form, function, durability, or performance requirements.对不影响顾客装配、成型、功能、耐久性或性能的要求,供方负责对分承包方的材料和服务进行批准,。Supplier shall be responsible for their sub-suppliers, subcontractors services and material approval that do not affect the customer assembly, forming, function, performance and durability.,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,要 求 6 Requirement-6工装停止批量生产达12个月以上No production from that tooling over 12 months没有采购定单且现有工装已经停止批量生产已经达到或超过12个月时,要求通知顾客。No order from that tooling and no mass production over 12 months, need to notify customers.,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,要 求 7 Requirement-7产品和过程变更 Product and Process Changes任何影响顾客要求的装配性、成型、功能、性能和/或耐久性的更改均要求通知顾客Any changes affect the customer assembly, forming, function, performance and durability,通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,要 求 8 Requirement-8 检查试验方法变更Changes in the testing and inspection method对于试验方法的更改,供方有证据表明新方法提供的结果与老方法的等效性Need to show the new method has the same effectiveness as the approved one.( note: not cover bulk material不包括散裝材料),通知顾客/顾客通知 Customer Notification,要 求 1 Requirement-1新的零件或产品 A new part or product.解 释 或 举 例 For example 对于一种新产品、或一种以前批准的产品,但又指定了一个新的或修改的产品/零件编号时,要求提交。一种新增加到一个产品系列的零件/产品或材料可以使用以前的在相同产品系列中获完全批准的适当的PPAP文件。 Submission is required for a new product or a previously approved product which has a new or revised product/part number assigned to it. A new part/product or material added to a family may use appropriate PPAP documentation from a previously fully approved part within the same product family.,提交要求Submission to Customer,要 求 2 Requirement-2对以前提交零件的不符合进行纠正。 Correction of a discrepancy on a previously submitted part.对所有以前提交的零件的不符合的纠正。 To correct any discrepancies on previously submitted part.,提交要求Submission to Customer,不符合包括以下内容:A “discrepancy”can be related to:产品性能不同于顾客的要求 The product performance against the customer requirement.尺寸或能力问题 Dimensional or capability issues分承包方问题 Subcontractor issue零件的完全批准代替监时性批准 Full Approval of a part replacing an interim approval试验,包括材料、性能、工程确应问题 Testing, including material, performance, engineering validation issue.,提交要求Submission to Customer,要 求 3 Requirement-3关于生产产品/零件编号的设计记录、技术规范、或材料方面的工程更改。 Engineering change to design records, specifications, or materials for production product/part number(s).对于生产产品/零件设计记录、技术规范或材料的所有工程更改都要提交。 Submission is required on any engineering change to production product/part design records, specifications or materials.,提交要求Submission to Customer,要 求 1 Requirement-1对部件级图纸的更改,不影响到提供给顾客产品的设计记录。 Changes to component level drawings, do not impact the design record for the product supplied to the customer.解 释 或 举 例 For example所进行的更改不影响到顾客关于配合、成形、功能、耐久性或性能的要求。 Changes do not affect customer fit, form, function, durability or performance requirements.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,要 求 2 Requirement-2工装在同一工厂内移动,或设备在同一工厂内移动。 Tool movement within the same plant or equipment movement within the same plant. 基于精益生产的目的,有些设备设计为可移动式,如:装在轮子上,并可快速拆卸。一个部门的工作单元的配置或位置在不影响过程流程的情况下进行更改。不会对过程流程或控制计划引起更改。 Based on lean manufacturing initiatives, some equipment is designed form mobility, i.e. on wheels with quick disconnects. Cell configurations or location within a department may be changed without affecting process flow. No change made to process flow or control plan.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,要 求 3 Requirement-3设备方面的更改。Change in equipment.新设备、附加设备、替换设备、或设备尺寸有变化。 New equipment, additional equipment, replacement, or change in equipment size.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,要 求 4 Requirement-4等同的量具更换。 Identical gage replacement.作为量具维护或校淮系统一部分的替换量具。 Gages replaced as a part of a gage maintenance or calibration system.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,要 求 5 Requirement-5重新平衡操作工的作业含量,对过程流程不引起更改。 Rebalance of operator job content with no change in process flow.精益生产允许再次平衡工作含量以消除瓶颈问题。 Lean manufacturing allows for rebalancing job content to eliminate bottleneck issue.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,要 求 6 Requirement-6导致减少PFMEA的RPN值的更改。 Changes resulting in reduced RPN on PFMEA.例如:附加的控制、增加样本容量和抽样频次、以及防错技术在安装上的应用。 Examples include added controls, increased sample size and frequency, and error-proofing installation.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,要 求 7 Requirement-7只對散裝材料: 對批准產品DFMEA的更改; 對PFMEA的更改; 不會嚴重影響到特殊特性的更改; 對批准的商品成分的更改,和/或批准的分承包方的更改; 生產不涉及特殊特性的原材料的分承包方生產現場發生變化; 不涉及特殊特性的原材料的新貨源; 加嚴的顧客/銷售接受容差限值。,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,Requirement-7For Bulk Material only: Changes within the DFMEA on the approved product.Change within PFMEA.Changes which do not significantly affect a Special Characteristic.Changes in approved commodity ingredient and/or change in approved subcontractors.Change in subcontractor producing location of a raw material that has no Special Characteristics.New Source of raw material that has no special Characteristics.Tightening of Customer/Sales acceptance tolerance limits.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,这些更改都在以前规定和/或批准的产品/过程参数范围内。供方的跟踪足以保证产品的性能持续满足规定的应用要求。 These changes are within the product/process parameters previously defined and/or approved. Tracking by supplier is sufficient to assure continuous product performance in the defined application.,顾客不要求通知的情况Situations Where Customer Notification Is Not Required,生产件批准程序 PPAP 提交等级 (submit level),Level 1 - 仅需保证书 Only warranty PSW(适用时, 需提交外观批准报告) If necessary, include Appearance Approval ReportLevel 2 - 保证书 +产品样品+部分支持性数据PSW + Samples + supporting dataLevel 3 - 保证 书+产品样品+全部支持性数据(指定等级)Default Level PSW + Samples + all supporting dataLevel 4 - 保证书 (无产品样品)+ 客戶指定資料PSW + other requirements as defined by customerLevel 5 - 保证书 +产品样品+全部支持性数据:(放在供应商所在地评估 )PSW + all supporting data (Evaluation in supplier site),


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