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    19-20 Module 4 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.doc

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    19-20 Module 4 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.doc

    1Section Learning about Language.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1According to the weather forecast(预报),a hurricane is likely to hit Guangdong Province tonight.2The police launched a campaign(活动) to reduce road accidents.3The soldier gathered all his strength(力量) to save the child out of water.4The film was very frightening(恐怖)I was scared to death when I was seeing it.5During the slow process(过程) of learning,everyone should have patience.6Mass production has made the human beings live a better life.7Bikes are very popular in China.Many people prefer cycling to work.8Citizens here may have free access to the library.9The increase in the number of plants can stop the process of desertification10The sandstorm led to a chain reaction which ended in a serious train crash.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1fright n害怕;恐惧frighten vt.使害怕frightened adj.害怕的frightening adj.吓人的;可怕的2dust n沙尘;灰尘dusty adj.满是灰尘的3strong adj.坚强的;强壮的strength n力量;力气strengthen vt.加强4forecast vt.预报forecaster n气象;预报员5cycle vi.骑自行车cycling n骑自行车运动cyclist n骑自行车的人寻规律、巧记忆前缀 fore­高频词全扫描后缀­th 名词集锦2forecast vt.预报foretell v预言foresee v预见forehead n前额foreword n前言strength 力量length 长度warmth 温暖truth 真理youth 青春.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1be/get caught in 突然遭遇(风暴等) 2cut down 砍倒3dig up 挖出4wake up to 醒来面对;意识到;认识到5prevent sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事6as a result of/because of 因为,由于7one after another 一个接一个地.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1He has been in high spirits,for pieces of exciting news came to him one after another2He hasn't yet woken up to the importance of environmental protection.3I dug up an old photo from the drawer yesterday,which reminded me of the days we spend together on the farm.4As a result of the pilots' strike,all flights have had to be cancelled.5If trees continue to be cut down at the present rate,it won't be long before there are no trees for shade.寻规律、巧记忆“bev.­edin”短语集锦“阻止某人做某事”短语一览31.be caught in 突然遭遇(风暴等)2.be absorbed/lost/buried in专心于3.be involved in 参与1.prevent sb.(from) doing sth.2.stop sb.(from) doing sth.3.keep sb.from doing sth.背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun,and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.沙尘暴常常很浓密,以至于遮住了太阳,有时风力大的足以移动沙丘。“soadj./adv.that.”表示“如此以至于” 。教室如此之吵,班长她不得不提高声音以让同学们听到。 The classroom was so noisy that the monitor had to raise her voice to be heard. 2.Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of“desertification”.因“荒漠化”越发严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。 “appear to have done”表示似乎做了,表示动作的完成。务必让你母亲知道所有的真相,她似乎已经被告知了一切。Do let your mother know all the truth; she appears to have been told everything.3.traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。“make形式宾语宾补真正的宾语”结构,it 用作形式宾语。互联网使得人们可以更容易地获取他们所需要的信息。The Internet makes it easier for people to get the information they want.4frightening adj.吓人的,可怕的(教材 P31)It has lasted for ten hours and was very frightening.它持续了 10 个小时并且非常可怕。(1)fright n 恐惧;害怕with fright 害怕地(2)frighten vt. 使吃惊;惊吓frighten sb.into/out of doing sth.吓得某人做/不敢做某事(3)frightened adj. 害怕的;受到惊吓的be frightened at/of. 害怕be frightened to do sth. 害怕做某事News of the robberies frightened many people into fitting new locks to their doors.发生抢劫案的消息把许多人吓得装上了新门锁。Were you frightened at the sight of your mother's frightened look?(frighten)看到你母亲害怕的表情,你害怕了吗?Because of her last terrible experience,she is frightened to go(go) out at night.因为上次那可怕的经历,她现在晚上不敢出门了。cut down 砍倒;缩减;降价(教材 P31)Deserts are also created because people cut down trees and dig up grass.人们砍伐树木和铲除草地也会导致沙漠的形成。cut in 插嘴;打断cut off 切断;阻断;隔绝5cut out 裁剪;删掉cut up 切碎My uncle hasn't been able to quit smoking,but at least he has cut down.我的叔叔还没能戒烟,但是至少他少抽一些了。The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.大雪使这个城镇与世隔绝了。It is impolite to cut in when other people are talking.当别人谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。mass adj.大量的;大规模的n团;块;堆;大量;许多(教材 P32)Scientists have tried many ways to solve this problem and in China,a mass campaign has been started to help solve it.科学家们尝试过很多办法解决这个问题,在中国,也发动了群众运动来对付沙尘暴。a mass of/masses of 许多的;大量的the masses 群众;平民百姓She has a mass of/masses of things to do.她有一大堆的事情要做。Look! There are (be) masses of dark clouds in the sky.看!天空中有很多乌云。The masses are the true makers of history.人民群众是历史的真正缔造者。名师点津a mass of/masses of“大量的,许多的” ,即可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词与该名词的数保持一致。be caught in 突然遭遇(风、雨等)(教材 P32)“To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience, ” he said.他说:“遭遇沙尘暴是一次很可怕的经历。 ” 6(1)be caught inbe trapped inbe stuck in遭遇(2)catch sb.doing sth. 发现/撞见某人正做某事Bad luck! We were caught/trapped/stuck in a heavy rain yesterday.真倒霉!昨天我们被困在大雨中了。Caught (catch) in the rain last week,she caught a cold.她上周被雨淋了,患了感冒。The boy who the teacher considered to be the best was caught cheating(cheat) in the exam,which surprised us very much.老师认为的最好的那个男孩被抓住考试作弊,这使我们很吃惊。名师点津 be caught in 的主语往往是被困住的人或物,作状语或定语时,要用过去分词形式 caught in。strength nU力量,力气;C长处;优势(教材 P32)The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing,but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.中国中央气象台能在沙尘暴到达北京前几周进行预报,但风力大得有时让人们吃惊。(1)have the strength to do 有做的力气/意志力build up one's strength 增强体质(2)strong adj. 坚强的;强壮的strengthen v. 加强Proper exercise can build up one's strength and reduce diseases.适当的运动能增强体质和减少患病。Having failed once again,he didn't have the strength to have (have) another try.经历了再一次的失败后,他没有力气再试一次了。And the best way to strengthen(strength) will power is to make it into a habit.7加强意志力的最好的方法就是把它变成一种习惯。(教材 P32)Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”因“荒漠化”越发严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。【要点提炼】 句中“appear to have done”为不定式的完成式,即不定式所表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生。其中“appear”用作系动词意为“似乎,好像” 。(1)appear(to be) n/adj.似乎(2)appear to do/to be doing/to have done sth.似乎要做/正在做/已经做过某事(3)It appears (to sb.) that/as if.似乎/好像(4)There appears to be. 似乎有She did her best to appear more self­confident than she felt.她竭力表现得比她感觉的更为自信。There's evidence that people who have a purpose in life appear to do(do) better.有证据显示有生活目标的人似乎表现得更加出色。Nearly half a million people appear to have left(leave) their homes in the past months as a result of the disaster.看起来几乎有 50 万人在过去的数个月中由于灾难的原因离开了家园。It appears that the teacher will make us stay behind after school.老师似乎要让我们放学后留下来。(教材 P32)The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。【要点提炼】 句中“makes it difficult to see”是“make it 宾补真正的宾语”结构,其中 it 为形式宾语,不定式 to see 为真正的宾语,difficult 作宾补。形式宾语的常见句型:8(1)动词it形容词/名词(for sb.) to do sth.(2)动词it形容词/名词从句(3)动词itno good/no use/no value/worth/worthwhiledoing sth.(4)常用于该句型的动词:make/think/consider/find/feel/believe 等。It was the culture,rather than the language,that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.使他很难适应国外新环境的是文化而不是语言。He considers it of great importance that he puts some money aside every month.他认为他每个月存点钱很重要。I consider it no use quarrelling(quarrel) with him about it.我认为就这件事情和他争吵是没有用的。.单句语法填空1After three hours' walk in the sun,I didn't have the strength to walk (walk) any further.2Caught(catch) in a traffic jam,the man arrived at the airport an hour later.3The new coat looked too large on Mary,so her mother had to cut it down4There were so many people in the room that I felt uncomfortable.5Little Tom made it a rule to read(read) aloud and recite ten English words every morning.6Some steps have been taken to prevent the forest from being destroyed(destroy)7. The door was so narrow that we had to enter the room one after another.8He was almost frightened(frighten) to death at the sight of the frightening snake.9As a result of his carelessness,he didn't pass the examination.10There are masses(mass) of dark clouds in the sky,which looks as if it is going to rain.9.单句改错1It was such hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything.suchso2All the passengers helped to push the bus catching in the mud.catchingcaught3The chairman thought it necessary invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.invite 前加 to4It's frightened to think how easily children can be hurt.frightenedfrightening5The club gathered mass of clothes for people in the tsunami­hit countries.massmasses 或 mass 前加 a.完成句子1每天坚持写学习日记是如此重要,所以我想把这种学习方法介绍给你们。Keeping a learning diary every day is so important that I would like to introduce it to you.2微信使人们与他人保持联系更容易了。WeChat makes it easier for people to keep in touch with others.3坐在窗边的小男孩似乎正在读有趣的东西。The boy sitting by the window seems to be reading something interesting.4在选择专业前,你最好考虑到你的优势和劣势。You'd better take into account your own strengths and weaknesses before choosing a major.5为了阻止女儿网上聊天,他们用尽了办法。To prevent their daughter (from) chatting online,they have tried all kinds of means.


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