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    课时分层作业7 Learning about Language.doc

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    课时分层作业7 Learning about Language.doc

    1课时分层作业课时分层作业(七七)语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1Being caught(catch) in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.2What a frightening scene on the stage!Yeah,we girls were really frightened(frighten)3The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took masses (mass) of pictures of them.4The teacher caught him sleeping (sleep) in class,which made his parents angry.5He appeared to be reading (read) an English book when I entered the room.6As a result of the sandstorm,there were fewer people on the road and the traffic moved slowly.7It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk.8I find it no use talking (talk) to a person like him about it because he doesn't care about it.9As a student in Senior School,I must work hard.Meanwhile,I should take exercise to strengthen (strength) my body.10We should prevent young trees being cut (cut) down.完成句子1他是个如此优秀的学生,以至于我们都想以他为榜样。He is so excellent a student that/such an excellent student that we all want to make him our example.2这地方很难让人安静地生活。The location made it difficult to lead a quiet personal life.3练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的品质。Practicing Chinese kung fu can not only build up one's strength,but also develop one's character.4表面上看起来,我们好像很勇敢,但是我们的内心里充满了恐惧和焦虑。2We may appear to be brave,but we are fearful and anxious inside.5从学校回家的路上,我碰上了大雨。I was caught in the downpour on my way home from school.高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解As most people know,in the past few years,sandstorms have swept across many cities and areas of North China,polluting the air and disturbing daily lives of human beings.People look dirty and suffer many kinds of illnesses,such as breath difficulty.The sandstorm is such a serious problem that it has not only undermined the industrial and agricultural development of our country but also caused a lot of trouble to the living conditions of the Chinese people.It is expected that effective (有效的) measures should be taken as soon as possible through our joint efforts to limit its occurrence.So what should we do with the frightening sandstorms? Some experts put forward practical suggestions as follows: For one thing,more funds (基金) ought to be put into tree planting and forest protection so as to keep more water resources within the surface of the earth.For another,governments of all countries should make laws on environmental protection.For example,banning the use of throw­away chopsticks and punishing illegal tree cutting.Scientists should also study and find ways to cut down the degree of its destruction and to improve the whole environment.How people look forward to sunny days with little breeze (微风) touching their faces now and forever! Nevertheless,I am fully confident that the golden days can come back so long as everyone tries his best to protect natural environment from today on.【语篇解读】 本文讲述的是沙尘暴对我们的工农业和生活的影响,分析了我们能够采取的多种措施。31The underlined word “undermined” in Paragraph 1 means Aweakened BencouragedCkept DmadeA 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知,沙尘暴不仅仅削弱了工农业的发展,还带来很多生活方面的困难,故该词是指 A 项意思。2From the first paragraph,we can infer AChina has taken no measures to prevent sandstormsBsandstorms can cause much damage to human beings and their daily livesCthe sandstorm is the most dangerous natural disaster to human beingsDmore sandstorms will happen in the near future in North ChinaB 推理判断题。根据第一段中“but also caused a lot of trouble to the living conditions of the Chinese people”说明沙尘暴会给人们的生活带来很多的麻烦,故 B 正确。3How many ways do some experts put forward to fight against sandstorm?A5. B4.C3. D2.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“For one thing,more funds (基金) ought to .”和“For another,governments of all countries should make laws on environmental protection.”以及“Scientists should also study and find ways to cut down the degree of its destruction and to improve the whole environment.”说明文章中提出了 3 种方法,故 C 正确。4What's the author's attitude towards the situation to sandstorms' problems? AUnconfident. BOptimistic.CRegretful. DSatisfied.B 推理判断题。根据文章最后“I am fully confident that the .environment from today on.”说明作者很有信心。故 B 正确。.完形填空Nobody knew that Gemma had a secret.Not even her sisters or her parents had any 1 She had never 2 anyone,as she didn't think that they would 3 Everyone knew that Gemma was creative and imaginative.They 4 knew that 4she was a very shy and quiet young girl.What they didn't know was that Gemma's best friend was 5 ,only existing in her mind.They had been friends for more than two years.Her name was Taylor and she was the very best 6 that a young girl could hope for.Gemma and Taylor would often 7 together.Taylor followed Gemma like a shadow(影子)They would run after each other in the park.They also 8 to play with Gemma's collection of dolls in the back garden.At night they whispered(低语)to each other and shared stories 9 Gemma fell asleep.Even when Gemma was with other friends she would always 10 Taylor.They were 11 together and sharing jokes between themselves.One day Taylor just 12 Gemma was very 13 that her friend was not around any more.She looked everywhere for her,but she was nowhere to be 14 .She couldn't even tell her family why she was so sad 15 they had no idea Taylor existed.For a while,Gemma was very 16 and didn't speak very much to anyone.It was only over time that she 17 her loss and no longer felt sad.She made 18 friends and grew even closer to her sisters.19 Taylor made Gemma appreciate her family and loved ones even more.She always 20 Taylor though and all the fun that she brought into her life.【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。好友的消失虽然使 Gemma 倍感伤心,然而她也最终释怀并学会珍爱身边的人。1A.secret BideaCworry DplanB 根据该句中的 Not even 可知,甚至连 Gemma 的姐妹和父母都不了解她的“秘密(idea)” 。2A.known BdoubtedCtaught DtoldD 根据文章首句“Nobody knew that Gemma had a secret”可知,Gemma 没有将秘密“告诉(tell)”任何人。3A.change BhelpCunderstand Dagree5C Gemma 不告诉家人自己的秘密是因为她觉得他们都不会“明白(understand)” 。4A.also BsoonCjust DonceA 根据上一句中的“Everyone knew”和下一句中的“What they didn't know”可知,这里指每个人“也(also)”都知道 Gemma 是一个腼腆安静的女孩。5A.funny BterribleChomeless DimaginaryD 根据该空后的“only existing in her mind”可知,Gemma 最好的朋友是她“想出来的(imaginary)” 。6A.sister BfriendCdoll DneighborB 根据下文描述 Gemma 的好友 Taylor 的故事可知,Taylor 是任何一个女孩都梦寐以求的最好的“朋友(friend)” 。7A.dance BsingCplay DstudyC 根据该段接下来描述 Gemma 和 Taylor 嬉戏可知,她们俩经常一起“玩耍(play)” 。8A.liked BchoseCfeared DdecidedA 她们也“喜欢(liked)”在后花园玩 Gemma 的玩具。9A.if BwhenCsince DuntilD 根据 Gemma 和她的朋友 Taylor 形影不离可知,晚上她们会一起分享故事“直至(until)”Gemma 入睡。10A.talk of Bthink aboutCbelieve in Dlook forB 解析见下题。11A.always Balready6Cstill DfinallyA 根据“Even when Gemma was with other friends”可知,Gemma 和Taylor“总是(always)”在一起,即便 Gemma 身边有其他朋友的陪伴,她也老“想着(think about)”Taylor。12A.forgot BwaitedCdisappeared DarrivedC 根据下一句中的“her friend was not around any more”可知,有一天Taylor“不见了(disappear)” 。13A.tired BunhappyCweak DunsafeB 最好的朋友消失不见了,Gemma 肯定会非常“难过(unhappy)” 。下文中的 she was so sad 为提示。14A.stolen BboughtCmentioned DfoundD 根据该句中的 but 可知,Gemma 找遍了所有地方但是都“找(find)”不到 Taylor。15A.though BunlessCbecause DwhileC “不能告诉父母自己伤心难过”和“父母并不知道好友的存在”之间为因果关系,故填 because。16A.quiet BbusyCbored DhonestA 根据该空后的“didn't speak very much to anyone”可知,Gemma 有一段时间变得非常“安静(quiet)” 。17A.reported BacceptedCdiscussed DcaredB 根据该空后的“no longer felt sad”可知,Gemma 慢慢“接受(accept)”了现实。18A.familiar Bcommon7Cright DnewD 根据该空后的“grew even closer to her sisters”可知,Gemma 慢慢和自己的姐妹变得更亲近,因此她也走出了阴霾,开始结交“新(new)”朋友。19A.Meeting BLeavingCLosing DDiscoveringC 根据上文描述 Taylor 消失不见的故事可知, “失去(lose)”Taylor 使得Gemma 更加珍惜家人和关爱他人。20A.remembered BrecognizedCsaw DkeptA 根据该句中的“though”可知,Gemma 还是一直“记得(remember)”Taylor 以及 Taylor 给她带来的快乐。


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