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    2020同步外研英语必修1新突破(课件+讲义+精练):Module 3Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.doc

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    2020同步外研英语必修1新突破(课件+讲义+精练):Module 3Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.doc

    1Section Learning about Language.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1It was right aft er midnight (午夜) when Anne returned to her apartment.2Being an expert(专家) in the computer field, he is respected by all of us.3The sun shone(闪耀) brightly in a cloudless sky yesterday.4Sometimes they drove slowly, enjoying the beautiful scenery(风景) of the countryside.5I'm leaving for Hainan tomorrow for my vacation.You are so lucky.I have to do extra work.Have a good journey(旅程)6Children should be trained from an early age in table manners.7The government has set a safety law on food product in 2017.8Plants cannot grow without soil, water and sunlight.9The abandoned disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society.10The distance from the farm to the town is five kilometers.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1distant adj.遥远的distance n距离2abandon vt.抛弃;遗弃abandoned adj. 被遗弃的3product n. 产品produce v生产production n生产,产量寻规律、巧记忆“旅行”名词大观园别样“风景”2journey 旅行;旅程travel 旅行;游记trip(短途)旅行;远足voyage 航海;太空旅行scenery n风景;景色scene n场景;风景view n景色;风景sights n风景;名胜.补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语1more than 超过2refer to 指的是3get on 上(车、船等)4get off 下(车、船等)5get into 上(车);进入;陷入6get out of 下(车);出去;逃避7take off (飞机)起飞8be short for 是的缩写/简称9not .any more 不再.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1Never get off while the car is moving.2The plane took off an hour late.3Jan.is short for January, which is the first month of one year.4The term “Arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences.5On getting on the bus, I found all the seats were taken.寻规律、巧记忆3“v.off”短语集汇get 短语汇总take off(飞机)起飞show off 炫耀give off 放出put off 推迟;拖延pay off 还清;回报get up 起身;站起get to 到达get out 出去get on 上(车、船、飞机等)背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.What do you think the central part of the country is like?你认为这个国家的中部怎么样?do you think作插入语。你认为谁是我们班最好的学生?Who do you think is the best student in our class?2.And what a ride!多精彩的乘车旅程啊!感叹句。那是多么可怕的一幕啊!What a horrible scene it is!3.We ate great meals cooked by experts!我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹饪大师们做的!过去分词短语作定语。我们都喜欢班长讲的那个故事。We all like the story told by our monitor.4.The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.直到 20 世纪 20 年代,阿富汗人和它们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。until时间状语(从句)。他母亲一直等到他半夜回来。His mother waited until he came back at midnight.distance n距离;远处(教材 P21)Which of them can you use to travel a long distance?4你可以乘坐哪些交通工具进行远距离旅行呢?(1)in the distance 在远方;在远处at a distance 稍远处at a distance of 在远的地方(2)distant adj. 遥远的; 冷淡的Farther in the distance,I could enjoy the view of snowy mountains.在更远的地方,我能够欣赏雪山的美景。The sound of the waterfall can be heard at a distance of two miles.在两英里外就能听到瀑布的声音。That lovely summer holiday in Beijing already felt like a distant (distance) memory.在北京度过的那个美好的暑假感觉好像已是遥远的回忆了。图形助记 at a distance in the distancerefer to 指的是;提到,谈到;查阅;涉及(教材 P21)Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.一些动词不仅仅指一种交通方式。写出下列句中 refer to 的含义When I said some people were stupid, I wasn't referring to you.指的是Don't refer to your notes or dictionary when taking a test.查阅In his speech, he didn't refer to the problem at all.提到,谈到The problem refers to land used for industry.5涉及refer to.as. 把称作refer to a dictionarylook up sth.in a dictionary 查字典People who work in offices are usually referred to as “white collar workers”在办公室工作的人通常被称作“白领工人” 。名师点津 refer 的过去式、过去分词和现在分词都先双写 “r” , 再加上 “­ed” 或 “­ing” 。类似的词还有 prefer。take off 起飞;脱下; 休假;开始成功(经典例句)We eventually took off at 12 o'clock and arrived in Italy at 18:30.我们最终在 12 点起飞, 18: 30 到达意大利。写出下列句中 take off 的含义He took off his coat as soon as he entered his room.脱下Because of the heavy fog, the plane couldn't take off on time.起飞He took off because of his excellent performance in the final of Sing! China of 2017.开始成功His mother was seriously ill, so he had to take a day off to look after her.休假take up 占去;占据(时间、 地位等);从事;开始做take down 记下;拆卸take on 呈现;雇用take over 接管;接任I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time.对不起,我占用了你这么多时间。6It is certain that when Mr.Green retires, his son will take over the business from him.可以确信的是,格林先生退休后,他的儿子将接管他的生意。get on 上(车、 船等); 进展、 相处(教材 P23)We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometres away.我们在悉尼上车, 在 4000 多千米以外的澳大利亚中部的艾丽斯斯普林斯下车。get on/along with 进展;与相处get off 下(车、船等)get into 上(车);进入;陷入get out of 下(车);摆脱The workers couldn't get on for lack of materials.由于缺少材料,工人们无法继续下去。He isn't good at talking but he gets on/along well with other people.他不善言辞,但是他与其他人相处得很好。And I'm willing to help you to get out of the situation.而且我愿意帮助你从这种情况中摆脱出来。巧学助记 get geton(to) offa bus a train a plane a ship)into out ofa car a taxi a canoe a boat)abandoned adj.被遗弃的(教材 P23)We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.我们看到被遗弃了的 100 多年前建造的农庄。abandon v 放弃;遗弃;丢弃;放纵abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事abandon oneself to 沉湎于; 陷入Despite some difficulties, they're not going to abandon the plan.7尽管遇到了一些困难, 但他们并不打算终止这个计划。We were forced to abandon doing(do) the research for lack of money.由于缺钱我们被迫放弃研究。Those who abandon themselves to playing(play) computer games can not succeed.那些沉迷于网络游戏的人不会成功。be short for 简称, 缩写(教材 P23)Ghan is short for Afghanistan.Ghan 是阿富汗的缩写。be short of 缺少in short 总之; 简言之What does IOC mean?IOC 是什么意思?It is short for the International Olympic Committee.它是国际奥委会的简称。 I still want to help you though I am short of money too.虽然我也缺钱, 但是我仍想帮你。In short, everyone should take part in the fight against the haze.总而言之, 每个人都要参与到抵制雾霾的斗争中。(教材 P23)And what a ride!多精彩的乘车旅程啊!【要点提炼】 本句是一个省略式的感叹句。其完整形式为: And what a ride it was!感叹句型表示说话者的惊异、 喜悦、 沮丧等情绪。常见感叹句型: (1)Whata/an(adj.)可数名词单数(主语谓语)!What(adj.)可数名词复数/不可数名词(主语谓语)!(2)Howadj./adv.(主语谓语)!Howadj.a/an可数名词单数(主语谓语)!How主语谓语!8What a good suggestion you have put forward!How good a suggestion you have put forward!你提出了一个多么好的建议啊!What great fun it is to swim in the river in summer!夏天在河里游泳多快乐呀!How excited we were at the news that we won first place!听到我们赢得第一名这个消息时,我们多么激动啊!1(教材 P23)We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometers away.【分析】 句中 and 连接两个并列分句,right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometers away 表示地点和距离,作定语修饰 Alice Springs。【翻译】 我们在悉尼上车,在 4 000 多千米以外的澳大利亚中部的艾丽斯斯普林斯下车。2(教材 P23)In 1925, they passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem.【分析】 本句的主干是 they passed a law,前面的 In 1925 作时间状语,后面由 which 引导定语从句修饰先行词 a law,其中 if 引导条件状语从句。【翻译】 1925 年通过了一项法令,规定如果这些动物成为问题,就允许人们射杀它们。.单句语法填空1He was shot (shoot) in the back while trying to escape.2The manager doesn't allow speaking (speak) loudly in the office.3It was foolish of him to refer to his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.4Production(product) is going up because we have introduced new techniques.5We waited at the station till twelve and finally got on the train.96The villagers called a few experts (expert) to teach them how to prevent plant diseases.7We were all amused to watch two trained (train) elephants perform dances.8Internet shopping will really take off when people make sure that it is safe.9I tried knocking (knock) at the back door, but nobody answered.10There is no doubt that the working conditions will improve in the not too distant (distance) future.完成句子1你认为当我遇到这种事时应该做什么?What do you think I should do when I meet something like this?2多么美丽的一个地方啊!我将再次参观它。What a beautiful place/How beautiful a place! I'll visit it again.3直到教授来了我们才开始实验。We didn't begin the experiment until the professor came.4这个男孩一看到妈妈就不再哭了。The boy didn't cry any more as soon as he saw his mother.5这个家庭陷入困境,因为他们缺钱为他们的儿子治病。The family was in trouble because they were short of money to cure their son.


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