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    硕士学位论文 MASTER'S THESIS IV. Results and Discussion Teachers, burnout is not an instant response to a particular eventj but a result of experiencing stress over long periods of time. Through the narration the participants, questionnaire and individual interview of this study, the reasons for 90s novice English teachers in senior high school are various and complex. In this part, the author analyzes the reasons of teachers5 burnout from internal and external aspects, including individuals, teaching targets, organization and society. 4.1 Results 4.1.1 Status quo of the 9 i noyice English teachers9 burnout Three participants are novice English teachers in senior high schools. Vonk (1989) argues that it is the critical period of their profession at the beginning of their teaching for novice teachers. At this stage, they are trying to their role from students to teachers and first take on responsibility of teaching independently and completely. Teachers5 professional development is pretty complex, which is a multidimensional and contextualized process. Hauge (2000) and Flores (2001) pointed out that the differences of values, different education and practice cause their conflicts in their identities and recognition and accompany novice teachers for their identity. The case study of the three 90s novice English teachers* in senior high school shows that novice teachers are trapped in a state of unhealtfainess, unhappiness and unpleasantness both in the body and mind on the whole. And they have suffered teachers5 burnout to varying degrees and the main symptoms are in terms of emotional exhaustion, low sense of achievement, burnout and damage in health and interpersonal relationships. Their confidence and enthusiasm in teaching are greatly decreased wiien they feel any of the symptoms of burnout excessive tiredness, distraction, lack of interest, a vague sense of futility. Thus it has a bad effect on their teaching efficiency and its negative effect has affected students* mental health and violates the goal of quality education. Teachers burnout may become a severe challenge to novice teachers5 professional development if not taken seriously. 17 硕士学位论文 MASTER'S THESIS 4.1,1.1 The first stage of 90s novice teachers9 burnout At the beginning of the three novice English teachers9 teaching, they did show their foil expectation of their work and students and they were quite confident. But some problems did occur to them sooner or later during their work. Novice teachers are at the beginning stage of their professional development and they are exposed to many influences. They are sensitive to various comments outsides and thus find it even harder to make their new teaching and happy transition (Yuan Lei, 2007). These novice teachers have the following characteristics: (1) be proud of their new class, students and working place as a new teacher and have full of energetic and enthusiasm; (2) struggle to find the recognition from students, colleagues and school administrators. Ms Zhang was always a good student at school and English was her major in her college and she continued to choose English education as her major during her postgraduate time. Indeed, she really has the qualification and capacity to a teacher in such a good high school. But for a young and new teacher like her, it was really challenging and stressful for her. Just like other novice teacher, she could not help showing her excitement and love of teaching career and made her teaching work full of expectation. "When I first heard the students say 'hi7 to me and smiled at me happily, my heart beat so quickly and I was walking on air. When I saw students eager eyes of knowledge, I made up my mind to be a good teacher and try my best to get along well with my students. This is my true feeling of the first day from the bottom of my heart when I became the teacher of these two class. (September 1, 2015) . t4I want to have a good relationship with my students, teacher and students in class and friends after class, and create a harmonious and lively atmosphere in my class. I don9t want to be my English teachers in my middle school, who were always serious and never smiled in their class. I dont want my students to be nervous or afraid of me. At first, they showed great interest in me, and even asked something unrelated to study. Sometimes, when I asked them to be quiet and concentrate on the lesson, they seemed not to heard it and went on their playing. They calmed down until I stared at them silently and seriously for a long time. Actually, I was very angry, but I tried not to lost temper. Indeed, I was pretty confused at some students9 ill-mannered behavior in her class and got amb:guous cognition about my role as a teacher.!, (September 11, 2015). When Ms Yan went to this school, she was so proud of herself for being a teacher in a public school, which was more stable and has better management compared with 18 项士学位论文 MASTER'S THESIS private schools or tutoring organizations for middle schools. She thought it was worth spending two years passing the recruitment examination, though it was a long and rough way for a graduate student. She was hopefiil and satisfied with what she got at first. t4As a new and young English teacher of two classes in high school, my workload was much heavier than I have imagined. Normally, I work five days and a half every week. English is a major course, so every week I have twelve classes, six classes of morning reading and four classes of night coaching arrangement. Besides having English classes, I spent most my time preparing for lessons and making and revising the course-ware over and over ain. After all, it was a matter within my duties and I should do it well. But later I realized that teaching student English was really challenging. What I taught was two slow classes and most students showed no interest in learning English or had poor English, and some even below the level of students of junior high school. But I still believed that nothing is impossible to a willing heart, so I believe I can do it well.” ( September 29,2014) Mr Wang is a little introverted and shy in front of the whole class at the first time. Actually, it weis not his own willing and choice to major in English education and be a teacher as his job. He works in a private senior high school of his hometown where agriculture plays an important role, people do not attach importance to education. On the whole, it has poor qualities of students and lack of management in the students9 learning and teaching. (September 17, 2013) The second stage of 90s novice teachers9 burnout They are over-stressed and anxious at their work and focus on their survival matters and need practical teaching skills badly. They feel unqualified in teaching for lack actual teaching experience and limited knowledge about teaching activities. Therefore, they need understanding and support from experienced teachers, thus direct teaching coach and guidance are necessary as well (Ma Shunlin, 2009). As Ms Zhang stated, uAs a novice teachers, I was not familiar with the daily teaching work. Sometimes, I found the students didn make out my instructions so well and their performance was so poor and their attitude to learning English was pretty negative. Gradually, I was very upset and worried it would get worse and worse* Even though I tried my best to concentrated on my teaching work, but it was still full of endless teaching task, preparing lessons, checking students9 homework, having class, watching them do individual study at night. I did not have any time for a rest, let alone my personal life while other teachers were not as busy as I am. Though I was 19 碩士学位论文 MASTER'S THESIS very upset, I pretended to be OK and just tried to do the work of own devoir based on dedicated and serious working attitude. But I was under too much pressure and I was not myself all the day. I had a headache, chest congestion and could not stand without leaning against the wall or students9 chairs. I wanted to live a normal life for a while, without students, teaching, teachers5 evaluation or anything related to school work. (November 14, 2015) 4<It was the first time I got very angry and lost my temper during the class. I reminded a naughty boy not to make noise or talk to his desk-mate in class. He pretended not to hear me and put away his book, preparing to sleep on his desk. I approached him and ordered him to take out his book and behave bell. He sat motionless. I raised my voice and told him stand up, but he stood up immediately shouted at me loudly and went out of the classroom. I was flushed with shame with tears in my eyes. So I stopped my lesson and made students finish the task by themselves. Later, that boy student was punished at school for talking back to the teacher and breaking the rules. But more similar bad behaviors have occurred in my class since then. I did reflect myself a lot every night and went through a period of sleeplessness. I know that the relationship between teachers and students must be dealt with properly in my teaching. That is to say, teachers as conductors and students as the main body. So I began to reconsider how to deal well with the relations between students. For a long time, I kept awake for the whole night and I was exhausted and drained, too weak to speak in class sometimes.” (November 27, 2015) 66In order to be equally competent for this job, I tried my best to fully prepare for the class and I asked the experienced English teachers in my office for some advice in terms of my teaching design and my course-ware. But sometimes I just concentrated on what I was teaching, without taking my students into consideration, so I spent all my time improving my teaching skills and motivating them by all means. When I prepared lessons before class, I also tried to get to know them from all around and took much time to get familiar the English textbook. One the one hand, I want my students to experience a lively curriculum that is innovative in method, scholarly in content, and global in scope as what the quality-oriented education initiated and tried to make all my students participate in the classroom activities and discussion. On the other hand, as a senior high school teacher, I must guarantee my students get high scores in each examination and will get high scores in the college entrance examination. But the fact was quite the other way around. The student test scores of 20 硕士学位论文 MASTER'S THESIS each unit was far from satisfaction and has fallen so far behind. The average score of my two classes both in Grade 1 was much lower than other classes taught by other teachers, most of whom are provincial grade teacher, academic leaders, educational experts. I was confused and did not know what I could do. I thought I could never catch up with what these English teaching master in this school. And situations were quite similar to Ms Yans. “When I had English class, the students hardly complied with classroom discipline, especially some boy students in the back of the classroom. They laughed and talked loudly, played smart phones, listened to music or slept during her class. I was very angry and flew into a temper. But it didnt work at all. Sometimes, the angrier I was, the happier the naughty students got. One day, when I tried to stop students1 bad behaviors in class, someone even hit her back and pushed her in the face of the whole class and rule-breaking behavior made them more popular. I felt humiliated and offended as a teacher. And I had no choice but stopped class for a while several times. Though the head master of the class criticized them seriously and asked their parents to come to school for these matters, they still showed their true colors several days later. Finally, I chose to ignore these undisciplined students and told that they could sleep in my class as long as they kept quite in class. But more and more students did so, and I could not go on my English teaching while the whole class were sleeping or did nothing to do with English learning. Sometimes, I raised my voice or called their names to answer my questions to draw their attention. Some most undisciplined boys even complained I was making too much noise and affecting their rest and sleeping in class. Similar circumstances kept adding up and I forced myself to deal with such situations over and over again. Every time I was going to have a class for them, I felt I was not teaching students English but deal with troubled teenagers and these teenagers who were having problems always reversed my direction. They almost drove me crazy and I was tired and exhausted physically and mentally. I was almost collapsed on the bed when the day was off at night.”( October 18, 2014) Mr Wang: 46As an English teacher as well as a head teacher in a private senior high school in the countryside, I am often exhausted before term even starts because of the endemic pressure to plan every lesson several weeks in advance, especially in the first two terms. And during the class, no matter how much time I have prepared for my lesson and what methods I took to encourage and motivate the students, they still kept silent or slept in class all the time. At first, I got angry at their passive and 21 硕士学位论文 MASTER'S THESIS negative attitude and poor performance in the English class. And I tried my best to find the the root cause and plamed to help with their English step by step at the beginning of my teaching the classes. It turned out that the level of the whole class English was too low and it caused them to fail to keep pace with me even from the first textbook of English and they had hard time in learning senior high school English. They could not participate in the class activities or discussion in English. I spared no effort to help them start from scratch and improved their English from all around, but it just did very little work for changing the status quo. I lost my temper easily and more frequently once students behaved badly or did not keep discipline. I was not as patient as before after two years9 tolerance and and I ran out all my enthusiasm and I felt I was burnout like a like a deflated balloon.”( October 11, 2015) The second stage comes some good novice teachers after two to three years5 development. These novice teachers begin to adapt to their role as teachers after more teaching experience gained in their work. But at the same time, they usually feel quite helpless in the face of problem students, undisciplined and rebellious students. They are still short of experience in this aspect and it usually affects novice teachers9 teaching in class. Novice teachers are always serious about their teaching but ifs still unsatisfactory and unsuccessful. To some extent, they are still stiff to abide by the codes of teaching in teaching theories without taking their teaching situatio


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