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    On the Translator's Subjectivity in Feminist Translation:A Study of Zhu Qingying's Chinese Version of Jane Eyre 专业名称 : Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 作者姓名: 杨虹 ON THE TRANSLATORS SUBJECTIVITY IN FEMINIST TRANSLATION: A STUDY OF ZHU QINGYINGS CHINESE VERSION OF JANE EYRE by Yang Hong A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Xian International Studies University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS m Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Xian, China 2016 This thesis, by Yang Hong (杨虫工 ), with Professor Huang Li-bo (黄 立波 ) as the academic advisor, is ac cepted in the present form by the Graduate School of Xi5an International Studies University as satisfying the thesis requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the academi c field of literature. Academic Advisor Chair of the Defense Committee June 9, 2016 I Date ORIGINALITY RESEARCH STATEMENT In light of the university5 s academic morals and et hies, I hereby declare that this thesis represents the original research ef fort that I have made on the advice of m y academic supervisor. To the best of m y knowledge, no portion of this thesis has been copyrighted previously unless properly referenced, and whoeve r has contributed to t his study is explicitly identified and appreciated in the Acknowledgements section of this thesis. If there is a breach of t he copyright law, I indemnify Xi5an International Studies University and hold it harmless for any legal actions that might arise. Signature Date June 9,2016 独创性声明 秉承学校严谨的学风与优良的科学道德,我声明所呈交的论文是 我本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除了 文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或 撰写的研究成果,不包含本人或他人已申请学位或其他用途使用过的 成果。他人对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并 表示了致谢。 申请学位论文与资料若有不实之处,本人承担一切相关责任。 作 者 签 名 : 於 袭 I 日期 : 2016 年 6 月 9 日 III INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT I hereby declare that I fully understand the rules and regulations of Xian International Studies University on intellectual property rights, stipulating that the intellectual propert y of the graduate student s MA degree thesis shall reside excl usively with the uni versity. I pledge that Xin International Studies University will be represented as ever if this thesis is entirely or partially published in the forthcoming five years as of the date of my graduation. The university is granted the right to keep the photocopy and disk file of this thesis for reference and borrowing, publish the thesis wholly or partially and store it in any form by any m eans, including photocopying or photom echanical printing in original or reduced format. Signature Date June 9, 2016 IV 知识产权声明 本人完全了解西安外国语大学有关知识产权的规定,即:研究生 在校攻读硕士学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西安外国语大学。 本人保证毕业离校后 5 年以内(自办理离校手续之日起),发表论文 或使用论文工作成果时署名单位仍然为西安外国语大学。学校有权保 留送交论文的复印件和磁盘文件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以 公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保 存论文。 作者签名 : 期 : 曰 V 2016 年 6 月 9 日 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Huang Li-bo, my academ ic supervisor, not only for his invaluable instructions in the past three years and insightful comments on my thesis, but for the great help and encouragement he generously offers in the process of the preparation fo r the paper. Without his helpfi.il and patient instructions, this paper could not have reached its present form. Next, I want to present m y thankfulness to all the teachers who taught me during my postgraduate st udy in Xian International S tudies University. I have learned the basic theories and got som e translation practice from their courses. Their lectures give me much enlightenment in translation studies. Last but not the le ast, my gratitude goes to m y parents and m y roommates. I could not have finished the whole paper without t he encouragement and support of m y parents. They provide me with comfortable life, allowing me to concentrate on my study. I also owe my sincere gratitude to m y roommates Pei Lu, Guo Y uanyuan and Duan Zhijin, whose tender care for me and encouragement give me a lot of courage in facing difficulties both in study and life. VI ABSTRACT In the 1980s, the “cultural turn” appeared in translation st udies. Since then, many research ers have studied translation from various perspectives, for exam pie, translation norm s, manipulation theory , postcolonial theory, feminism and the like. As on e special perspective, feminism has a major infl uence on translation studies. Female and translation have the same social status and comm on interest, and the combination of them is natural. Feminist translation theory pays much attention to translator s subjectivity, especially the fem inist translators subjectivity. Feminist translators subjectivity is special, which is dif ferent from the traditional translator subjectivity. Feminist translators are not satisfied that the translator is degraded. It has been a long time women are in subordinate positions in society. Feminist translators try to remove the gender bias in translation studies, i mprove the stat us of women an d exert t heir subjectivity. The translator s subjectivity in the fem inist translation mainly include the four aspects: 1) reint erpreting the concept of fidelity and emphasizing on creative treason; 2) em phasizing on di fference in meaning; 3) achieving visibility of fem inist translators; 4) emphasis on the equal position between th e author and the translator. In addition, feminist translators prefer to adopt three important translation strategies: VII supplementing, prefacing and foot noting, hijacking. The above ideas form the theoretical basis of the feminist translator 5s subjectivity in their translation practice. Jane Eyre is a famous feminist novel. If the original text is translated under the guidance of the fem inist translation theory and the female translators can convey the meaning of the source text to the Chinese readers more faithfiilly and vividl y. Compared with Huang Y uanshen version, this thesis intends to expl ore the Zhu Qingying, s subjectivity in her Chinese version of Jane Eyre from the fem inist translation perspective. A statistical comparison is made between the two versions. Besides, the analysis of Zhu s translation strategies and linguistic characteristics suggests that the female translator Zhu Qingying em ploys different translation strategies consciousl y or unconsciousl y to em body the feminine awareness in order to make women seen and heard in the text and exert her subjectivity as well as rebuild female status. Key Words: Feminist translation; translator subjectivity; Jane Eyre VIII 摘要 20 世纪 80 年代以来,随着翻译研究 “ 文化转向 ” 的出现,许多 研究者从不同的角度研究翻译,例如,翻译规范、操纵理论、后殖民 主义理论、女性主义角度等等。女性主义从一个特殊的角 度,对翻译 研究产生了很大影响。女性和翻译有相同的社会地位,所以他们的结 合是很自然的。 女性主义翻译理论关注译者的主体性,特别是女性主义译者的主 体性。女性主义译者的主体性有别于传统的译者主体性。女性主义译 者对贬低译者地位很不满意,而女性在社会中也长期处于从属地位。 女性主义译者试图消除翻译研究中的性别偏见,提高妇女地位和发挥 女性译者的主体性。译者的主体性在女性主义翻译中主要包括四个方 面: 1)重新定义 “ 忠实 ” ,并强调创造性叛逆; 2)强调意义的不同; 3)女性主义译者实现可见性; 4)强调作者和译者之间 的平等地位。 除此之外,女性主义译者经常使用三种翻译策略:增补,加写前言和 脚注,劫持。上述思想形成了在翻译实践中,女性主义译者主体性的 理论基础。 简爱是一部著名的女性主义小说。如果在女性主义翻译理论 指导下翻译原文,则女性译者可以更加忠实、生动地向中国读者传达 源文本的意思。本文以黄源深的译本为参照,从女性主义翻译角度探 讨祝庆英简爱中译本中的译者主体性。通过对两个译本的数据对 比,女性译者祝庆英翻译策略及语言特色的分析,表明了女性译者祝 IX 庆英有意或无意地运用了不同的翻译策略来体现女性意识,从而使女 性译者在译文中被看到或听到,发挥她的译者主体性,提升女性地位。 关键词:女性主义翻译;译者主体性;简爱 CONTENTS ORIGINALITY RESEARCH STATEMENT . II INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT . IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . VI f商 . IX CONTENTS . XI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1 Purpose of This Study . 1 1.2 Research Method . 2 1.3 Significance of The Thesis . 2 1.4 Thesis Structure . 3 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW . 4 2.1 Studies on the Chinese Translations of Jane Eyre . 4 2.2 Feminist Translation Research . 6 2.2.1 A Proposal of Feminist Translation Theory in the West . 7 2.2.2 Introduction and Application of Feminist Translation Theory in China 8 2.3 Translators Subjectivity . 10 Chapter III TRANSLATORS SUBJECTIVITY IN FEMINIST TRANSLATION .13 3.1 The Feminist Translators Subjectivity . 14 3.1.1 Reinterpretation of Fidelity and Creative Treason . 15 3.1.2 Emphasis on Difference in Meaning . 17 3.1.3 Visibility of Feminist Translators. 18 3.1.4 Emphasis on the Equal Position between the Author and Translator. 19 3.2 Three Translation Strategies . 20 3.2.1 Supplementing . 20 3.2.2 Prefacing and Footnoting . 21 3.2.3 Hijacking . 21 3.3 An Analysis Model . 23 XI CHAPTER IV AN ANALYSIS OF ZHU QINGYING, S SUBJECTIVITY IN HER CfflNESE VERSION OF JANE EYRE FROM THE FEMIMSTIC PERSPECTIVE 25 4.1 A Statistical Comparison between Zhus and Huangs Versions . 25 4.2 Zhus Translation Strategies . 29 4.2.1 Addition of Words or Phrases. 31 4.2.2 Zhus Preface to the Translation . 33 4.2.3 Alteration of the Original Sentence Structure . 34 4.3 Linguistic Characteristics in Zhus Version . 36 4.3.1 Lexical Level . 37 Frequent Use of Modal Particles . 37 Use of Words with Conjectural Tone . 40 More Use of Adverbs . 42 Avoidance of the Coarse Words . 44 Emphasis on Words about Female Status . 46 4.3.2 Syntactical Level . 48 More Use of Tag Questions . 48 Employment of Parallel Structures . 49 Rhetorical Technique: Simile . 51 4.3.3 Textual Level . 52 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION . 54 5.1 Findings . 54 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions . 55 References . 56 XII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of This Study The translators subjectivity has been a hot to pic since th e appearance of the culture turn of translation studies in th e field. Many researcher s have explored the subjectivity of the translator from various aspects, including translation shift, skopos theory, manipulation theory and so on. Fe minist translation theory gives a new perspective to study this area. For fe minist translators, language is just a powerful weapon and they re-translate som e classics to reconstruct female identity in their versions. Charlotte Bront6, a pioneer of fe minism, is well known for her representative work Jane Eyre. It shapes a ne w female image who seeks indep endence and emancipation, struggles for the equality with men and fights against the patriarchal society. It is a fam ous novel filled with many feminist features and occupies an important position in the British literary world of the 19th century. It is so popular in the world that has been translated into a number of versions in various languages. Among them are there m any Chinese versions, like Zhu Qingying s and Huang Yuanshens. This thesis intends to explore the feminist translators subjectivity from the perspective of feminist translation theory. Firstly, it summarizes the previous related studies and then in troduces the translators subjectivity in f eminist translation and women translators translation strategies; Secondly, it mainly explores the subjectivity of female translator in Zhu Qingyings version. Taking Huang Yuanshens version as a reference, it com pares and analyzes the di fferences of transla tion strategies and linguistic features. The thesis aims at answering the following questions: Are there any dif ferences female translator Zhu and m ale translator Huang in choosing translation strategies and lingui Stic features? How does Zhu em body her feminist consciousness in translation strategy and language use? l 1.2 Research Method The thesis plans to adopt case study method, comparative method and corpus-based research m ethod. All availabl e information about previous studies on Chinese translations of Jane Eyre, feminist translation re search, the translator 9s subjectivity, feminist translators subjectivity andtrans lation strategies will b e introduced in this paper . Then by m aking a case study of two Chinese versions of Jane Eyre (One is translated by female Zhu, the other is by male Huang), this research intends to find the differences between them. Comparison between the two versions can make it clear that fem inism has influenced the fem ale translators choices of translation strategies. In addition, the given examp


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