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    精品名师归纳总结Conversation题目简洁语速快( point 易漏) 登记全部的提问同学问答、自问自答必考评论必考例子必考废话必考把全部重复的登记话题一、教授1、 作业A、选题(选题换题目) :老师引导你去想tough decisionB、材料:哪儿可能有(争论材料性质:文章、评论、tap )。更常考:材料不存在 ->补充材料 supplementalask for source material for his paper(老师诱导去找其他的补充材料C、写到一半时,学问点残缺( interview 然后结果不一样:缘由:1、同学的懂得有问题(解决:老师再讲一遍课上讲的东西,“孩子,加油” )。 2、同学的数据有问题(老师讲如何正确收集数据,为什么错了, “没关系,我再给你讲一遍” )D、最终都写完了,拿给老师做最终审查 正常情形:“你写的不错,哪儿好,但是several problem”,老师举现实生活中的例子(experience )作说明。(常考)写的特殊好,老师感爱好的点,“你是如何想到去采访这个人?具体说明”,“你能不能再把它写长点,把project 做大,投稿 / 在课上做个presentation )submit a piece of writing for publication General or casual idea 大致的想法An increase in the quantity of certain gases in Earth's atmosphere get a position as reporter/2、 课上问题开头废话:“下周有个 quiz,但我第三章有问题” ,老师说“这个东西不考”但会给可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结予讲解,考试前去问老师。开头讲:一般环绕某一个词(词义,理论是怎么回事儿),都是说明性的。3、 理想者主动找老师作理想者:为什么找他(experience , resume)。争论有没有 pay( food )。是否可以帮忙(拍马屁) : 1、事情是什么 2、有什么意义(重要信息:时间fit into my schedule (评论:是否 available,考虑是否太长太短。的点,考虑是否便利) 3、目的(为了加分: extra credit , credit is awarded (一般没有加分, “目前没有,但报的同学比较少,为吸引人报名可能会有加分”)老师来找同学(好处)Invite the student to work on a committee二、图书馆1、 找不到书:为什么找不到(连书名都不知道,要找一个评论但不知道去哪儿找,治理员会告知你在哪儿,仍可能进行争论(“我曾经看过,仍有video tape ”)类别的点(第一个的儿假如没有就去另一个的儿找)通过什么方式找(computer ,啊我都不知道,怎么上网找,回家找,找不到,仍是在这儿找吧)2、 漏洞 bug:过期书催仍(解决方法:借别的书,复印,.)To find out if he needs to immediately return a book3、 介绍图书馆(不怎么考了已经,由于过简洁):介绍 parking,怎么停车,怎么拿parking card三、注册中心registration office要选课: sign up for the course Optional classa、手动选课:为什么要选这个课(大四了。是其他课的先修课。特别感爱好)为什么没选上(不在场别人帮、 (最常见)这课需要别的先修课但我没有修-) 会看其他课类似课是否有修,我仍有体会资质)选上课但没有上(缘由:没有收到cancel 通知 email 问题,我没通知 inform学校)可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结d、毕不了业(解决:连续上。给出qualifications 证明自己才能体会)新托福听力场景汇总之CONVERSATION篇1. 课程相关事务场景场景特点:主要涉及到一些和课程相关事项的解决方法。肯定以conversation 显现,常见话题有:支配考试,调课事宜,课程帮助材料等。常见套路:( 1) 和考试相关:考试分数。考试复习。支配考试。考试分数( 2) 和课程相关:课程目的。课程类型。课程形式,课程作业( 3) 和作业相关:作业类型。作业方法。交作业相关( 4) 和论文相关:论文的分数场景词汇:Discussion, presentation, topic, lecture, good choice, slide(幻灯片) , library, collection, check, librarian Report, office hour, submit (提交) , on disk, hard copy (复印件) ,soft copy, computer, print, computer lab Project, ton of, cover, re-write, research data, information, input, presentation, completeTerm paper(学期报告) , grade, complicated, terrible mistake, edited version (剪接的版本) , submit, overtired (劳累过度) , stressed, rushing against the clock, mark, draft(草稿) , print, final paper, maintaining average, application, drop, re-take, due, extention(延长), discuss, check back(查阅记录,核对) , re-reading, submission (提交物)Information, exam schedule, term, date, book, department, invigilator(监考人) , sign up(注册) , sheet, bulletin board (布告牌) , faculty lounge (老师休息室) , square, draft, dean (院长,系主任), review, draw up (起草) , manually (手动的) , consult (请教,查阅) , registerPhysiology 100, sophomore, second year course, first year student, transfer(转让,转移,调任), begin my first lecture, introduce, complete, approach, laws of physics andchemistry, process (过程,方法,步骤)of life, vital force, philosophical approach, scientific experimentationFinal exam, midterm, multiple (多重的) choice question, essay question, comprehensive exam, the subject, review, textbook, class note, the final will count for 50% of your grade, research project, run into problemsSchool bulletin, required writing course, first year student, third year student, research paper, sign up, cover the entire process of writing a research paper, selecting topic(选题) , final format (最终的格式) , presentation, hand in, assignment, final gradeClass meeting, lecture, different concept, hand in, issue, revision(修正,复习,修订本), gradeResearch paper(争论论文,争论报告), due, proposed topics, make comment, the most frequent problem, broad, preliminary outline(初步的轮廓) , schedule, available, appointment, final outline, no more than two pages long, thesis statement(论文观点) , precise statement, conclusionWorkshop (研讨会,讲习班) , intensive (加强) techniques and skills, personal attention, register, advantage可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Consecutive( 连续的) summer, community center ( 社区活动中心) , semina(r informationDiscuss, schedule, midterm, administer, attendance, optional class (选修课)争论班), workshop, beginning students, advanced students, last four weeks, credit is awarded,可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结场景例题:2. 相关事务 +专业争论场景场景特点:场景性开场白+中间专业内容 +场景性结尾。开头老师常见的会有几种寒暄,结尾老师会总结收场,中间的专业段落在专业场景中会涉及。常见套路:( 1) 开头寒暄套路( 2) 结尾总结套路场景词汇:场景例题:见专业段落3. 选课场景场景特点:一类是同学和同学之间争论选课,一类是老师和同学之间争论选课。开场白部分即可判定其为选课场景,文章内容和结构都相对固定。常见套路:( 1) 文章的主题: Why does the woman come to see the man. What is the topic of the conversation. What is the main subject of the conversation.( 2) 老师对同学的疑问: What does the professor concern about.课程太难听不懂同学选课太多跟不上can't keep up同学基础太差( 3) 同学对自己情形的分析( 4) 关于退课和舍弃课程( 5) 文章结尾的延长:What is the teacher going to do next. What is the student going to do next. What does the student feel at the end of the conversation.场景词汇:Course, semester, summer session暑期辅导, 暑期班 , elective, bird course, splendor, lecture hall (大讲堂, 演讲厅) , lab, tough decision(艰巨的打算) , pick, choose, grade, relaxed, paper, final exam, advice, sign upInquiry, credit course, off-campus, program, remote, access, internet, degree, distance education, diploma(证书) , requirement, format, print materials, audio-tapes, video, teleconferencing, deliver, cost, fixed date (指定日期,固定日期), history 490Drop, fail, math 101, rough (艰巨的) , test, med schoolUse your advice, do premed, introductory course, non-science major, be weak in, do poorly in, meet at the same time, modern drama course Semester, enroll in, graduate course, qualified (能胜任) , hard time keep up, favorite interest, challenging, easy gradePermission to register, take the prerequisite, the beginning course, catalog, instructor, previous experience, formal training, decisionSignature, schedule card, advisor s approval, quite a heavy load, drop the course, seminar Sign up for a noncredit course, intermediate level(中级) , grade, regular meetingTransfer(转学,调任) , bachelor s degree, associate, selective, letters of recommendation (举荐信)Hard course, rehearsal (练习,训练,排练,预演), extra time, once a week可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Flight program, degree, license (执照) , excellent reputation (声誉,名望) , selective,场景例题:4. 迟到旷课场景场景特点:一个同学由于迟到或者旷课而向另外一个同学询问上课的内容。常见套路:( 1) 同学旷课迟到的理由:why was the man late for class.车坏了得病了睡过了( 2) 所缺课程的主题:what is the topic of the professors lecture which the man has missed.( 3) 同学补课的套路( 4) 结尾的保证: what does the man promise to do.场景词汇:feel good, cover, lecture, point out, chapter, textbook, part, divide, project, focus, due, show up, note, transcribe(转录,誊写) , email oversleep, talk abouttrouble with my car, lecture series, attend, admission(进入许可,录用)fill me in something, dentist, emergency, missed somebodys lecture, note, make sense场景例题:5. 转学场景场景特点:同学想要转学或者转专业,可以涉及的话题仍包括转专业申请文书的写作等。常见套路:( 1) 同学转学转专业的理由?why does the student go to see the professor. Why does the professor consider unusual about the students background.( 2) 同学转学的特殊情形( 3) 同学应当怎样去做场景词汇:Public university, private university, community college, reputation, class size, personal attention, individual attention, interact( 相互影响) , group discussion, tuition, expense, cost, afford, affordable, location, environment, large city, small town, college town, top student, application, experience, special6. 试验室场景场景特点:有些课是在试验室上的,就会涉及到试验室特的的词汇和专业内容背景。常见套路:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结( 1) 试验室课程的特的用语( 2) 试验室设备的特的用语场景词汇:Laboratory, research procedure, lab assistant, retrieve information(提取信息) , track the course (跟踪过程) , monitor, track the progressLab instructor (辅导员) , lab experience,setup, equipment, result, grade, lab notebook, proper precautions, protective goggles(防护镜) , toxic effect of chemicals,lab procedure, heavy metalWorkbook, material, experiment, available7. 图书馆场景场景特点:同学和图书馆相关的场景,包括借书仍书,图书馆设施,图书馆内遇到的问题麻烦等。常见套路:( 1) 美国高校图书馆的基本制度( 2) 图书馆的基本部门设置和常见设施( 3) 借书仍书相关以及遇到的各种问题场景词汇:Library, check out, spread out, focus, jam (堵塞,困境) , spot, crowd, comfy ( =comfort ) , far awayDue, finish, renew (续借) , check, library card, late, mixed up, request, fine, overdue(过期的) , pay, process, sign, suspend(延缓,推迟) , privilege (特权,基本权益) Librarian, facilities, reference room, reference material, dictionary, bibliography(参考书) , literature guide, telephone book, periodical( 期刊) room, newspaper, magazine, academic journal (学报,学术期刊) , current issue (现刊) , older issue, card catalog (卡片目录) , listed by title, by author and by topic, call number(图书编目号码) return, shelves, check out, reserve book (库存书不能外借) , overnigh usesecondhand bookstore, inscription, front cover, signature, poetry book paperback section, index (索引)exit gate, check outreserve, additional copy, article场景例题:8. 课堂内容争论场景场景特点:同学课下对于课堂的某些问题的争论,可能涉及作业、老师等话题常见套路:( 1) 争论课堂留下的作业。( 2) 争论老师教学质量。( 3) 涉及课堂内容,比如同学没有听懂课下争论上课的某一问题。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结9. 奖学金场景场景特点:同学与奖学金助学金相关的问题询问工作人员。常见套路:( 1) 询问奖学金的种类( 2) 奖学金授予的资格: What can be inferred about the qualifications to apply for bursaries(助学金) .( 3) 如何申请奖学金( 4) 奖学金申请的材料( 5) 申请到奖学金的可能性( 6) 奖学金的网站: What is the student most likely to do after this conversation.场景词汇:Scholarship, bursary( 助学金), department, information, financial aid, monetary( 'm .nit .ri 货币的财政的) , grant, determine, committee, donor, apply for, financially, in need, consider, out-of-town (外的的) , requirement, website, on-line, submit, official, document, in personscholarship, available, maintain,average, mark, apply for, applicant, committee,honor, award, exam, candidate, weight, guarantee, grade point average GPA, percent,website, address, rigorous(严格的, 严格的, 严密的 , 严酷的),extra-curricular (课外的) , hardship, achievement, letter of recommendation, fill, time consuming job(耗时的工作) , recommend, eligibility (适任 , 合格), enrollment (登记,入伍)场景例题:10. 论文场景场景特点:同学与写论文相关的问题和教授争论。内容和结构相对固定。常见套路:( 1) 论文题目选定( 2) 论文中包括的资料查找:What information will the man include in his report.( 3) 老师对论文的后续服务:What does the professor offer to do for the man.场景词汇:Organize, essay, topic, chosen, broad, narrow it down(缩小), compare, focused, interested, begin, discussion, opinion, fact, support, idea, check, statistics (统计), percentage, include, words, rough draft (草稿) , outline, break down, subtopic, office hour, reference, materialResearch paper, discuss, topic, recommend, theory, work progress (工程进度)Report, subject, catalog, published source, gather materialInformation, plagiarize ( 'pleid .j . raiz 剽窃,抄袭) , failing grade (不及格) , gather, note, assimilate the information thoroughly(完全吸取) , paraphrase, capture the main idea(捕捉主要想法), quote directly (直接引用) , finalize (完成,使终止)the research paperDraft, pass it out in our classes, clear up(解决) the problem场景例题:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结11. 实的考查场景场景特点:指同学field trip 、field test 野外实的考查的相关,或者外出的各种活动,比如采访等等。常见套路:( 1) Where. Field trip 的目的的 destination( 2) When. 要去多久?何时走?何时回?( 3) Who. 哪些人去?哪个年级去?( 4) How. 怎么去?( 5) Why. 目的是什么?( 6) 留意事项 announcement ,比如带哪些东西,不带哪些东西场景词汇:List, supply, on site, kit (工具装备) , notebook, axe, glove, instrument, measure, clean, cancel, weather, clothes, outside, food, snack, transportation, transport, digTrip leader, participate, report, field trip场景例题:12. 体育运动场景场景特点:和同学体育运动相关的场景。重点把握美国高校生所进行的常见体育运动。常见套路:( 1) 托福听力中曾经显现过的体育运动项目( 2) 每个运动项目的标志词( 3) 每个运动项目所常提及的话题( 4) 每个运动项目的背景学问场景词汇:场景例题:Spring cycling season, regular hobby, physical fitness routine (体能常规) , bicyclist, expert riders Endurance test (耐力测验) , recreational (休闲的,消遣的)cyclists, racersSki patrol, ski patroller, safetyPhysical education class, rock climbing, rope, belt, buckle (皮带扣) , safety equipment, climbing trip13. 游玩场景场景特点:和同学出游度假等有关。可以设计度假旅行、周末休闲、郊游活动、电影音乐会等话题。常见套路:( 1) 出游的目的( 2) 出游的具体方案可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结( 3) 出游的内容( 4) 出游遇到的问题场景词汇:场景例题:Break, racket, reserve a court (预定球场)Rock concert, vacation, weather14. 打工场景场景特点:一类是招工场景。一类是同学之间、同学和老师之间谈论工作的场景。常见套路:( 1) 托福中同学常常从事的工作Teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistant各种商业部门的工作家庭服务性工作与本专业、或比较好玩的工作( 2) 工作的内容( 3) 申请的手续和流程应聘的资格工作的待遇和时间手续问题工作的具体内容场景词汇:Summer break, work, job, offer, excellent opportunity, practice, wonderful, dilemma( di'lem ., ,dai-困境) , difficult decision, plan, volunteer, NGO (民间组织,非政府组织) , chance, share, interesting, spend, accept, program, interview, company, application, apply for, money, advice可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Tough, exam, stressed, dread, cram the nigh(t fun,fondness(爱好)上考场) , part-time, money, board, balance, hit the book (预习功课) , energy, tired, sleep, consolation( 慰问,劝慰), get through,可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Announcement, hire, part-time assistant, experience, research, dailyLaboratory assistant, fill out an application(填申请表) , fit into my scheduleVariety of job opportunities, responsible for, volunteer, service, positions are open, link of service, career training(职业训练, 专业训练) , program available, demand physical endurance, receive no salary, pay for living expense, housing and food allowance(补助) , additional informationInternship program (实习方案) , advanced planning, career opportunities, working experience, short term experience, permanent employment, full-time, academic credit,supervise(监督治理指导) , hand out, career advisory service, living expence场景例题:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结15. 同学组织活动场景场景特点:同学介绍自己组织或者参与的一个活动。常见套路:( 1) 同学常常参与和组织的活动班级竞选减肥公益活动( 2) 活动的目的: What is the main reason for the woman to participate this activity.( 3) 分发 handout :( 4) 活动的具体内容场景词汇:Run, marathon, motivator, back into shape (重塑题型) , inspire(激发,激励) , running buddies, positive, sponsor (赞助者,主办方,保证人), tons of money (很多的钱) , causeIntroduce, campus daily, volunteer, salary, ceremony, alumni ( pl. 男毕业生) 场景例题:16. 报到注册场景场景特点:新生报到注册时候遇到的问题。常见套路:( 1) 报到注册的时间( 2) 报到注册的预备材料( 3) 报到注册可能遇到的问题场景词汇:Registration, time, determine, first year student, mail, designated date, specific time, admission letter, continuing students, average, previous, session( 会议,学期,开学), pay,credit card, bank, teller, confirmation slip(确认单) , in personRegistration, date, newly admittedstudent,undergraduate,junior, sophomore,returningstudent,senior, check, pay attention,time, register, designated time,pay, fee, financial aid, financial officer, sponsor, authorization letter(授权书,授权信) , on-line场景例题:17. 校内生活场景场景特点:关于同学租房子或者宿舍相关的话题场景。常见套路:( 1) 房子条件差可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结( 2) 与室友很难相处( 3) 找房子租( 4) 学校房子的治理制度场景词汇:Move, accent, pod, international group, major, lucky, excellent, booklet, regulation (治理, 规章, 校准) , rule, conductive, quiet policy, problem, allow, smoke, cook


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