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    教学设计及教学反思教学设计及教学反思Author:Luo HaiyingNo.4 senior school of Yicheng Content:Content: warming up and reading unit 5 music book2 AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe teachingteaching content:content: the main topic of this unit is about music and the type of music . this reading passage has something with the forming and the development of the Mokeens band .by learning this passage ,students will have a good command of music and how a real band forms. AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe students:students: most of them are fond of music.but lack the ability of comprehension and expression. TeachingTeaching aims:aims:. 1.Enable students to appreciate and classify different kinds of music 2 .Developing their reading abilities and co-operation3.have a positive attitude towards a famous singer or band. TeachingTeaching difficultydifficulty andand importance:importance: Having a better understanding of this passage TeachingTeaching andand learninglearning stratege:stratege: Reading ,discussion,listening TeachingTeaching tool:tool: Multi-media TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: Step1:brain-stormStep1:brain-storm Do you like music?what type of music do you know? Can you tell them?listen to different kinds of music. StepStep 2:2: pre-readingpre-reading Do you know any famouse band?list them . StepStep 3:fast3:fast readingreading Do true or false exercises. 1. If you sing karaoke, it will be easier for you to be rich and famous. 2. Many musicians form a band because of their common interest in music. 3. Playing music to passers-by in the street is the first step to fame. 4. When performers make records and sell millions of copies, they are successful. 5. Each week the group that was called “The Beatles” would play a song or two written by other musician6. The writer believes that most of us have dreamed of being a famous musician or singer. 7. It was hard for the TV organizers to look for good rock musicians. 8. At first, “The Monkees” didnt play their own songs. 9. The Monkees became even more popular than the Beatles. 10. In 1996, they produced a new record to celebrate their former time as a band StepStep 4:careful4:careful readingreading Answer following questions: 1. How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are they? 2. Which band does “The Band That Wasnt” refer to(指)?3. What are the advantages if people form a band to play in the street? 4. When did “The Monkees” break up and when did it reunite?5. Why was “The Monkees” successful in their work ? StepStep 5.further-reading5.further-reading Fill in the blanks Not a real band - A real band TV organizers put an _ in a newspaper to find four musicians.They played and sang their own songs.The MonkeesThree _ and one musician _ the band.They produced records and started _ and playing their own music.Not a real band - A real band They played _ on each other as well as played music.They _ about 1970.They pretended to sing during the _.They _ in the mid- 1980s.The MonkeesThey played and sang In 1996, they produced a songs written by _.new record, with which they _ their former time.Step6.DiscusionStep6.Discusion If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? why? Write a short passage to describe it. 教学反思:本节课的成功之处有以下几点:1、本节阅读课在多媒体辅助下,课堂教学安排时间紧凑,合理教学容量大。教师首先导入让学生了解音乐音乐种类分辨各种音乐乐队中外著名乐队门基乐队分组讨论自己想象中乐队2、笔者创设了各种问题情境,吸引学生的注意力,营造宽松、愉快、生动活泼的学习氛围,合理安排教学时间,引导和启发学生思考讨论,充分理解本课的主旨和各段落大意,有效地完成教学难点重点等活动任务。3、师生、生生互动性强,活动形式多样化,有个人活动,同伴活动和小组活动。对于学生完成任务的情况及掌握学习策略的情况给予反馈和评价。例如,学生讨论自己创建的乐队,并与同学分享,充分展现自己的才华,学习积极性高。4、本节课教师通过整体阅读(泛读),分段落阅读(精读)分组讨论来设计,教学过程体现了层次性和任务型教学的有效性。教师遵循教育心理学中有意注意和无意注意互相转换规律,精心设计教学中的每个环节。上课之初教师采取措施,例如:通过多媒体播放图片,把学生从课前玩耍的无意注意转移到本节课上来,对新的一节课形成有意注意。在讲授新的内容时,教师让学生产生无意注意。当讲授教学内容的重点、难点时,设法让学生保持有意注意,充分理解和思考问题。例如:教师通过表格的设计,问题的提出,短文填空,齐声朗读等形式的变换使学生保持高度的注意。当学生保持一段时间的高度紧张的有意注意后,教师要改变教学方式,使学生适当放松一下,例如:欣赏有关本课教学内容的精美图片,让学生由有意注意转换成无意注意。在课的结束时,教师提出明确要求,让学生保持有意注意,然后布置作业。5、教师充分利用教材,并创造性地整合教材,活用教材,例如,教师将书本后的 speaking and wrting 整合到学生课后讨论完成,并在讨论过后进行整理成文,与同学分享。教师在设计 Group Discussion 的话题时,又巧妙地将书本课后的练习三的题目借用过来。这使得整堂课的教学既忠实于教材,又能在教材基础上灵活拓展,在教学中实现了知识,技能和情感的过程统一。但是,学生做 Group Discussion 时,教师怎么引导个别学困生主动参与而不是观望或者等待同学表演,值得再探索和研究。本节课的失败之处有以下几点:1.课前预习时间可能不足,或者给学生思考问题的时间过短,导致学生在做练习题的时候有些为难。2.容量一大,学生对课文细节问题的扑捉也有些吃力。鉴于上述,备课没有把学生的能力估计准确。有效教学真正体现以学生为中心的教学理念,。教学备课时需要研究学生原有的认知准备和情感准备,在教学过程中始终关注学生学习的状态,学习的兴趣、动机的激发以及互动、合作的学习方式的运用、适当的教学策略的选择和实施,学生学习效果的反馈。有效教学的目的是为了实现优质教学,或者说是课堂效率的最大化,值得我们继续探索和研究。


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