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    【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流MBA英文面试增补.精品文档.MBA英文面试 (增补)第三部分:06年人大口语真题whats the relation on work and play?Work offers pay(make me living) and realization of our dream.Play can relax us and improve our living quality. Play can drive one work better. 工作可以取得经济回报,是谋生手段、实现个人理想娱乐可以放松身心、提高生活质量、为工作提供动力2.what do you learn from your parent?I learn these qualities: Honesty (Integrity), hard-working (Diligence), responsibility and open mind.正直的人品、勤奋的作风、敢于承担责任、开放的个性3.do you like your father or your mother? why? in which point?Yes. They have lots of Chinese peoples traditional virtue(merit), like hard-working and kindness. They teach me to be honest and optimistic. When they meet difficulty in work or in daily life, they always keep passionate to life. I learn from them that theres nothing to fear as long as I stick to.4.what do you think of success? How to evaluate success?Success is the process and behavior of realization a goal.The key to success is: reasonable goal, careful and earnest attitude, and diligent actions.Evaluation of success is: contribution to the society, help to others and realization of ones own goal.成功就是实现目标的过程和行为。成果的关键在于:合理的目标、认真的态度、勤奋的执行。成功的评价:对社会有贡献、对他人有帮助、能够实现个人目标与理想。5.do you think that earning money is most important responsibility to an enterprise? No. Basic responsibility for an enterprise is to operate within the law, bear(take on) social responsibility and create value for the society. 不是,企业的基本责任是守法经营、对社会有价值、承担社会责任。6.As a successful product, why is it successful?Because it obtains up to consumers acceptance(demand), satisfies their needs, and supplies value for consumers.取得消费者的认可,能满足消费者需求,为消费者提供价值。7.tell more about the stock market of China as you know?Chinese stock market can supply funds (capitals)for the development of many Chinese enterprises. Since the market is in the primary(beginning) stage of development, the whole system isnt perfect at all. The stock market is lack of law and related supervising. Chinese stock market hasnt been mature enough, and cant reflect current value and future trend of an enterprise truly. 中国股票市场能为企业提供发展的资金,但是:股票市场还在发展的初期,不完善。股票市场缺少法制,监督体系不完善。股票市场市场化程度不高,不能真实反应企业现在的价值和未来发展趋势。8.Do you need the people's stimulate or the self-motivated? Yes. I think stimulation from others and self-motivation can provide me impetus(power) and courage to realize my goal.需要。激励和刺激,能够提供行动的动力,促进目标的实现。9.How do you motivate your friends? Give two examples.When my friend met setback, I told him that failure leads to success.(where there is a will ,there is a way);(no pains,no gains)When my friend felt pride with himself after a little success, I told him that another big deal(effort) should be considered.朋友遇到挫折时,告诉他失败是成功之母,告诉他有志者事竟成。10.are you creative? please give some example.Yes. I once cooperated with a classmate to set up an agency of supplying low-price telephone cards. We applied(built) a net station for ourselves and even printed name cards to promote our telephone cards on the school.是的,曾经与同学合伙,开发软件11.what do you think is most important to a leader?Responsibility. There are four responsibilities: Responsibility to the society: operate within law and protect the environment. Responsibility to the shareholders(BOSS/company owner): create profits.Responsibility to the consumers: be honest and credible. Responsibility to the employees: develop their abilities.责任。对社会的责任:合法经营、保护环境;对股东的责任:创造利润;对客户的责任:诚实守信;对员工的责任:提升员工的能力。12. What do you like doing? What do you dislike doing?I like studying, pondering, reading and bearing responsibilities.I dislike showing off, flattering, Empty promise and breaking faith with others.诚实、务实、学习、思考、成就、承担责任/浮夸、奉承、背信弃义13.what's the most important quality of a team member?I regard common goal, communication, mutual understanding and help as the most important quality of a team member.共同的目标、沟通、相互理解、相互帮助14.who were your favorite professors? Why?My favorite professor is the professor of Strategic Management.He taught us thinking means, like who we are, why we are these, and what we are going to do. This kind of thinking can lead a right direction to our goal. 战略管理的教授。教导学生思考方法:我们是什么?为什么这样?我们要做什么?这样的思考方式可以正确地把握方向不偏差。15.How do you communicate with your subordinates well?I will be easy-going to make them comfortable and communicate with them truly as friends do. I will care about what they need most and help them settle problems they meet and improve their abilities.建立平易近人的形象象朋友一样的交流 建立信任关系关心他们最迫切的需要帮助他们解决问题、提高自身能力16.tell me an interesting story about you?In 2001, during the primary game period of Asian area for World Cup, I cooperated with my classmates and rent a TV set and 投影 equipment to charge living TV shows for some alumnus. I earned a lot during the period.2001年世界杯亚洲区预选赛,同学们没有地方看球赛,所以我们同学合伙,租赁投影设备,进行球赛直播业务,赚得很多利润。17.tell me some rewarding things you had received?I prepared very hard for MBA tests, studying 16 hours besides work for more than 2 months. I improved my study ability and enlarge my knowledge, and whats more, I got a satisfying score in the examinations. MBA考试,准备得充分,勤奋学习,每天16小时,持续60天,虽然辛苦,但是提高了自己的能力,增长了知识,得到了较高的考试分数,因此是值得的。18.tell me some details about your company?She has more than 10 thousand employees and more than 10 billion sales each year. Her products are sold to 160 countries. As a famous brand, she wins acceptance in consumers. (Satisfy the coustomersneed)人数上万人、销售额过百亿、产品销售全球160个国家、著名名牌、消费者认同。19.tell me the better course of selling product. and what do you learn from it?Be confident with the brand and the product, and select good timing and means (method) to sell the product.Be brave, passionate to influence (affect)consumers(customer)efficiently.建立对品牌与产品的自信选择好的销售时机、销售方式大胆、激情推销,瞬间感染客户20.are you prepare to operate a company (become a boss)?what company?Yes. What kind of company I will operate depends on three factors: entrepreneurs, market opportunities and resources (public relations, industry experience and capital)是的,创业三要素:企业家、市场机会、资源(社会资源、行业经验、资本),开什么公司,要看这三个要素的满足情况。21.as a manager and an employee, what quality do you must have?Responsibility for managers. There are four responsibilities: Responsibility to the society: operate within law and protect the environment. Responsibility to the shareholders: create profits.Responsibility to the consumers: be honest and credible. Responsibility to the employees: develop their abilities.Good Executive ability for employees. He must take orders efficiently.22.How do the people around you review MBA? There are two views to MBA. One is 万能MBA. We can solve all management problems with MBA. The other is negative for MBA, regarding MBA is just theory without practice in fact. There are three reasons for these two views. Firstly, MBA is still a fresh thing for most Chinese people compared with Westerners. Even many enterprise leaders dont understand MBA. Secondly, some problems existing in Chinas MBA education influence peoples impression of MBA, like low education quality(bad) and not so-good job for MBA graduates. Thirdly, the economic environment isnt as perfect as a complete market-oriented economy. MBAs sometimes find them useless in a irregular environment. Their failure may lead to prejudices. 偏见affect peoples idea社会对MBA的看法主要有两种:一是MBA万能,有了MBA就可以解决企业的所有管理问题;二是MBA无用,只是图有虚名,没有什么实际内容,属于纸上谈兵那一套。其实这两种想法对MBA了解都些片面,这些想法的形成有几方面的原因:(1)MBA在我国虽然有一些发展,但是与西方一些国家相比还相去甚远,可以说还属于新生事物,很多人,包括许多企业领导不了解MBA;(2)我国的MBA教育还存在不少问题,教育质量相对落后,可能比较学院一些,有部分毕业生在企业工作中没有达到人们的期望,在一定程度上影响了社会对MBA的印象;(3)我国的社会经济环境发展、市场化还不够完善,即使是一名优秀的MBA毕业生、一名优秀的职业经理人,在不规范的环境中也有可能无用武之地,其失败也会影响人们的看法。 23.What is the difference between sales and marketing? A sale is object to(based on) product, while marketing is consumers.A sale results from a seller market and marketing from buyer market.Sale is individual(single)function while marketing requires a whole (overall)process of the operation of an enterprise, influencing the strategy it holds, R&D aspect it will invest and the financial state. 销售是以产品为导向,营销是以客户为导向销售起源于卖方市场,营销起源于买方市场single销售是孤立的职能,营销贯穿于企业经营的全过程,营销企业的战略,决定企业技术研发生产的方向,营销企业的财务状况。24.What is CFO? If you were a CFO, what would you do?Chief Financial Official. executiveI will supervise operation of management for my boss, analyze data from the operation process to advise the manager, manage the financial work, including arranging current assets (present funds money), ensuring certain cash (planning cash) and controlling risk. 首席财务官受企业所有者委托,监督经理层的经营统计分析经营数据,提供管理的改善建议管理企业的财务工作,包括统筹资金、预算现金、控制风险等。25.DO you think that MBA student is CUSTOMER or STUDENT?calmFirstly, The MBA education is to supply higher-level management talents to the society but not just profits in the business exchange process.Secondly, I find MBA education requires(ask for ) more resources than common postgraduates education. MBA education needs a market-oriented system and charge moderate high fee to compensate huge education cost.Thirdly, Students just gain an environment and opportunity to receive MBA education, unlike commodity exchanges(common product). Qualified MBA graduates must have experience hard work and stick to their dream.So I think MBA is STUDENT but not CUSTOMER. 首先,MBA教育的根本目的是为社会提供高层次的管理人才,而不是商业交换中的单纯为了获得利润。其次,据我所了解得情况,相对于一般的研究生教育,MBA教育需要投入更多的资源,但MBA教育并不是义务教育,所以只能部分地采取市场化的机制,收取相对高的费用,以部分地弥补巨大的成本投入。最后,支付了MBA的学费后,学员只是获得了MBA教育的机会和环境,并不像商业交换那样,付了钱就一定能得到产品或服务。合格的MBA毕业生所具备的素质,只有通过MBA学员自己不懈的追求和刻苦的学习才能获得。从上面的分析看来,我认为,从本质上讲,MBA的角色是学生,而不是顾客。26.What is your management philosophy?Management is to do right thing and do things correctly.It tells me the order of executing things and deal smoothly with strategy and skills.管理就是做正确的事情、正确地做事情。正确地处理了战略与战术的关系,告诉我们做事情的先后顺序。1.whats the relation on work and play?2.what are you learn from your parent?3.do you like your father or your mother?why?in which point?4.what you think of success?how to evaluate success?5.do you think that earning money is most important responsibility to a enterprise? 6.As a successful product, why is it successful?7.tell more about the stock market of China as you know?8.Do you need the people's stimulate or the self-motivated? 9.How do you motivate your friends?Give two examples.10.are you creative?please give some example.11.what do you think is most important to a leader?12. What do you like doing?What do you dislike doing?13.what's the most important quality of a team member?14.who were your favorite professors?Why?15.How do you communicate with your subordinates well?16.tell me an interesting story about you?17.tell me some rewarding things you had received?18.tell me some details about your company?19.tell me the better course of selling product.and what do you learn from it?20.are you prepare to operate a company(become a boss)?what company?21.as a member of a efficient teamwork,what quality do you must have?22.as a manager and a employee, what quality do you must have?第四部分:其他一、个人信息方面的问题:(一)、针对personal qualities1. What kind of personalities do you think you have?I think Im honest and reliable.2. What kind of person are you?I feel Im initiative and aggressive, responsible in doing things.To tell you the truth, I think Im imaginative and creative.3. What types of people do you like to work with?I like to work with imaginative and creative persons.4. What types of people dont you like to work with?I don not like to work with the introverted (uninitiative) people.5. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?I believe Im extroverted, easy to approach(communicate/exchange) and friendly to everyone.I wouldnt call myself introverted though some times Im inclined to think independently and enjoy staying all by my self, often and often I like sharing activities with others.6. Would you like to describe yourself as what kind of person you are?Frankly, I think Im quite outgoing ,and Im excellent teamworker, I enjoy mixing and doing things with others.7. Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong points? What are your strengths and weakness?Refer to my weak points, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself too hard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a job done quickly, and I'm critical if it isn't." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue.About(relate to/involved/with regard to)my strong points , I think that I know a lot about how the Chinese economy works, and how business is done here. Secondly, I speak English fluently. I have no difficulty with language.(I am a excellent marketing manager,and have four years successful experience on marketing,and have mastered all kinds of marketing knowledge and skills ,such as product strategy,price stratege,place policy, promotion policy and so on) ,And, I am a hard worker when I have something challenging to do.8. What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?the most important thing for me to be happy is to achieve the goal, I think ,every day,we must do everything possible to exceed ourselves, so we must set our target, and work hard to carry out , when the objective came ture(get done), we will feel happy.9. What basic principles do you apply to you work?I approach things very enthusiastically and I can take on jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done.10. What do you think a job is?I think a job is on the one hand a way of making a living, but on the other hand, it is also a very important way to self-fulfillment.11. Are you more a follower or a leader?I think I am more of a leader, but I am team-task minded too.12. What attitude do you take towards life?I feel it is important to build a career. Seize the day, seize the hour. Even if its hard at the time. I try to get things done that day and not to let them go.(三)、有关兴趣爱好的提问1. Do you have any special interests other than your job?Yes, playing football.( badminton/travel/chess/reading) is my special interest.2. What are your hobbies?My chief interest is playing football.( badminton/travel/chess/reading)3. What other interests do you have?I like to read books. (mystery, novel, detective, fiction, non-fiction, biography)4. What kind of recreations do you most enjoy?I enjoy sports.I like dancing. (playing football/badminton).5. What do you like to do in your spare time? What do you do in your spare time?On weekends, I sometimes go mountain climbing with my colleagues or fishing.6. What do you do when you are not working?When I am not working, I sometimes go mountain climbing with my colleagues or fishing.7.


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