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    自考人网校专本套读 2018 春季招生进行中,零学历 2.5 年拿本科,支持学费分期,0 利率 0 手 续费!应用市场搜索“自考人”下载自考 APP 神器,随时随地无忧备考,自测练习强化巩固,考试重点轻松装进口袋!全国 2014 年 4 月自学考试英语翻译试题 课程代码:00087请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。选择题部分注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。I. Multiple Choice (30 points, 2 points each)A. This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different translation versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best version in terms of meaning and expressiveness and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.1. I hope your success, which is an inspiration to me, will continue.A.我希望你取得的成功能够继续鼓舞我。B.我希望你能够继续取得对我有鼓舞的成功。C.你的成功对我是个鼓舞,我希望你能够继续。D.你的成功对我是个鼓舞,我希望你继续取得成功。2.There is no one of US but wishes to go to London to watch the 2012 Olympic Games.A.我们都想去伦敦观看 2012 年奥林匹克运动会。B.我们都不想去伦敦观看 2012 年奥林匹克运动会。C.我们中只有一个人想去伦敦观看 2012 年奥林匹克运动会。自考人网校专本套读 2018 春季招生进行中,零学历 2.5 年拿本科,支持学费分期,0 利率 0 手 续费!应用市场搜索“自考人”下载自考 APP 神器,随时随地无忧备考,自测练习强化巩固,考试重点轻松装进口袋!D.我们中没有一个人想去伦敦观看 2012 年奥林匹克运动会。3.The devastating floods and droughts that imposed a recurrent tax of suffering on the fellahin no longer occur.Egyptian agriculture has been transformed,and industry is bene fiting from power generated by the dam.A.过去不断给农民带来毁灭性的旱涝两灾,现在不再发生了。埃及的农业得到了转型,工业也用上了水坝发的电。B.过去不断给农民带来毁灭性的旱涝两灾,现在不再发生了。埃及的农业得到了改造,工业也用上了水坝发的电。C.过去不断给农民带来毁灭性灾害的不但有旱涝两灾,而且还有税收。但是,埃及的农业得到了改造,工业也用上了水坝发的电。D.过去不断给农民带来毁灭性灾害的不但有旱涝两灾,而且还有税收。但是,埃及的农业得到了转型,工业也用上了水坝发的电。4.It was a move we had made by choice,for career purposes.A.正是这次搬家使我们做出了以事业为目标的选择。B.正是为了选择以事业为目标我们才搬了家。C.为了搬家我们这次自愿选择了事业。D.为了事业我们这次自愿搬了家。5.In the food lines,children wolf food down while once-proud parents look away in embarrassment.A.在领取食物的队伍中,孩子们狼吞虎咽,而曾经傲慢的父母尴尬地把目光移向一边。B.在领取食物的队伍中,虽然孩子们狼吞虎咽,但曾经傲慢的父母尴尬地把头移向一边。C.在领取食物的队伍中,当曾经傲慢的父母尴尬地把目光移向一边时,孩子们狼吞虎咽着。D.在领取食物的队伍中,虽然曾经傲慢的父母尴尬地把目光移向一边,但孩子们却狼吞虎咽着。6.虽然时代不同了,我想历史古迹总该是依旧吧。A. Now that times are different, I think the historic sites must have remained the same.B. Only if times are different, I think the historic sites should have remained the same.C. Even though times are different, the historic sites, I presume, must have remained the same.D. Since times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, should have remained the same.7.中国现有草地面积 3.9 亿公顷,其中可利用面积 3.2 亿公顷,居世界第三位。A. There is a 390 million hectares grassland in China. In the grassland, about 320 million hectares can be cultivated, and it places China the third in the world.B. China has grassland area of 390 million hectares, of which about 320 million hectares can be cultivated, which places China the third in the world.C. China has grassland area of 390 million hectares, of which about 320 million hectares can be cultivated, which places China the third in the world.D. There is 390 million hectares grassland in China. In the grassland, about 320 million hectares can be cultivated, places China the third in the world.自考人网校专本套读 2018 春季招生进行中,零学历 2.5 年拿本科,支持学费分期,0 利率 0 手 续费!应用市场搜索“自考人”下载自考 APP 神器,随时随地无忧备考,自测练习强化巩固,考试重点轻松装进口袋!8.王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。A. Every potter praises his own pots.B. Every carpenter makes his own furniture.C. Granny Wang praises the melons she sells.D. Granny Wang sells and praises her own melons.9.不知什么原因,这条消息没有见报。A. For no reason, the news was not seen in the newspaper.B. For no reason, the news found no way in the newspaper.C. For one reason or another, the news did not see the newspaper.D. For one reason or another, the news did not find its way into the newspaper.10.他在国内旅游过的地方,除了千山以外,都是我没有到过的。A. In China, he has been to many places where I have never visited, with the exception of the Qianshan Mountain.B. In China, he has been to many places which I have never visited, with the exception of the Qianshan Mountain.C. In China, he has visited many places where I have never gone, except for the Qianshan Mountain.D. In China, he has visited many places which I have never been, except for the Qianshan Mountain.B. This part consists of five incomplete statements, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the statement and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.11.“上下文在解决语言单位的多义性问题上起着最重要的作用。 ”这是_的论述。A.奈达B.巴尔胡达罗夫 C.泰特勒D.费道罗夫12.下列关于英汉两种语言里代词使用的描述,准确的是_。A.汉译英时,有些代词可以不译B.英语代词用得少,汉语代词用得多C.英语代词用得多,汉语代词用得少D.英译汉时,要在适当的地方增加代词13.傅雷是一位有见地的翻译家。他认为_。A.“翻译重在实践”B.“翻译重在理论”C.“翻译重在形似”D.“翻译重在修辞”14._提出“既须求真,又须喻俗”的翻译要求,加上勤恳、认真,他的译文质量是很高的。A.阿毗昙B.释道安C.玄奘D.鸠摩罗什15.在下列作品中,_非严复所译。A.天演论B.法意C.原富D.海外轩渠录自考人网校专本套读 2018 春季招生进行中,零学历 2.5 年拿本科,支持学费分期,0 利率 0 手 续费!应用市场搜索“自考人”下载自考 APP 神器,随时随地无忧备考,自测练习强化巩固,考试重点轻松装进口袋!非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。II. Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point each)A. Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write down your translation on your Answer Sheet.16. cultivated land 17. pottery industry18. pitch lake 19. Blue Nile20. sovereign state 21. Bermuda Triangle22. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 23. consumer price index (CPI)24. weed killer 25. international bank lendingB. Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write down your translation on your Answer Sheet.26.总审计师27.石油输出国组织欧佩克28.和平共处五项原则29.罗马天主教30.有限责任公司31.印花税32.办公自动化33.比较文学34.野生动物保护35.多边贸易llI. Translation Revision (20 points, 2 points each)A. Correct or improve the translation of the following sentences. Write the revised versions on your Answer Sheet.Example:原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.译文:阿德莱德享有地中海型气候。改译:阿德莱德属地中海型气候。36.原文:He was used to being made fun of.译文:他常常被人取笑。37.原文:In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words.译文:往后我就这样,以不理解的方式学着拼写,拼出了许多词。38.原文:In 1840,Cyrus performed a miracle by cutting from two to two-and-a-half hectares a day with the curious machine he had been developing for nearly 10 years.译文:到了 1840 年,塞路斯用他历经近十年研制的神奇机器创造了一天可割麦 2 到 2.5 公顷的一个奇迹。39.原文:Terms of payment are subject to agreement in each case.译文:支付的期限受不同情况的制约。40.原文:Mr Nixon said, “We two countries have common interests over and above our difference.”译文:尼克松先生说:“我们两国的共同利益在我们的不同点之上。 ”B.Correct or improve the translation of the following sentences.Write the revised versions on your Answer Sheet. Example:自考人网校专本套读 2018 春季招生进行中,零学历 2.5 年拿本科,支持学费分期,0 利率 0 手 续费!应用市场搜索“自考人”下载自考 APP 神器,随时随地无忧备考,自测练习强化巩固,考试重点轻松装进口袋!原文:能为他的这本散文集子作序,我觉得很荣幸。译文:To write a preface to this collection of his essays gives me a great honor.改译:I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.41.原文:告诫成年的子女不要犯错误,那是没有用的。译文:Telling grown-up children not to make mistakes is no use.42.原文:塞多纳是个美丽的海滨小城。译文:Sedona is a nice seaside small city.43.原文:今年的粮食产量可望比去年翻一番。译文:The grain production this year is expected to double last year.44.原文:五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。译文:The May 4th Movement began at the call of the world revolution,at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin.45.原文:我的一位朋友最近请人把他的房子粉刷了。译文:A friend of mine has whitewashed his house recently.IV. Passage Translation (30 points)A. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (15 points) 46.In comparison with the human world of past times, our world is highly complex. Because of its highly developed communications, events in every part of the globe and of human society are closely interconnected. There are no isolated disasters and there is no progress that does not help the progress of all.This situation is reflected in the minds of men. The contents of mens minds have also become worldwide in scope and complexity. It is not enough for a man,seeking the welfare of his own people and country, to consider his domestic situation in relation to his immediate neighbors. World trends encompass every one of us, and it is by participating in them and contributing to them that we influence our own future.B. Translate the following passage into English. Write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (15 points)47.他说:“流传久远的作品是靠文学技巧流传,谁会关心百十年前的生活?”我不同意,我认为打动人心的还是作品中所反映的生活和主人公的命运。这仍然是在反对那些无中生有、混淆黑白的花言巧语。我最恨那些盗名欺世、欺骗读者的作家。自考人网校专本套读 2018 春季招生进行中,零学历 2.5 年拿本科,支持学费分期,0 利率 0 手 续费!应用市场搜索“自考人”下载自考 APP 神器,随时随地无忧备考,自测练习强化巩固,考试重点轻松装进口袋!


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