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    - 1 -信息工程信息工程Information Engineering专业代码:专业代码:080706 学学 制:制: 4 年年Program Code: 080706 Duration:4 years培养目标培养目标:以国家信息化发展历史机遇和粤港澳大湾区社会经济发展需求为引领,培养具有高度社会责任感和良好职业道德的复合型高级技术人才:具备电子信息工程领域的基础知识、基本技能和科学研究的基本素质,具有解决复杂电子信息工程问题的综合能力,同时具有一定的国际视野和国际交往能力;能够在工业界、学术界、教育界等成功地开展与专业职业相关的工作;适应独立和团队工作环境,成为在移动通信等电子信息工程领域从事电子信息类产品的设计与制造、应用研究和科技开发、运行管理等方面工作的可持续发展的创新型人才。Educational Objectives:Guided by the historical opportunities of national information development and the needs of social and economic development in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, we will cultivate compound senior technical talents with high social responsibility and good professional ethics. With basic knowledge, basic skills and basic scientific-research quality of electronic information engineering, they have the comprehensive ability to solve complex electronic information engineering problems, certain international vision and international communication capabilities; They can successfully carry out the work related to professional occupations in industry, academia, education, etc.; They are adapted to the independent and team work environment. They will become sustainable and innovative talent in electronic information engineering fields such as mobile communication, which is engaged in the design and manufacture of electronic information products, application research and technology development, and operation management, etc.毕业要求:毕业要求:1( (工程知识工程知识) ):能够将数学、自然科学、工程基础、专业基础和专业知识用于解决电子信息领域相关的复杂工程问题。1-1 具备数学、物理等自然科学基础知识,领会重要数学、物理思想方法。1-2 能够运用工程基础、专业基础和专业知识对电子信息领域相关工程问题进行抽象、描述和建模。- 2 -1-3 能够运用工程基础、专业基础和专业知识对电子信息领域的相关工程问题进行分析、计算和设计。1-4 理解系统的概念及其在电子信息工程中的体现,能够运用专业知识对电子信息领域中的复杂工程问题进行描述、推理、计算,理解其局限性并提出改进方案。2 2(问题分析)(问题分析):能够应用数学、自然科学、工程科学和电子信息科学的基本原理,识别、表达、并通过文献研究分析电子信息领域相关复杂工程问题,以获得有效结论。2-1 对电子信息领域的相关工程问题,能分析其需求,给出任务目标的需求描述,并识别其面临的各种制约条件。2-2 对电子信息领域的相关工程问题,能根据需求描述,建立解决问题的抽象模型。2-3 对电子信息领域的相关工程问题,能根据所建立的抽象模型,通过文献检索与资料查询等方式获取知识和方法,对问题进行分析,并得出有效结论。3(设计(设计/ /开发解决方案)开发解决方案):能够设计针对复杂工程问题的解决方案,设计满足特定需求的电子信息模块或系统,够在设计环节中体现创新意识,并考虑社会、健康、安全、法律、文化以及环境等因素。3-1 针对特定需求,能对电子信息领域中的相关工程问题进行分解和细化,能够进行软、硬件模块的设计与开发。3-2 了解电子信息领域技术发展的现状与趋势,能够在方案设计中体现创新意识。3-3 结合社会、健康、安全、法律、文化及环境等因素,综合考虑复杂工程问题的应用背景、系统特性、器件指标、设计流程等因素,分析对比候选方案的可行性和性能,确定解决方案。4(研究)(研究):能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法对电子信息相关的复杂工程问题进行研究,包括设计实验、分析与解释数据、并通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论。4-1 能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法进行电子信息领域的相关复杂工程问题的系统分析和建模。4-2 能够针对复杂工程系统进行实验方案设计、实验平台搭建、实验数据获取。4-3 能够对实验数据进行信息综合分析,并得到合理有效的结论,反馈到工程设计实践中。5(使用现代工具)(使用现代工具):能够针对电子信息领域相关的复杂工程问题,开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,包括对复杂工程问题的预测与模拟,并能够理解其局限性。5-1 能恰当使用计算机软、硬件技术,通信协议及算法仿真工具,完成信息处理与信息系统中的复杂工程问题的模拟与仿真分析,能理解其局限性。- 3 -5-2 能熟练使用电子仪器仪表观察分析电子电路、信息系统性能,能运用图表、公式等手段表达和解决通信工程的设计问题,能理解其局限性。6(工程与社会)(工程与社会):能够基于电子信息工程相关背景知识进行合理分析,评价电子信息工程专业工程实践和复杂工程问题解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。6-1 具备社会、健康、法律、安全以及文化的基本知识和素养。6-2 能够合理评价电子信息领域相关工程实践和复杂工程问题解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。7(环境和可持续发展)(环境和可持续发展):能够理解和评价针对复杂工程问题的电子信息工程专业工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。7-1 了解信息产业、信息服务业相关的方针、政策与法律法规。7-2 理解信息产业与环境的关系,理解和评价针对复杂工程问题的工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响,理解用技术手段降低其负面影响的作用与其局限性。8(职业规范)(职业规范):具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感,能够在工程实践中理解并遵守工程职业道德和规范,履行责任。8-1 具有人文知识、思辨能力、处事能力和科学精神,理解应担负的社会责任。8-2 能够在电子信息领域的相关工程实践中理解并遵守工程职业道德和规范,履行责任。9(个人和团队)(个人和团队):能够在多学科背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。9-1 能够在电子信息领域相关研究、开发和生产的团队中承担个体和成员角色,具有团队合作精神或意识。9-2 能够在多学科背景下充分理解和消化其他学科的知识和方法,掌握团队合作的组织管理方式,具有团队负责人意识。10(沟通)(沟通):能够就电子信息相关的复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。10-1 具有良好的表达能力,能够就复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。10-2 具备运用外语的能力和一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。11(项目管理)(项目管理):理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。- 4 -11-1 理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,能够识别电子信息领域相关工程项目管理与经济决策中的关键因素。11-2 能够将工程管理原理和经济决策方法运用于跨学科的复杂工程项目中。12(终身学习)(终身学习):具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。12-1 理解不断探索和学习的必要性,具有自主学习的方法,了解拓展知识和能力的途径。12-2 具有自主学习意识和终身学习的意识,能够根据社会环境和个人角色变化有不断学习和适应发展的能力。Student Outcomes:1.(Engineering knowledge):Be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to solve complex problems of electronics and information.1-1Acquire fundamental knowledge of mathematics, physics and science. Understand the significant principles of mathematics and physics.1-2Apply knowledge of engineering and specialty of electronics and information to abstract, describe and model relevant engineering problems.1-3Apply knowledge of engineering and specialty of electronics and information to analyze, calculate and design relevant engineering problems.1-4Understand the concept of system and how it is embodied in electronics and information engineering. Apply knowledge of engineering and specialty of electronics and information to describe, reason and calculate relevant complex engineering problems. Understand the limitation of the solution and propose improvement.2.(Problem Analysis):Be able to apply the fundamental principles of mathematics, science, engineering and electronics and information to identify, express and analyze relevant complex engineering problems of electronics and information, drawing an effective conclusion. 2-1For the relevant engineering problems of electronics and information, analyze the requirements, list the requirement specifications of the task and identify the various limitations confronted by the problem.2-2For the relevant engineering problems of electronics and information, set up an abstract model based on the requirement specifications.2-3For the relevant engineering problems of electronics and information, analyze the problem via literature surveying and draw an effective conclusion.3. (Design/develop solutions):Based on the solutions to a relevant complex engineering problem, be able to design the electronic modules or systems to satisfy the requirement - 5 -specifications. Be able to demonstrate novelty in the design and take factors of society, health, safety, laws, culture and environment into account.3-1 According to the requirement specifications, break down and refine the relevant engineering problems of electronics and information. Design and develop the software and hardware modules.3-2 Know about the status quo and future trend of technology of electronics and information. Demonstrate novelty in designing solutions.3-3 Based on the factors of society, health, safety, laws, culture and environment, analyze the feasibility and performance of candidate solutions. Take into account the application background, systematic features, device specifications and designing procedures when determining the final solution.4. (Research):Be able to conduct research about relevant complex engineering problems of electronic and information using scientific method and principles. Draw an effective conclusion by designing experiments, analyzing data and colligating information.4-1 Conduct systemic analysis and modeling about relevant complex engineering problems of electronic and information, using scientific method and principles. 4-2 Design experiment plans, set up experiment platforms and obtain experiment data for complex engineering systems.4-3 Draw an effective conclusion by colligating information from experiment data. Feed back the information to the designing process.5. (Applying Modern Tools):Be able to develop, choose and apply appropriate technology, resources, modern tools and information technology for the relevant complex engineering problems. Predict and simulate the complex problems, understand its limitations.5-1 Use computer software and hardware, communication protocols and algorithm simulation tools to simulate the complex engineering problems of information process and information systems. Understand the limitation of the process.5-2 Proficiently use electronic instrument to observe and analyze electronic circuits and the characteristics of information systems. Express and solve the designing problem of communication engineering using charts and formulae. Understand the limitation of the process.6. (Engineering and Society):Bee able to analyze and evaluate the impact of engineering practices and complex engineering problems on the social, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities.6-1 Have the fundamental knowledge and accomplishment of society, health, laws, safety and culture.6-2 Evaluate the the impact of engineering practices and complex engineering problems on the social, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities.- 6 -7. (Environment and Sustainable Development):Be able to understand and evaluate the impact of the practices of complex electronic and information engineering problems on environment and the sustainable development of society.7-1 Know about the relevant policies and laws of information industries and information service industries.7-2 Understand the relationships between information industry and the environment. Understand and evaluate the impact of the engineering practices on environment and sustainable development of society. Understand how to reduce the negative impact using proper technology.8. (Professional Standards):An understanding of humanity science and social responsibility, being able to understand and abide by professional ethics and standards responsibly in engineering practice.8-1 Have humanistic knowledge, ability to think and handle general problems and spirit of science. Understand the social responsibility as an individual.8-2 Understand and abide by the professional ethics and standards in relevant engineering practices of electronic and information.9. (Individual and Teams):An ability to function effectively as an individual, a member or a leader in a multi-disciplinary team.9-1 Be able to work as a member in a team of research, development and manufacturing in the area of electronics and information. Have the spirit of teamwork.9-2 Be able to learn and understand the knowledge and methods of other disciplines in a multi-disciplinary background. Know about the method of organizing and managing teams. Have the consciousness of team leader.10. (Communication):An ability to communicate effectively on complex electronic engineering problems with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, give and receive clear instructions, and communicate in cross-cultural contexts with international perspective.10-1 Be able to express clearly. Communicate effectively with industrial peers and the public about complex engineering problem. Write report and designing documents, make presentations and clearly respond to instructions.10-2 Be able to communicate with foreign language in the intercultural background. Have a global vision.11. (Project Management):Understand the principles of electronic engineering management and methods of economic decision-making. Be able to apply the knowledge in multidisciplinary environments.- 7 -11-1 Understand the principles of electronic engineering management and methods of economic decision-making. Identify the key issues of management and economic decision making in relevant engineering project.11-2 Apply the principles of engineering management and economic decision making to multidisciplinary complex engineering project.12. (Lifelong learning):A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in independent and life-long learning with the ability to learn continuously and adapt to new developments.12-1 Understand the necessity of non-stopping exploring and learning. Acquire the method for self-learning, know about the ways to expand knowledge and capacity.12-2 Have the conscious of self-learning and lifelong learning. Keep constant learning to adaptively develop new capacity according to the changing of social environment and personal roles.专业简介:专业简介:信息工程专业可追溯到 1952 年,属于通信与信息系统学科,已有 60 多年办学历史,历经电讯工程、无线电工程等专业名称变迁,作为建国后部属高校中首批设立的电类本科专业,在著名电子学家、教育家冯秉铨教授的带领下,为我国,尤其是华南地区电子信息产业培养了一大批引领企业发展的高素质专业人才,如 TCL 总裁李东生、七喜董事长易贤忠、京信通信董事局主席霍东龄等。继承冯秉铨教授注重教学改革的传统,长期承担学校教育教学改革探索试点,成效显著,在五年一次的国家级教学成果奖评选中,连续三届获国家级教学成果二等奖。学院拥有国家级实验教学示范中心、国家级人才培养模式创新实验区、国家集成电路人才培养基地、国家工程实践教育中心、国家级教学团队,这些为创新人才培养提供保障。学生培养得到产业界鼎力支持,目前已与 TCL、中国移动、中国电信、中国联通、中兴通讯、京信通信、中广核集团、南方电网、中国人保、微软亚洲研究院、三星广州研究院等信息产业龙头企业共建企业实习基地。Program Profile:Information engineering belongs to communication and information system discipline, nearly 60 years' history. Information engineering profession has changed by major name of telecommunication engineering, radio engineering, the specialty is first set up as an electrical undergraduate by the affiliated universities after the founding of China. Under the leadership of Professor Feng Bingquan who was the famous electronic scholar and educator in China, especially in Southern China electronic information industries have cultivated a large number of high-quality professionals in the development of leading enterprises such as president of TCL Li Dongsheng, seven-up chairman Yi Xianzhong, chairman of the - 8 -board of directors Huo Dongling comba.Traditional inheritance Feng Bingquan professor teaching reform, long-term to undertake school education teaching reform to explore pilot, fruitful, within five years of teaching achievement prizes at the national, three successive won the second prize of national teaching achievements. College has a national experimental teaching demonstration center, the national talented person training mode innovation experimental area, national IC talent training base, national engineering practice education center, the national teaching team, these provide safeguard for the innovative talent training.The students are supported by the industries,and we has co-constructed enterprise practice bases with those information industry leading enterprises like TCL, China Mobile, China Telecom, Chinese Uni-com, ZTE, telecom, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, China Southern Power Grid, Chinese Paul, Microsoft Asia Research Institute, Guangzhou Institute of Samsung .专业特色专业特色:本专业注重综合素质和创新实践能力的培养。面向德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人培养目标,通过学科反哺、产学融合、文化育人,围绕学生知识系统-经验系统-意识系统,探索整体性/系统性创新人才培养。本专业为国家级特色专业及国家级综合改革试点专业,建有国家级实验教学示范中心 1 个、国家级人才培养模式创新实验区 1 个、国家工程实践教育中心 1 个、国家级教学团队 1 个、国家级教学名师 2 人、国家级精品课程 3 门、国家级资源共享课程 2 门。Program Features:This Specialty focus on the cultivation of comprehensive quality and innovative practice ability. Aiming at cultivating socialist builders and successors who are fully developed morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and laboriously. It explores the cultivation of systematic innovative talents by means of discipline feedback, industry-learning integration and cultural education, centering on students' knowledge system - experience system - consciousness system. This specialty is a national characteristic and the national comprehensive reform pilot professional. It has a national experimental teaching demonstration center, 1 national talented person training mode innovation experimental area, 1 national engineering practice education center, 1 state-level teaching team, 2 national level outstanding teachers, 3 national excellent c


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