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    (人教PEP)5年级英语上册unit 6《In a nature park》单元测试 (1) 有答案(含听力原文).doc

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    (人教PEP)5年级英语上册unit 6《In a nature park》单元测试 (1) 有答案(含听力原文).doc

    第六单元全练全测 基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(42 分) 1.湖泊_ 2.小道 _ 3花_ 4.河流 _ 5森林_ 6.建筑物 _ 7照片_ 8.桥_ 9公园_ 10.干净的 _ 11房子 _ 12.树_ 13公路_ 14.草_ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(18 分)1sky/ska/_ 2.cloud/klad/_3.mountain/'maAn/_ 4.farm/fAm/_5.village/'vAA/_ 6.city/'s/_三、 【二会词汇】给英文单词(短语)选出正确的汉语意思。(20 分) ( )1.nature park A假期 ( )2.holiday B自然公园 ( )3.air C跑 ( )4.run D任何的;所有的 ( )5.any E空气四、 【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(20 分) ( )1.Are there any fish in the rivers?Yes,there are. ( )2.Is there a forest in the park?Yes,there is. ( )3.Is there a river?No,there isn't. ( )4.Are there any pandas in the mountains?No,there aren't.答案详解答案详解 一、1.lake 2.path 3.flower 4.river 5.forest 6building 7.picture 8.bridge 9.park 10clean 11.house 12.tree 13.road 14.grass 二、1.天空 2.云 3.山;山脉 4.农场 5.村庄 6城市 三、1.B 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.D 四、1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C综合全练全测 听力部分(40 分) 一、听音用(16)标号。(12 分)A在公园里有一片森林吗?是的,有。 B有一条河吗?不,没有。 C在山里有熊猫吗?不,没有。 D河里有鱼吗?是的,有。二、听音选图。(4 分)( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. 三、听音,判断对(T)错(F)。(4 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音补全对话。(20 分) A:_ _ a nature park near your city? B:Yes, _ _. A:Is there a _ in the park? B:_, there _. A:Are there any _ in the park? B:_, there _.笔试部分(60 分) 五、把字母组成单词写在横线上,并选择相应的图片填在题前括号内。(8分)( )1.i r v r e _ A. ( )2.e b i r g d _ B. ( )3.e t e r _ C. ( )4.e h s u o _ D. 六、用所给词的正确形式填空。(12 分) 1There _ (be) white _ (cloud) in the sky. 2They _ (be) my holiday _ (picture) 3_ (be) there a _ (lake) near here? 七、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1.Is this a nature park?_AYes, there is. BYes, it is. CYes, there are. ( )2.Is there a path in the forest?_AYes, there is. BYes, it is. CYes, there are. ( )3.Are there _ birds in the tree?Yes,there are.Aany Bsome Cmuch ( )4.There _ _ on the road.They are colourful. Aare,car Bare,cars Cis,car( )5.There _ much _ near the path.It's green. Aare,grasses Bis,grasses Cis,grass 八、连词成句。(8 分) 1is,in,plane,the,there,sky,a(?) _ 2no,in,there,lakes,city,the,are(.) _ _ 3are,any,the,fish,river,in,there(?) _ _ 4and,is,flowers,grass,there(.) _ _ 九、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) Sarah:I live in a village.It's small, but it's very nice. Bai Ling:Are there any mountains near your village? Sarah:No,there aren't. Bai Ling:Are there any rivers? Sarah:Yes,there are many rivers.And there are some bridges over the rivers. Bai Ling:Are there any trees? Sarah:Yes,and there are many beautiful flowers,too. Bai Ling:Is there a lake? Sarah:Yes,there is.The water is clean.You can see many fish in it. Bai Ling:Cool!Are there any buildings? Sarah:No,there aren't.There are only small houses.The sky is blue.The air is fresh,and the clouds are white. Bai Ling:Great.I like your village. ( )1.Sarah lives in a big village. ( )2.There aren't any mountains near the village. ( )3.There are many rivers in the village. ( )4.There is only one bridge over the river. ( )5.There are no buildings in the village. 十、说一说。(12 分) 介绍自己的家乡并把它画下来,写 34 句话。 I live in a city._ _ _ _ _ _ _听力原文听力原文 一、1.river 2.mountains 3.road 4.trees 5village 6.buildings 二、1.There are two flowers. 2There are small houses in the village. 3A:Is there a lake in the forest? B:Yes, there is. 4A:Are there any mountains near here? B:Yes, there are. 三、1.There is a path in the forest. 2A:Is there a river in the forest? B:Yes, there is. 3A:Are there any buildings? B:Yes, there are. 4A:Is there a bridge over the river? B:Yes, there is. 四、A:Is there a nature park near your city? B:Yes,there is. A:Is there a forest in the park? B:Yes,there is. A:Are there any lakes in the park? B:No,there aren't. 答案详解答案详解一、 二、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 三、1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 四、Is,there,there,is,forest,Yes,is,lakes,No,aren't 五、C 1.river 2.B bridge 3.A tree 4D house 六、1.are,clouds 2.are,pictures 3.Is,lake 七、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 八、1.Is there a plane in the sky? 2There are no lakes in the city. 3Are there any fish in the river? 4There is grass and flowers. 九、1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 十、范例:I live in a city.There are many tall buildings and roads.There are many cars on the roads.There are many trees and flowers near the roads.It's beautiful.I like my city. 图略。


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