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    [中学联盟]江苏省句容市天王中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit3 Integrated skills 课件.ppt

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    [中学联盟]江苏省句容市天王中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit3 Integrated skills 课件.ppt

    Unit 3 Robots,Integrated skills,What else can a robot do?,Help with housework,Explore outer space,Do dangerous jobs,Help with homework,Talk about Mr. Jiangs home robot,Why did he want to buy a robot?,What can the robot do for him at home?,Wake him up,Make his breakfast,Iron his suit smoothly,Prepare his lunch box,Do all the housework,Go shopping at the supermarket,Make delicious dinner for him,Tidy up after dinner,Welcome to the International Robot Show,International Robot Show,Place: the town hallDates: 1422 MarchTime: 9 a.m.4:30 p.m.Ticket: ¥ 20 (free for children under 12),Special gift!,Come to the robot show on 14 March and receive a copy of Robot magazine for free!,Read and answer the questions.,At the town hall.,From 14th to 22th March.,1. Where will the show be held?,2. When will the show be held?,It opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 4.30 p.m.,3. What time does it open and close?,A1,4. Whats the price of tickets?,It is ¥20 for people over 12 but free for children under 12.,5. What will you get if you go to the show?,A copy of Robot magazine for free.,There is going to be a _ soon.The show will be held at the _.It is from _ to _ March.It begins at _and finishes at _The price of a ticket is _for people 12 years and above.,robot show,town hall,14,Before listening,A2,22,9 a.m.,4.30 p.m.,¥20,Listen to the key informationWrite down the right information that you needUse abbreviations (such as Dec., esp. ) to help you save time,Tips for listening,Before Listening,Read the information carefully,Predict(预测) what the listening is about,While Listening,Robot from China, _ and South Korea will be displayed.One of the robots is designed to help studentswith their _. It can read a book in five minutes and tell you about it in _.It has a _ memory.It never gets anything _.It does not get _.You need to give it some oil _ and change the batteries _.,clear language,good,wrong,tired,every month,every two months,homework,Japan,While listening,A3,Daniel wants to invite Simon to go to the robot show. Help Daniel complete his email. Use the information in Part A1 to help you.,Hi Simon,I know you are interested in robots. There is going to be a _ this week. The show is held at the_. You can see robots from _. I have just learnt that one of the robots is designed to _. It can read a book _. That is really exciting news! I think we should go and find more.,robot show,town hall,China, Japan and South Korea,help students with their homework,in five minutes,The robot show starts from this Saturday, 14 March. We will receive a _for free if we go there on the first day of the show. Since we are over _, we need to pay _ each for the tickets. The show begins at _. Maybe we need to leave home earlier in order to get there on time.Would you like to go with me this Saturday morning? Please let me know.Yours, Daniel,copy of Robot magazine,12 years old,¥20,9 a.m.,Complete the following passage.,Dan had always wanted a pet dog. One C_ morning, Dan found that his parents had bought him a Robot Dog. This robot is d_ to act like a dog, but it does not need to be t_ for walks or spread its hair all o_ the home. A Robot Dog has no hair. However,hristmas,esigned,aken,ver,Exercise,it is lovely and faithful just like a r_ dog. Dan was so happy. He decided to c_ it Robbie. Robbie never got tired of p_ with Dan. U_ real dogs, Robbie did not snore when it slept beside Dans bed at night. Dan thought that Robbie was the b_ dog in the world and the best Christmas p_ he had ever received.,eal,all,laying,nlike,est,resent,Discussion,Robots can help people a lot. Do you think it is always good and never goes wrong?,What happened to Mr. Jiangs robot?,caught a virus and no longer worked properly.,Made stupid mistakes:,Woke Mr. Jiang up at 4 a.m.,Made his flat in a complete mess,Food was laid on the bed,Milk was stored in the rubbish bin,Coins, bills and his private papers were spread all over the floor,Moved too fast on its wheels and often knocked things over,Speak up,My robot has caught a virus,Mr. Jiang is calling the robot shop. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions!,1. Who is he speaking to?2. What will the robot shop do with the problem?,The Customer Service Department.,The robot engineer will contact Mr. Jiang.,Group work: Make the similar dialogue,Useful expressions:A: Hello! Can I help you?B: Hello! May I speak to/Id like to speak to the Customer Service Department.A: Please hold and Ill put you through. C: Hello! This is What can I do for you?A: My robot has caught a virus and it has gone wrong./ There is something wrong withand it doesnt It often make stupid mistakes, such asC: I am sorry to hear that. Would you like us to have it checked/ to return it?A: Yes, please. Thanks./ Id like toC: OK. Our robot engineer will contact you soon.,1. Recite the conversation on page 46.2. Complete the exercises in the paper.,


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