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    [中学联盟]江苏省太仓市第二中学(牛津译林版)九年级英语下册《Unit4 REVISION》课件.ppt

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    [中学联盟]江苏省太仓市第二中学(牛津译林版)九年级英语下册《Unit4 REVISION》课件.ppt

    9B Unit4 Revision,学科网,Review some words and fill in the blanks.,1. Do you know how many children were _ (not present) this morning?2. He dreams he is able to _ (make or design something for the first time) a robot that needs no energy.,absent,invent,3. I find it difficult to _ (choose as the best or most suitable) a man to be their leader.4. Why the man has been arrested is _ (not known) to us.,select,unknown,5. He is asked to _(get back) home before it gets dark every day. 6. He is certainly able to win the first _ (something of value given to somebody who is successful) in the competition.,return,prize,7. Marie Curie made a great contribution to the history of _ (all human race, both men and women).8. The mission is beyond my ability. I need a _ (somebody who can help).,mankind,helper,学科网,Can you remember them and talk about what they did.,Mother Teresa,Bruce Lee,Neil Armstrong,Christopher Columbus,Pelé,Elvis Presley,1. Bruce Lee,2. Christopher Columbus,3. Mother Teresa,made kung fu popular in the West,discovered America,spent her life caring for the poor,What did they do?,4. Neil Armstrong,5. Pele,6. Elvis Presley,is the first man to walk on the moon,played four times in the World Cup,was the king of rock and roll,学科网,Work in pairs: talking about famous people,Use the following structure as a model.A: Who do you think is the greatest person that has ever lived?B: ! I admire her/him the most.A: What did do?B: He/She is the first person A: Why do you admire him/her?B: Because What about you? Do you admire anybody?A: Yes. I admire She/HeB: Why do you admire her/him?A: Because.,Who is he?What did he do?,Neil Armstrong,the first man walked on the moon,Lets review something about Armstrong. Please read and complete the passage.,In 1962, Armstrong was s_ to be an astronaut. In 1966, he went into space in Gemini 8. However, the f_ was cut short because of some unexpected situation. He brought the spacecraft into the Pacific Ocean s_.On 20th J_ 1969, Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon as C_ of Apollo 11. T_ with Edwin Aldrin, he m_ to land the s_ on the moon. He said the famous words, It was one small step for man, one g_ leap for mankind. They c_ many rock samples for further r_. When they returned, the whole world was waiting to g_ them.,elected,light,uccessfully,uly,ommander,ogether,anaged,urface,iant,ollected,esearch,reet,归纳:that,即指人又指物,作主语或宾语。 which,指物,作主语或宾语。 who, 指人, 作主语。,1) A plane is a machine _ can fly.2) The car _ my uncle bought last week was stolen.3) The students _ dont study hardwill not pass the exam.4) The woman _ you saw inthe park is our English teacher.5) He talked happily about the men and books_ interested him greatly in the school.,which/that,which/that/,who/that,who/that/,that,Join two sentences into one: The boy is my brother. He helped me.,1. The boy who helped me is my brother.,The film is interesting. They saw it last night.,2. The film they saw last night is interesting.,The students will not pass the exam. They dont work hard.,3.The students who dont work hard will not pass the exam.,Using that only,This is the best way has been used against air pollution in cities.,English is the most difficult subject youll learn during these years.,3 He is the last person I want to see.,It is the first American movie of this kind Ive ever seen.,that,that,that,that,以下情况只能用that1 先行词既有指人又有指物2 当先行词前有序数词或形容词最高级时,有theonly,the very 等修饰时3 先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing等不定代词4 主句是以who/which开头的特殊疑问句时5当先行词在定语从句中作表语时,点击中考1.This is all _ I know about the matter. A.that B.what C.who D.whether,2.Is there anything else _ you want? A.which B.that C.who D.what,3.The last place _ we visited was the Great Wall. A.which B.that C.where D.it,A,B,B,4.He talked happily about the men and books _ interested him greatly in the school. A.which B.that C.it D.whom,5.There is no dictionary _ you can find everything. A.that B.which C.where D.in that,B,A,Translate these sentences into Enlish,1.我不喜欢昨天我们看的那部电影。,2.那个打破窗子的男孩必须赔偿。,3.这是我从图书馆借来的书。,4.我相信他是我所知道的最好的英语老师。,5.他就是想见你的人吗?,I dont like the film which/that we saw yesterday.,The boy who/that broke the window must pay for it.,This is the book which/that I borrowed from the library.,I believe that he is the best English teacher that Ive ever known.,Is he the man who/that wants to see you?,Mother Teresa,Who is she?What is she famous for?What prizes did she receive?,Answer the following questions,What is she famous for?What prizes did she receive?,She is famous for devoting her life to caring for the poor.,She received the Nobel Peace Prize and the Medal of Freedom.,Completing the passage,I think the greatest person _ is Mother Teresa. She changed many peoples lives. This is what I found out about her.Mother Teresa _ 27th August 1910 in Macedonia. She was the _in a family of _ children.,that has ever lived,was born on,youngest,three,When she was young, Mother Teresa studied _ and loved everyone. She became a _ in Ireland and left for India in _ and _ in St Marys High School from _.In 1948, Mother Teresa became _ and she started to help the poor in _.,religion,nun,1929,taught,1931,an Indian citizen,Calcutta,Mother Teresa died on _ when she was _. She was awarded the _ in 1979, and the President of the USA awarded her the _ in _. She will always be remembered for _. She was a _ who _ for others. That is why I admire her so much.,5th September 1997,87,Nobel Peace Prize,Medal of Freedom,1985,devoting her life to caring for the poor,kind person,gave up everything,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,Part One Introduce the person you want to write about.,Part Two Write some detailed information about Mother Teresas life, such as family, study and so on.,Part Three Explain why I admire Mother Teresa.,the first paragraph,from the second to the fourth paragraph,the fifth paragraph,Writing structure,Conclusion,Introduction,Introduce the person you want to write about.,Main body,Write some detailed information about his or her life.,Explain why you admire him or her.,Outline for writing about a famous person,Write a passage,Look for the information about Martin Luther King and write a passage about him.,Introduction,I think the greatest person that has ever lived is Martin Luther King. He was a very brave man and he changed many peoples lives. This is what I found out about him.,Main body,Martin Luther King was born on 15th January 1929 in Georgia in the USA. He was the middle child in a family of three children. When he was young, he did well in all his lessons. He became the leader of the black civil rights movement in the USA. In 1964,Dr King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the youngest man ever to receive the award.,Dr King died on 4th April 1968. I admire Dr King because he inspired so many people and changed American society for better.,Conclusion,Homework 1. Look for some information about a famous person you admire and write a passage about him or her.,2.Revise for the coming test,


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