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    八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Educational exchanges Grammar课件 .ppt

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    八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Educational exchanges Grammar课件 .ppt

    ,Unit5Educational exchanges,Grammar,A The present perfect tense,We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that happened in the past but have a connection to the present in some way,a lot of new friends,a lot of new friends,Work out the rule We form the present perfect tense with _or _+past participle of the main verb.,have,has,Things to remember,I/You/We/They have= Ive/Youve/Weve/TheyveHe/She/It has = Hes/ Shes / Its have not=havent has not =hasnt,The past participle of a regular verb is usually the same as its past tense. You can find the past participles of some irregular verbs on pages 141 and 142.规则动词的过去分词和过去式一样不规则的动词过去分词见P141和P142. arrive-arrived arrivedgo went -gone,Eric has been in Beijing for a week. Complete his email to his mother with the present perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.To: MumFrom: Eric,Dear Mum,Ive been in Beijing for a week. I (1)_(meet) my host family.,have,met,Theyre really friendly. My host brother Wei and I (2)_(play) a lot of football at a park near his home. We both enjoy football very much. Mrs. Li, my host mother, (3)_(cook) me delicious Chinese food.,have played,has cooked,I (4)_(study) Chinese with my British classmates. We (5) _(see) some places of interest in Beijing too. However, I (6)_(not, visit) the Great Wall yet, and I (7)_(not, do )any shopping either. I will do these things next week.Love,Eric,have studied,have seen,havent visited,havent done,B The present perfect tense with already, yet, ever and neverWe can use already , yet, ever and never with the present perfect tense.,Sarah has already seen many places of interest in Beijing.Have you seen the Great Wall yet?No, I have not seen the Great Wall yet.Have you ever visited the Summer Palace?No, I have never visited the Summer Palace.,Work out the rule We can use the adverbs already, ever and never(before/after)have /has and (before /after) the main verb.We often use yet at the (beginning /end)of a question or a negative sentence.,我们可以把already , ever and never 放在have,has 或者实义动词前或者后面。把 yet放在疑问句或者否定句中,置于句子的结尾。,Sarah wants to know whether the students from Beijing have visited any places in London before. Ask and answer questions in pairs. Follow the example.,B1,S1: Has Alice ever seen big Ben?S2: No, she hasnt . Shes never seen Big Ben.S1: Has she ever visited Tower Bridge?S2: Yes, she has. She visited it two years ago.,Later Sarah is asking the students from Beijing about what they have and have not done in London. Ask and answer questions in pairs. Follow the example.,B2,S1: Have you done any shopping yet.Alice?S2: No, I havent done any shopping yet.S1: Have you seen Big Ben yet?S2: Yes, Ive already seen it.,More practise,1. I_already_(see) the film. 2. _he _(finish) his work today? Not yet 3. _ you _(be) to Hong Kong? Yes, I _(be) there twice.,have,seen,Has,finished,Have,been,have been,4. _you ever _(eat ) chocolate sundaes(圣代)? No, never. 5. My father_ just _(come) back from work. He is tired now.6. Where's Li Ming? He _(go) to the teacher's office.,Have,eaten,has,came,has gone,7. So far I _(make) quite a few friends here.8. How long_the Wangs _(stay) here ? For two weeks.9. I have been to Macau before. (改为否定句) I _ _ been to Macau before.,have made,have,stayed,have,not,10. He hasn't come to school because he's ill. (就划线部分提问) _ _ he come to school?11. He has learned English for 5 years. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ _learned English? 12. I bought a new bike just now. (用just改写) I_just_a new bike.,Why,has,How,long,has,he,have,bought,Thank you !,


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