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    八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories Reading 2课件 .ppt

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    八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories Reading 2课件 .ppt

    Chapter 6 Reading 2,Notes,1. “They have tried to capture our city for ten years . Now theyve given up and sailed away!”他们试图占领我们的城市已经十年了,现在他们放弃并且启程回家啦!,try to do sth努力做某事,试图做某事我想通过考试, 因此我努力学习I try to pass the exam, so I study hard.,give up sth/ doing sth 放弃做某事,放弃做某事他放弃了去美国读书。He gave up going to study in the USA.他爸爸戒烟了。His father gave up smoking .,2. They have left a huge wooden horse.他们已经留下了一个巨大的木马。leave 留下 left , left 不要在教室里留下任何垃圾。Dont leave any rubbish in the classroom,wood n. 木头 wooden adj. 木头的这是个木头的门 This is a wooden door.,3. They sang and danced around the horse, and make jokes about the stupid Greeks.他们围着木马又唱又跳,并且嘲笑那些愚笨的希腊人。make jokes about 拿。开玩笑你不应该拿你的好朋友开玩笑。You should not make jokes about your good friends.,have a joke with sb 与某人开玩笑play a joke on sb 戏弄某人tell jokes 讲笑话,4.After the party , they locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep .聚会过后,他们锁上所有的门,睡觉去了。他回到家后,马上就睡着了。 After he came home, he went to sleep at once.,fall asleep 睡着go to bed 去睡觉 feel sleepy 感觉到困的他上课的时候感到困,后来就睡着了。 He felt sleepy in class, so he fell asleep.,5. By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.直到午夜,中心广场空无一人,除了那匹大马。by 直到。 , 在。之前到了晚上,他们已经很疲惫了。They are very tired by evening.,except for 除。之外(不包括在内)The city is very beautiful except for its heavy traffic.这个城市是很美的,若不是它拥挤的交通的话。,区别: except , except for , besides 1) except ,表示除。之外,不包含在内,表示排除的是同类事物或行为他每天都上班除了星期天。He goes to work every day except Sunday.,2) except for表示除。之外,不包含在内,表示排除的是不同类事物或行为 除了他的粗心,他是个好男孩。He is a good boy except for his carelessness.,3) besides 表示 除。之外还有,有包含在内的关系三个老师去了北京了,除了李老师之外。(李老师也去了)Three teachers have gone to Beijing , besides Mr. Li.,6. The horse was full of Greek soldiers!那个木马里装满了希腊人! be full of 充满。那个广场挤满了游客。The square is full of visitors .be filled with 充满这个包里塞满了书。 The bag is filled with books.,7. They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one. 他们悄悄的一个接一个的从木马里爬出来。one by one 一个接一个他们一个接着一个的上了公车汽车。They got on the bus one by one.,8. they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick. 他们通过一个聪明的计谋成功的占领了这个城市。 succeed in doing sth 成功的做某事They succeeded in making the plane model.他们成功的制作了飞机模型。,自我评价,(Unit 6, Module 3),第二、三版,. 选择填空(20分)i. 从下面每小题的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共5 小题,每小题1分)1. In the end, we went home together. A. At last B. In the beginning C. Just then D. By the end of,2. There is a huge Ferris wheel in London called “London Eye”. A. very small B. very light C. very heavy D. very big3. How stupid Tom is! He has made the same mistake for five times. A. smart B. strong C. foolish D. weak,4. Ms Browns classes are always full of laughter. We all like her very much. A. filled with B. made of C. come from D. a bit of5. You can enter a good university if you study hard. A. leave B. go into C. travel D. run away,ii. 从下面每小题的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1分)6. What are you doing _, Nancy? Im reading _ ancient Chinese story. Its really interesting. A. a; / B. /; an C. /; a D. a; an,7. What did you decide _ the end? We decided to act _ the play by ourselves. A. on; with B. at; as C. by; on D. in; out8. _ has Jerry been a member of the Chess Club? _ last month. A. How soon; Since B. How often; For C. How long; Since D. How much; For,9. Sorry, Miss Li. I have _ my homework at home. Dont forget _ it here tomorrow. A. forgot; to bring B. left; bringing C. left; to bring D. forgotten; bringing10. How can we go _ the river, Ruby? We _ the boat to the side of the river and then we can take the boat. A. across; pull B. cross; push C. across; carry D. cross; take,11. When _ you make friends with Thomson? We _ friends since ten years ago. A. did; were B. have; have been C. did; have become D. have; have made,12. Two thieves _ a purse from a woman in the market yesterday. I see. The woman tried _ them, but she failed. A. steal; to catch B. stole; catch C. stolen; catching D. stole; to catch,13. My parents _ Guangdong Province for ten years. They must _ the local culture very well. A. have been in; understand B. have been to; understood C. have gone to; understand D. have been at; understood,14. Did anybody succeed _ the test? No, _. The test was too difficult for the students. A. in passing; somebody B. in passing; nobody C. to pass; everybody D. to pass; anybody,15. How long _ Zhao Lan _ in this school? For two years. She is a good student. A. does; study B. will; study C. has; studied D. are; studying,16. We must _ before 11:00 p.m. every day. Sure. Otherwise, we may _ in class. A. go to sleep; fall sleep B. go to asleep; fall sleep C. go to asleep; fall asleep D. go to sleep; fall asleep,17. Your test paper is excellent _ your bad handwriting. I will be more _ next time. A. except; helpful B. except for; careful C. except for; helpfully D. except; carefully18. Can we _ the match, Linda? Yes, we can if we dont _, I think. A. take; give up B. win; give up C. lose; give away D. join; give away,19. Dont _ the poor people. Its quite impolite. Sorry, I wont do things _ that any longer. A. smile at; like B. tell jokes; likes C. make jokes about; like D. play a trick on; likes,20. Thank you for _ youve done for me during my stay here. _. Give my best wishes to your parents. A. everything; Thats all right B. anything; It doesnt matter C. something; Yes, Id love to D. nothing; No problem,. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1分),66. The main _ (different) between the groups is age.67. Look at that _ (wood) monkey. How cute it is! 68. The _ (Troy) were very foolish because they made a big mistake.,difference,wooden,Trojans,69. I spent my happy _ (child) with my grandparents in Sichuan Province. 70. When we played in the playground, the bell rang _ (sudden). 71. Its a hot day today. Please keep the door _ (open).,childhood,suddenly,open,72. Please enter the meeting room _ (quiet) if you are late. 73. All of us have _ (success) in passing the final exam. 74. It has been ten years since we _ (meet) each other last time. 75. I have never _ (see) such a wonderful film before.,quietly,succeeded,met,seen,ii. 选择下列词汇完成下面的对话, 并将其标号填在横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分),A. about B. been C. cost D. did E. take F. It,A: Mum, Im back now.B: Where have you (1)_? Its already 6:00 p.m.A: Sorry. I was at Sams home.B: What (2)_ you do there?A: We listened to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.,B,D,B: Maybe Ill do that sometime later.A: How (3)_ now?B: Now? No, Im busy cooking.A: It doesnt matter. Sam let me borrow some of his CDs. B: Sam let you borrow some of his CDs? (4)_ seems that you borrowed all of them.A: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 100.B: Oh, really? The CDs must (5)_ him lots of money.A: Sure.,A,F,C,完形填空: ADACB CABAA,


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