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    八年级英语上册 第01期课件 牛津深圳版.ppt

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    八年级英语上册 第01期课件 牛津深圳版.ppt

    第1期,Unit1词语笔记词语点将台 Word powerinventor 发明家1. He wants to be a famous inventor in the future. 将来他想成为一名著名的发明家。2. Benjamin Franklin was not only an inventor but also a famous writer. 本杰明·富兰克林不仅是一位发明家还 是一位著名作家。,【总结】inventor是名词, 意为 “_”, 如例1和例2。,发明家,【拓展】invent是inventor的动词形式, 意为 “发明”。例如: Do you know who invented the computer first? 你知道谁第一个发明了电脑吗? invention是名词, 意为 “发明”。例如: I think the camera is one of the most useful inventions. 我认为相机是最有用的发明之一。,【运用】根据句意, 用invent的适当形式完成句子。1. Tonight a famous _ will give us a speech. 2. I wonder when the telephone was _.3. Edison had a lot of _ in his lifelong time.,inventor,invented,inventions,born 出生1. He was born in a poor family. 他出生于一个贫困的家庭。2. When she was born, it was raining heavily. 当她出生时, 外面下着大雨。【总结】be born意为 “_”, 如例1和例2。,出生,【拓展】birth是born的名词形式, 意为 “出生”。例如:She gave birth to a baby boy. 她生了一名男婴。,【运用】根据句意, 用born的适当形式完成句子。4. She was _ with a beautiful voice.5. Please tell me your date and place of _.,born,birth,ability 才能; 能力1. Mike has the ability to communicate with others. 马克有与人沟通的才能。2. Its hard to measure his ability when we havent seen his works. 没有见过他的作品, 很难估计他的能力。【总结】ability意为 “_”, 如例1和例2。,才能; 能力,【拓展】able是ability的形容词, 意为 “能够; 能”。例如: She is able to speak three foreign languages. 她能够说三门外语。,【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。6. 他有同时做几件事的能力。 He _ _ _ _ _ several things at the same time.7. 他能够在一小时内完成所有的工作。 He _ _ _ _ all the work in one hour.,has the ability to do,is able to finish,include 包括; 包含1. In fact, the price includes the tax. 实际上, 该价格含税。2. Youd better include some funny stories in your speech. 最好在你的演 讲中含有一些有趣的故事。【总结】include是动词, 意为 “_ _”, 如例1和例2。,包括;,包含,【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。8. 你的职责包括打扫卫生和接听电话。 Your duties _ doing some cleaning and answering the telephone.9. 这次游览包括参观科学博物馆。 The tour _ a visit to the Science Museum.,include,includes,win 获胜; 赢1. I am very happy that our team won the match. 我很高兴我们队赢得了比赛。2. If you win, you will get a chance to travel abroad. 如果你获胜, 你将会获 得去国外旅游的机会。【总结】win是动词, 意为 “_”, 如例1和例2。,获胜; 赢,【拓展】winner是win的名词形式, 意为 “胜利者, 优胜者”。例如: He was the winner in the running race. 他是跑步比赛的冠军。,【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。10. 她喜欢在辩论中获胜。 She loves _ _ an argument.11. 如果你想成为获胜者, 你应该更加努 力。 If you want to be the _, you should work harder.,winner,to win,句型导航Sentence guideStructure analysis 长难句解析1. His paintings are very famous, and one, The Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. 他的画非常有名, 而且其中的蒙娜 丽莎或许是世界上最有名的一幅画 作了。,【解析】and连接两个并列的句子。The Mona Lisa是one的同位语。the most famous painting意为 “最著名的画作”, 含有形容词最高级的短语作表语。,2. Nobody knows why. 没有人知道这是为什么。【解析】why引导了一个宾语从句, 为了避免重复, 省略了“they all suddenly died out”。补全整个句子则为 “Nobody knows why they all suddenly died out”。,Structure imitation 句式仿写1. Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human beings. 恐龙先于人类6千万年生活在地球上。【解析】more than, 意为 “多于”。例如: There are more than twenty passengers on the bus. 在公共汽车上有20多名乘客。,2. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. 一些恐龙像小鸡一样小。【解析】asas, 意为 “和一样”。例如: My dress is as beautiful as yours. 我的裙子和你的裙子一样漂亮。,根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。1. 我和我的哥哥一样高。 I am _ tall _ my brother.2. 我认识大卫超过20年了。 I have known David for _ _ 20 years.,more than,as,as,短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit 1 短语聚会1. be born in 生于2. in the countryside 在乡村; 在农村3. learn to do sth 学会做4 human being 人5. die out 灭绝; 消失,6. learn about 了解7. in the center of. 在的中心8. remember to do 记得要做9. used to do sth 过去常常做10. be famous for 以出名11. find out 了解 (到), 弄清,【操练场】 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。1. The mountain _ its beautiful view.2. I would rather live in the city than live _.3. Many wild animals are _. We should do something to stop it.,is famous for,in the countryside,dying out,4. You should _ a decision by yourself. Dont rely on (依赖) others.5. I _ go to the movies. But now I have no time to do that.6. I have read this book. But I couldnt _ anything useful.,find out,learn to make,used to,For Unit 1Section A (For Reading)I. 根据句意及图片提示写单词, 补全句子。1. - What are you doing, Lucy? - I am watching a documentary Walking with _.,dinosaurs,2. Can you give back my _? I need to use it now.,notebook,3. People in cities like to go to the _ for a trip because they like the clean air there.,countryside,4. The environment (环境) needs _ protection.,human,5. Do you want to become a(n) _? Please watch CCTV 10.,inventor,II. 根据要求写出相应的单词。6. birth (动词) _7. intelligent (名词) _8. sudden (副词) _9. inventor(复数) _10. able (名词) _,born,intelligence,suddenly,inventors,ability,III. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词, 完成句子。11. N_ here knows the answer to the question, so we should go to ask others.12. My room is not big. H_, it is very comfortable.13. She is good at playing the piano, and she e_ does well in singing.,obody,owever,ven,14. My work doesnt i_ making coffee for the boss. It should be yours.15. Newton was a famous s_ in the world.,cientist,nclude,IV. 用括号里词的适当形式填空, 完成句子。16. John used to _ (eat) fish, but now he doesnt.17. He loves playing the violin very much and he wants to be a _ (music) in the future.18. Among so many _ (invent), I like phones most.,eat,musician,inventions,19. All of us should learn _ (think) independently (独立地).20. Please remember _ (bring) your homework tomorrow.,to think,to bring,V. 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。,21. Mr Green used to like living in cities, but now he likes the life _ _.,in the,countryside,22. If you want to _ dinosaurs, you may read this book.23. I think _ are cleverer than animals.,learn about,human beings,24. If we dont protect Chinese river dolphins, they will _.25. We can help the old people in many ways. _, we can help them clean their houses.,die out,For example,VI. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。26. 我们在这节课的最后读了一首诗来 感谢我们的老师。 We read a poem to thank our teacher _ _ _ _ this class.27. 两个月之内, 鲁比读了超过10本书。 Ruby read _ _ ten books in two months.,at the end of,more than,28. 我们这次的英语成绩和上次的一样好。 老师非常高兴。 Our scores in this English exam are _ _ _ those in the last exam. Our teacher is very happy.,as good as,29. 如果你想对这个伟大的科学家有所了 解, 你可以在这本百科全书中查找他 的信息。 You can _ _ the information about him in this encyclopaedia if you want to know about this great scientist.,look up,30. 她出生在一个贫穷的家庭, 但最终却 成为了一个伟人。 She _ _ _ a poor family. However, she became a great person at last.31. 从小他就喜欢画画。 He loved to draw _ _ _ _.,was born in,from an early age,32. 这台打印机是与这台电脑相连的。 The printer _ _ _ the computer.,is connected to,Section B (For Listening)I. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。1. 我希望在这次比赛中赢得一等奖, 你 会帮助我吗? I hope to _ _ _ in the match. Can you give me a hand?,win first prize,2. 琼弄清楚了这件事发生的原因, 她非常 开心。 June _ _ why the thing happened, so she was very happy.3. 成功需要花费辛勤劳动和时间。 It _ _ _ _ _ to be successful.,takes hard work and time,found out,II. 从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。,Dick: Hi, Doris. You got first prize in the knowledge competition. (4) _Doris: In fact, I didnt think I would got the top grade. (5) _Dick: Well, what kind of books do you like to read?Doris: Encyclopaedias. (6) _ You can find everything that you are interested in. Then you can get much knowledge from them.,A,D,B,Dick: (7) _Doris: Yeah, it is really interesting. But it also took me much time.Dick: (8) _Doris: Yeah. I often wrote down some useful things when I was reading.,F,C,参考答案词语点将台1. inventor 2. invented 3. inventions 4. born 5. birth,6. has the ability to do 7. is able to finish 8. include 9. includes 10. to win 11. winner,句型导航1. as; as 2. more than,短语收藏夹1. is famous for 2. in the countryside 3. dying out 4. learn to make 5. used to 6. find out,随堂练Section AI. 1. dinosaurs 2. notebook 3. countryside 4. human 5. inventor,II. 6. born 7. intelligence 8. suddenly 9. inventors 10. ability,III. 11. Nobody 12. However 13. even14. include 15. scientist,IV. 16. eat 17. musician 18. inventions 19. to think 20. to bring,V. 21. in the countryside 22. learn about 23. human beings 24. die out 25. For example,VI. 26. at the end of 27. more than 28. as good as 29. look up 30. was born in 31. from an early age 32. is connected to,Section BI. 1. win first prize 2. found out 3. takes hard work and time,II. 4. A5. D6. B7. C8. F,精“品”课文1. D2. C3. A4. B5. C,课本链接 1. C2. D3. A4. D5. B,主题漫步 1. D2. C3. B4. A5. C,Thank you,


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