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    牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 6 Pets》课件:Reading.ppt

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    牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 6 Pets》课件:Reading.ppt

    Unit6 Pets,Do you know any fun facts about animals? Decide whether the following sentences are T (True) of F (False).,Cats can taste sweets. (T / F)Chocolate can make dogs sick. (T / F)Dolphins sleep with both eyes closed. (T / F)When a rabbit is happy, it clicks its teeth. (T / F)Dogs may feel unhappy if they are not taken out for a walk. (T / F),A,B,In pairs, discuss the following questions.,1. Do you have a pet? What is it? What is it like?,2. If you do not have a pet, do you want one? Why or why not?,3. Why do people keep pets?,Look at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-heading of the article on page 83. Then answer the questions below.,What do you think the article is about?,2.Who likes keeping a pet dog and who does not?,3. Why is keeping a pet dog a good idea?,4. Why is keeping a pet dog a bad idea?,The words in italics explain the meaning of some words from the articles on page 83. Find the words to complete the sentences.,The girl likes the small cat because it is pretty and lively. She likes _ animals. (line7)2. Do not give food to the bears. If you _ them, they might attack you. (line 11),cute,feed,3. _ everyone was excited about the Olympics. Almost all the families in the country were watching the games on TV. (line 28)4. It is _ for students to make these mistakes. Such mistakes happen often. (line 35)5. You _ take this exam. Everyone in the school must take it. (line 36-37),have no choice but to,Nearly,common,Complete the conversation with the words from the box below.,according to cute feed noisysofa stranger,Emma: Mum! The rabbits are so (1)_. Can you buy me one?Mum: I dont think they make very good pets. They smell, and theyll get the (2) _ and the floor dirty.,cute,sofa,Emma: (3) _ my friend, a rabbit makes a great pet. It isnt (4) _ like a dog.Mum: But you won have time to (5) _ it and take care of it. Also, its not a good idea to buy a pet in the street from a (6) _.,According to,feed,noisy,stranger,Read the following statements and decide whether they are F (Facts) or O (Opinions).,According to my mum, this helps us become more responsible people. F/OA dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for many years. F/ONearly all dogs bark at strangers. F/OKeeping pet dogs is not a good idea. F/O,Emma and Matt have given us many reasons to support their opinions. Read the article again and complete the notes below.,Emmas reasons:Dogs are (1) _.People can learn (2) _. Young people can learn how to _.Dogs will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for (4) _,cute,responsibility,care for others by keeping dogs,many years,Emmas opinion: keeping pet dogs is a good idea.,Matts reasons:Pet dogs leave their (5) _ everywhere, and they need to be washed often.Dogs are (6) _. Most dogs bark at (7)_.Not all dogs are (8) _. A small number of pet dogs even (9) _.People keep their dogs in (10) _. The dogs cannot run free.Owning dogs can be (11) _.,hair,noisy,strangers,friendly,attack people,small spaces,expensive,Matts opinion: keeping pet dogs is not a good idea.,Keeping pet dogs is a good idea. 养狗是个好主意。,动词做主语,采用动名词形式,谓语用单数。,(1) 做运动是很重要的。_ _ _ important.(2) 抽烟是不允许的。_ here _ not allowed.,Doing sports is,Smoking is,2. It is nice to hold them in our arms, and its wonderful to see them grow up.,It is + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth.,see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,3. According to my mum, this helps us become more responsible people.,according to sb. / sth. 根据某人/某物help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事,根据麦克说,这是一部好电影。_ _ Mike, this is a good movie.(2) Mary 经常帮我补习功课。Mary often _ me _ my homework.,According to,helps do,4. Young people can learn how to care for others by keeping pets.,learn how to do sth. 学会如何做某事,care for sb. 照顾照料care about sb. 关心,关怀,by 是一个介词,后面加doing sth.,5. They need to be washed often.,need to do sth. 需要去做某事need to be done (某事)需要被做,我们需要好好学习。这间房子需要被打扫。,We need to study hard.,This room needs to be cleaned.,6. This stops people from getting any sleep.,stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事,这场大雨阻止我们出去。,The rain stops us from getting out.,7. A small number of pet dogs even attack people.,a number of + n. +谓语复数 一些 the number of + n. + 谓语单数 的数目,少量的学生不想要去野餐。,_ the students dont want to go for a picnic.,(2) 这个学校学生的数目是2000人。,_ the students in this school is 2000.,A small number of,The number of,8. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces.,have no choice but to do sth. 除了.别无选择,(1) 他们除了走路回家别无选择。They _no choice but _ _ _.(2) 他除了辞职别无选择。He _no choice but _ _ _ _.,had,to walk home.,has,to quiz the job,ls it a good idea to keep pet dogs? Emma and Matt give their opinions on this matter.Emma thinks keeping pet dogs is a good idea. First, dogs are really cute. it's nice to hold (1)_in our arms, and it's (2) _(wonder) to see them grow up. Second, we can learn (3)_(responsible) from keeping dogs. We have to feed them, train them and play (4)_them.,them,语法填空,wonderful,responsibility,with,This helps us become more responsible people. Young people can learn how (5)_ (care) for others by doing so. A dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of (6)_ (happy) for many years.Matt thinks it's not a good idea to keep pet dogs. Pet dogs leave their hair on the floor, on beds and on sofas,and they need to (7) _(wash) often. Besides, dogs are (8)_ (noise). Nearly all dogs bark at strangers.,to care,happiness,be washed,noisy,Some dogs even bark loudly all night. This stops people from (9)_ (get) any sleep. Also, not all dogs are friendly. A small number of pet dogs even attack people. What's more, it's common for people to live in flats. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces. However, dogs need fresh air and large open spaces where they can run free. ( 10) _(final), owning dogs can cost much.,getting,Finally,The end,


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