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    牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 8 life in the future》课件:words.ppt

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    牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 8 life in the future》课件:words.ppt

    Unit 8,Life in the future,n.,Internetpostapologyexcusepastpresenthydrogen,shapecafétechnologysoftwarevirus,adj.,wide,adv.,recentlyforevercertainly,v.,recommendsatisfymixrelaxprepare,in the presentat the fronton the Internetin the shape ofmixwithprepare forin a second,post,n.(发在网上的)帖子,Internet,n.(国际)互联网,hydrogen,n.氢;氢气,n. 邮递,past,n.过去,in the past 在过去,Now it is different from the past.Then he slowly walked past the house.,prep. 过;经过,wide,adj.宽的;宽阔的,1.He is a man of _ knowledge and experience.2.The two houses has the same _.3.The mobile phone were used_.,adv.广泛地 n.宽度;广度 v.变宽; 放宽,widely,width,widen,wide,width,widely,shape,n.形状;外形,cafe,n.咖啡馆;小餐馆,recently,adv.不久前;最近,1.Amy wasn't here because her _illness.2.They _moved to another city.,adj.最近的; 近代的,n.最近,recent,recentness,recent,recently,forever,adv.永远,They will live forever in our hearts.I dream about being with you forever.,recommend,v.推荐,recommendation n.推荐;建议;推荐信,Can you recommend some to me?We make this recommendation for two reasons.,certainly,adv.无疑;肯定,adj.无疑的; 有把握的,certain,You can certainly use my dictionary.She's certain she's going to make it .,satisfy,v.使满意;使满足,1.The result can't be _for anyone.2.It is impossible to _everyone.3.How do we find out whether our customers are _?,adj.感到满意的 adj.令人满意的 adv.使人满意地 n.满意,满足,satisfied,satisfying,satisfyingly,satisfaction,satisfying,satisfy,satisfied,satisfy v. 使满意;使满足,你的答案不会使他满意。Your answer wont satisfy him.,satisfy sb. 使某人满意,be satisfied with “对感到满意”,我对你的解释感到满意 I am satisfied with your explanation,mix,v.(使)混合,1.The little boy likes the _drinks.2.Air is a _of gases.3.Whet happens when you _ flour with water?,n.混合;混合物 adj.混合的,mixture,mixed,mixed,mixture,mix,electronic,adj.电子的,1.There are no _ so there can be no _ mail.2.The boy has a toy car worked by _.3.Yesterday my mother bought an _ kettle.,n.电子 n.电 adj.电的; 电动的; 发电的,electron,electricity,electric,electrons,electronic,electricity,electric,while,conj.在期间;当的时候,Her child was in my home while she was shopping.While he was in Chicago, Henry visited his friends .While she was crossing the street , a car hit her.,technology,n.科技;工艺,software,n.软件,virus,n.病毒,apology n. 道歉,*apologize v. 道歉,make an apology to sb. apologize to sb. 向某人道歉,我必须向你道歉。I must apologize to you.I must make an apology to you.,excuse C. n. 借口,理由,make an excuse for (doing) sth.为(做)某事制造借口,她迟到总是有借口。 She always makes excuses for being late.,present n. 目前,现在,in the present at present = for the time being现在;目前,*in the past 在过去,relax v. 使放松,Vi. Relax and enjoy the trip. 放松享受旅程。Vt. This song relaxes me. 这首歌使我放松。,adj. relaxing 令人放松的 a relaxing song relaxed 感到放松的 I feel relaxed.,prepare v. 有准备,prepare for sth. 为某事做准备,我需要为考试做准备。I need to prepare for the test.,preparation n. 准备,make preparations for sth.为某事做准备,我们已经为聚会做好准备。We have made preparations for the party.,n.,Internetpostapologyexcusepastpresenthydrogen,互联网帖子 ;邮递道歉借口过去目前氢,shapecafétechnologysoftwarevirus,adj.,wide,adv.,recentlyforevercertainly,n.,形状咖啡馆科技软件病毒,宽的,最近永远当然,v.,recommendsatisfymixrelaxprepare,推荐使满足混合放松有准备,in the presentat the fronton the Internetin the shape ofmixwithprepare forin a second,现在在前面在互联网上的形状相混合准备片刻,根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,You should _ to your mother. (apology)The young man travels _.(wide)Our teachers are _ with our performances. (satisfy) They felt quite _ before the test. (relax),apologize,widely,satisfied,relaxed,5. He was _ to take the exam, so he failed. (prepare)6. Our teacher has changed a lot in _ years. (recently)7. Mike always makes _ for himself. (excuse) 8. He often gave me little _. (present),unprepared,recent,excuses,presents,


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