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    九年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 6 Healthy diet Period 4课件 .ppt

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    九年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 6 Healthy diet Period 4课件 .ppt

    Module 3 Leisure time,Oxford English,Unit 6,Period 4,Grammar,Healthy diet,1,Review,Share your dinner menu.,2,Saying what we know, think, believe, etc. (that-clauses),Read and learn.,subject(主语)+ verb(谓语动词)+ that-clause(that引导的从句),We often use that-clauses after these verbs:,that,Complete “Work out the rule”.,In pairs, complete the conversations on the next page. S1 should tell S2 what he/she and other people eat. S2 should look at the table below and give a suitable reply.,1 S1: _ (I/lot/sweets/little fruit) S2: _2 S1: _ (I/lot/fried food/little bread) S2: _ _,I eat a lot of sweets and only a little fruit.,I think (that) you need to eat fewer sweets and more fruit.,I eat a lot of fried food and only a little bread.,I think (that) you need to eat less fried food and more bread.,3 S1: _ (My brother/lot/meat/few vegetables) S2: _ _4 S1: _ (I/lot/meat/few oranges) S2: _5 S1: _ (My sister/lot/eggs/few carrots) S2: _ _,My brother eats a lot of meat and only a few vegetables.,I think (that) he needs to eat less meat and more vegetables.,I eat a lot of meat and only a few oranges.,I think (that) you need to eat less meat and more oranges.,My sister eats a lot of eggs and only a few carrots.,I think (that) she needs to eat fewer eggs and more carrots.,Complete the conversation according to the survey with object clauses.,Linda and Susan made a new radio programme. After the broadcast, they did a survey among teenagers about it.,SurveyQuestion: What do you think of the radio programme, Teens English Corner?Results:18%language/quite hard82%language/easy36%interesting and enjoyable40%boring24%not worth listening to70%the programme should have more music,Linda:Have you completed the survey, Susan?Susan:Yes, and Ive got the results here. First, (1)_ _ (think). But, (2) _ (feel).Linda:Thats good. Most of the teenagers can understand the language. What do they think of the programme?Susan: (3) _ _ (believe).Linda:Hmm. But its only a small number of them. What do the rest think of the programme?Susan:(4) _ _(think), and (5)_ _ (say).Linda:Oh dear. We must do something about that.Susan:(6) _ _ (suggest).Linda:Thats a good idea.,eighty-two per cent of the teenagers feel (that) the language is easy,Read the introduction, the sentences and “Things to remember” on page 88.,To say what we know, think, believe, etc., we can also use verbs with a wh-clause.,3,Saying what we know, think, believe, etc. (wh-clauses),subject(主语)+ verb(谓语动词)+ wh-clause(疑问词引导的从句),We often use wh-clauses after these verbs:,Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets.,Alice asks what Kitty usually _ (do) on Earth Day. Alice is asking what Kitty _ (do) on Earth Day last year. Alice asked what Kitty _ (do) on Earth Day next year.,does,did,would do,使用宾语从句时主从句谓语的时态使用规则: 如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,宾语从句的谓语动词 可根据需要,选用相应的任何时态。 如果主句的谓语动词是过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词一般 用过去时态,即:一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时 或过去完成时。,In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Follow the example.,S1: Do you know how many meals I usually have each day?S2: I think (that) you usually have three big meals each day.,1 How many meals do you usually have each day? (Three big meals./Several small meals./.),2 Which meal is the most important? (Breakfast./Lunch./Dinner.),S1: Do you know which meal is the most important?S2: I think (that) breakfast is the most important (meal).,3 Who do you usually have lunch with at the weekend? (Parents./Friends./.),S1: Do you know who I usually have lunch with at the weekend?S2: I think (that) you usually have lunch with your parents at the weekend.,4 Where do you usually have dinner? (At home./In the restaurant./.),S1: Do you know where I usually have dinner?S2: I think (that) you usually have dinner at home.,5 When do you usually have dinner? (At 6 p.m./At 8 p.m./.),6 How many glasses of water do you drink every day? (1-5 glasses./6-8 glasses./.),S1: Do you know when I usually have dinner?S2: I think (that) you usually have dinner at 6 p.m.,S1: Do you know how many glasses of water I drink every day?S2: I think (that) you drink 3 glasses of water every day.,I _ why I was late.The group _ what the best way to finish the work was.I have _ when we agreed to meet. Can you tell me again?The students _ when the exams were._ me when you will be back.I cannot _ where I put the keys.I _ why the sky is blue.,explained,discussed,forgotten,asked,Tell,Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the verbs. There is more than one answer to each sentence.,remember,wonder,Complete the conversation according to the result of the survey.,Alice did a survey about keeping a balanced diet last Friday. She interviewed 30 students. Now she is talking about the result with Tom.,Survey: Do you have a balanced diet?Result: Do you eat vegetables and grains every meal? a Yes. (70%) b No. (30%) How often do you have fast food? a Every week. (40%) b Once or twice a month. (30%) c. Never. (30%) How often do you eat fruit? a Every day. (20%) b Sometimes after meals. (50%) c Never. (30%),how many students have a,balanced diet,and grains every meal,(that) vegetables are not tasty,(that) these students have good,(that) 70% of the students have vegetables,eating habits,(that) 40% of the students have fast food every week,(that) they (should) have less fast food,(that) they should change their eating habits,how often the students have,fast food,(that) only 20% students eat fruit,every day,H,Homework,假设学校下个月将会组织外出野营, 针对这次野营,用以下句型写四条建议。 I think I suggest 2. 完成综合练习册第95至97页Grammar 的练习。,


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