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    北师大初中英语九上《Unit 1 Leaning to Learn》PPT课件 (4).ppt

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    北师大初中英语九上《Unit 1 Leaning to Learn》PPT课件 (4).ppt

    ,Unit 1 Leaning to Learn,一、教学重点:  1. 连词的用法  2. 情态动词表达建议  3. 重点词汇和词组,二、具体内容:(一)1. 四个连词词组的使用:(1)either or 或者或者,不是就是这里有两个书包。你可以要红色的,也可以要黑色的。Here are two bags. You can take either the red one or the black one.你可以给我打电话,也可以明天找我面谈。You can either call me or speak to me tomorrow.不是他就是他哥哥认识去那儿的路。Either he or his brother knows the way there,(2)both and 既也,两者都汤姆和吉姆都喜欢下棋。Both Tom and Jim like playing chess.那个小男孩在艺术学校既学习音乐也学习舞蹈。The little boy studies both music and dance at the art school.她会唱歌也会跳舞。She can both sing and dance.,(3)neither nor 既不也不他们的表演既没有娱乐性也没有教育性。Their performance was neither entertaining nor educational.他和他的父亲都不打算与警察对话。Neither he nor his father is going to talk to the police.我爸爸和哥哥都不帮忙。Neither Dad nor my brother helps.,(4)not only but also 不仅而且那个三岁的小孩不仅会读书还会写字。The three-year-old child can not only read but also write.昨天李宏扫了地,还倒了垃圾。Yesterday Li Hong not only swept the floor but also took out the trash.不仅那些工人们而且他们的老板都错了。Not only the workers but also their boss was wrong.,2. 并列连词的使用:     but, or, for, and, so(1)and 表并列She got up and fell down again.(2)but 表转折He is rich but unhappy.(3)or 表选择Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?(4)for, so表因果He is absent, for he is ill.Its too dark, so I couldnt see anything.,(二)情态动词表达建议You can listen to a recording of the lesson.You shouldnt study everything in one night.In this country, you have to drive on the left.I think it might rain later this afternoon.You mustnt eat or drink in class.,建议:You should know more about yourself.You can read and listen to English a lot to improve your English.You should listen to the teacher carefully in class.其他方法:Why notWhy dont youHow about What about Lets,(三)词汇和词组:  1. take charge   I take charge and lead the group. 2. think about Before you talk, you need to think it about.  3. read through   Lets read through the text.,4. look up     I have to look up the new words in the dictionaries.5. be clear aboutIm not clear about the material.6. find out Can you find out why he hurt his leg.,7. at the end of    Go straight on, you will see the post office at the end of the road.8. receive praise from sb.    I need to receive praise from my teachers, so I have confidence in myself.9. practice doing sth.You need to practice speaking English a lot.,10. the +比较级, the + 比较级The harder you work, the better you learn.11. get involved in 卷入,介入,涉及去年这个国家卷入了战争。The country got involved in the war last year我卷入了一些莫名其妙的事情中。I was involved in something I dont understand.12. be honest with sb/sth.You should be honest with your learning.,课堂练习:I. 从所给连词中选择合适的,填入下列各句的空格内。that, what, which, who, how, why, whether, when, how long, how many1. I want to know _ they are preparing for.2. Please tell him _ the train will arrive. I want him to come to the station to meet me.3. Can you tell me _ he will come or not?4. I dont know _ he is always late. His house is not far away from here.5. Can you tell me _ Lesson is the most difficult in Book V?,6. I dont know _ he could draw a picture in five minutes. He must have a good way.7. He didnt know _ his mother was ill.8. Do you know _ has broken the glass?9. I dont know _ books he bought yesterday.10. Can you tell me _ he is going to stay there?,II. 用括号中适当的连词填空。1. Tom _ (or, but, and) Jim are brothers.  2. Li Ming doesnt like oranges, _ (for, but, or) Emi does.3. Is this bag yours _ (and, or, so) Janes?4. Both Nancy _Ellen play the piano.5. Either Bill _ (and, or, nor) Tom ate the cake.,6. Neither Mike _ (and, or, nor) Rose likes English.7. _ (If, When, Because) he came home, his father was watching TV.8. Ill visit my uncle _ (when, if, after) its fine tomorrow.9. Bob stayed at home _ (because, if, before) he was sick.10. Her mother tried to do something, _ (so, because, but, that) she couldnt do anything.,11. We can do great things for our town _ (if, but, what, before) we work together.12. I think youve learned a lot in China _ (before, since, if, that) you came here.13. Go to see the doctor at once, _ (or, and, so) your cold may get worse.14. Which do you like better, cats _ (or, and, but) dogs?,Keys:I. 1. what  2. when  3. whether  4. why  5. which6. how  7. that  8. who  9. how many  10. how longII. 1. and  2. but  3. or  4. and  5. or  6. nor  7. When8. if  9. because  10. but  11. if  12. since  13. or  14. or,Thank you!,


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