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    北师大初中英语九下《Unit 7 Storytelling》PPT课件 (13).ppt

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    北师大初中英语九下《Unit 7 Storytelling》PPT课件 (13).ppt

    Expansion 7,Revision,直到_直到才_一就_当(与其他动作同时发生)_当(与连续性动词连用)_当_在之前_在之后_曾经_自从_,untilnotuntilas soon asaswhilewhenbeforeafteroncesince,当我还是个孩子的时候,我很瘦.I was thin _ I was a child.当我做作业时,妈妈在做饭.My mother was cooking _ I was doing my homework.我们要过好久才能见面.It will be long _ we meet again.你可在这里待到雨停.You may stay here _ the rain stops.他直到完成工作才去睡觉.He didnt go to bed _ he had finished his work.自到中国以来,他已结交了许多朋友。He has made many friends _ he came to China.他一到,我就告诉他。_ he arrives, Ill tell him.,when,while,before,until,until,since,As soon as,Do you know who they are?,Jakob GrimmWilhelm Grimm,Many of the fairy tales that children still enjoy _ are very old. In fact, they are so old that nobody knows who first told them. _, these stories were passed down orally and as very few people knew how to read or write, nobody wrote them down. It wasnt until _ that writers like the Italian Giambattista Basile and the French Charles Perrault published collections of fairy tales. People enjoyed these tales, especially those of Perrault, which were more famous. However, nobody studied this type of story in a serious way.,today,For centuries,the 17th century,Then, in _, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm published their collections of fairy tales. The two brothers studied fairy tales carefully. They notice that many German fairy tales were very similar to fairy tales fro other European countries. People began to study fairy tales and try to explain the similarities between stories from different countries. _, people still did not know about the large number of stories that existed in Africa, in the Americas, in Asia, and in other parts of the world.,the early 19th century,At that time,_, it has been possible to compare fairy stories from all around the world. Although some countries are very different from each other, like Egypt and Iceland, their fairy tales are very similar. Both Egypt and Iceland have Cinderella stories, for example. There are also very similar stories in China, in England, in Korea, in Siberia, in France, and in many other countries. Experts now believe that there may be about a thousand versions of the Cinderella story.,In recent times,Why in the past did people pass on stories orally and not in written form? Why do you think that in the past people did not study fairy tales in a serious way? In the 19th century, why didnt people in Europe know about the traditional stories of other cultures? Why do you think the same type of story exists in many different countries around the world? Which Chinese stories do you know that are similar to stories from other parts of the world?,(2) Questions:,(4) Match.,Although people knew the stories well, Even though Basile published his stories first, It wasn't until quite recently that we realized that People still enjoy the stories Since people could not travel so much, As Egypt and Iceland are so different,Perraults stories are more well-known.it is surprising that they have the same stories.they did not know so much about other cultures.they did not write them down.the same stories are found all over the world.because they are great stories.,pass down流传下来be similar to与相似at that time在那时in other parts of the world在世界上的其它地方be different from与不同,PHRASES,Focus on Vocabulary,different,similarity,believe,explain,enjoy,amazing,careful,surprisingly,adj. 形容词n. 名词,adv. 副词v. 动词,Transformation of words,adj. n.,1different- differenceconfident- confidenceintelligent- intelligencepatient- patience,2similar- similaritydifficult- difficultyactive- activity able - abilitypossible- possibility,3happy- happinesscareless- carelessnesssad- sadness,Transformation of words,n. adj.,1rain- rainysun- sunnymud- muddyhair- hairymood - moodyweek- weeklyfriend- friendly,2beauty- beautifulhelp- helpfulwonder- wonderful,Transformation of words,v. n.,1enjoy- enjoyablecomfort- comfortablehorror- intelligence,2surprise- surprisingamaze- amazingworry- worrying,v. n.,2believe- beliefthink- thoughtachieve- achievement,1explain- explanationtransport- transportationinform- information,compare,advice,produce,collect,loudly,quick,easily,actively,safety,advanced,height,science,surprised,smelly,comfort,die,Please phone me when you arrive, okay?Basketball and ice hockey are very fast games.Some people have very unusual taste in movies.I like to watch the whole movie right to the end.Lock all the doors when you leave, okay?The flowers need to be watered everyday.The shop is open.You should line up when you buy tickets.Book a table before you go to the restaurant.,v.,adj.,n.,adv.,v.,v.,adj.,v.,v.,HOMEWORK,


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