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    冀教初中英语九下《Lesson 41 Jenny’s Good Advice》PPT课件 (1).ppt

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    冀教初中英语九下《Lesson 41 Jenny’s Good Advice》PPT课件 (1).ppt

    辨析a few和few,Lesson 41:Jennys Good Advice,1.In our school, students like English,but of them can speak English smoothly.(2014铜仁)  A.a little;a few B.a few;few C.a few;little D.a little;few2.The girl in purple is new here,so people know her.  A.few B.a few C.littleD.a little,辨析agree on和agree with,1.I totally agree you.Our thoughts are the same.  A.to B.on C.withD.about 2.长谈后双方都同意这些条款。 Both sides these terms after a long talk.,agreed,on,辨析either和neither,1.Mom,what would you like,coffee or tea? .Just water,please.(2015温州)  A.EitherB.Both C.NeitherD.None2.Do you need an apple or a pear? ,I really dont mind.  A.BothB.None C.EitherD.Neither,辨析mean to do.和mean doing.,1.Im very sorry.I didnt mean (hurt) you. 2.Healthy eating means (have) a healthy body.,to hurt,having,after all的用法,1.Im sorry,sir.I cant finish the work on time. Never mind.,the work is quite difficult.(2014临沂)  A.At least B.For instance C.After all D.First of all2.Im afraid the boy cant deal with the problem. Me,too.,he is only 8 years old.(2014绍兴)  A.In general B.So far C.After all D.For example,一、根据汉语提示写单词1.Did you get into a (打架) with your friend? 2.She likes to keep (沉默的) in public. 3.He answered me very (直接地) and openly. 4.Im glad you two (同意) to help me. 5.I didnt (打算) to trouble you.,fight,silent,agree,directly,mean,二、用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空6.Nobody likes to trouble. 7.The two sides failed to the point. 8. .Theres an important meeting in the next room. 9.I dont like to others.I love peace. 10.This term we learned songs,but not too many.,get into;fight with;a few;agree on;keep silent,agree on,Keep silent,fight with,a few,get into,三、单项选择( )11.None of them talked.They finished their meal in .(2015苏州)  A.silenceB.order C.place D.public( )12.Dave has friends here,so he often stays at home by himself and feels lonely.  A.many B.a few C.few D.several( )13.Im sorry,sir.Ive made a lot of mistakes in the exam. Never mind.,the exam is a little difficult.(2014呼和浩特)  A.In allB.First of all C.After allD.Above all,A,C,C,( )14.My friend and I are interested in drawing,but of us is good at it.(2015孝感)  A.neitherB.both C.none D.all( )15.Our school football team lost the match, we still have confidence in them.  A.but B.or C.and D.so,A,A,四、连词成句16.silence,often,supper,they,in,have (.)  17.wants,of,begin,neither,talking,to,them (.)  18.tried,know,I,the,to,let,students (.)  19.on,they,all,new,date,agreed,the (.)  20.carefully,I,messages,didnt,my,check (.),They often have supper in silence.,Neither of them wants to begin talking.,I tried to let the students know.,They all agreed on the new date.,I didnt check my messages carefully.,五、根据汉语意思完成句子21.他开会时总是保持沉默。 He always at the meeting. 22.你会同意我刚才说的话吗? Will you just now? 23.我从来不错过踢足球的机会。 I never a chance of playing football. 24.我打算在这儿待很久。 I here for a long time. 25.当他问这个问题的时候,每个人都沉默了。 Everyone was silence when he asked the question.,kept,silent,agree,with,what,I,said,missed,mean,to,stay,in,六、阅读理解 When the people in your family are fighting,you may feel sad,ashamed (惭愧的) or even angry.Whatever your feelings are,what you probably want most is a way for the fighting to stop. When your parents fight Remember,even people who love each other fight sometimes.That they fight doesnt mean theyre going to stay mad for long or that theyre going to get a divorce (离婚).,Just think of the last time you and your brother or sister got into a fight.You didnt really mean all those things you said,did you?In the end,you probably made up.The same goes for parents. If you get really upset when your parents fight,you might talk to them about your feelings.Sometimes,parents dont realize that their arguing makes kids feel upset.If you tell them how you feel,theyll probably try to stop or at least explain to you why they are disagreeing. What would you do if you fought with your parents? Always remember that your parents dont really want to make things difficult for you.They care about you,but sometimes its just hard for them to see your point of view easily. Usually,kids who fight with their parents learn to get along with them in the end.This is especially true if kids talk to their parents about how they feel and what is important to them.Keep in mind,though,that this can take time and a lot of patience.Talking to your parents about your ideas instead of arguing with them will also make them listen to you a little more closely.,( )26.If the people in your family are fighting,what you want most is to .  A.feel sad B.stop the fight C.stay mad D.get angry( )27.When your parents fight,what should you do? A.Tell them your feelings. B.Go away and stay upset. C.Fight with them together. D.Make things difficult.( )28.What does the underlined phrase “made up” mean in Chinese? A.整理 B.弥补 C.讨好 D.和解,B,A,D,( )29.If you fight with your parents,what should you do? A.Yell at them angrily. B.Have a talk with them. C.Make them listen to you. D.Go out of the home.( )30.From the passage we know .  A.talking to your parents about your ideas is very easy B.if you fight with your parents,they will never care about you C.even if your parents love you,you may fight with them at times D.children must learn to get along with parents by fighting,B,C,谢谢观赏!,


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