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    2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_11Unit 1(a-amount) 1) 单词拼写单词拼写1. The captain gave the order to a_ ship because it was sinking.2. Plants a_ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.3. Tim was looking through an old photo a_, with pictures of Christmas.4. Im sorry about breaking the vase; it was an a_; I mean I did not intend to do it. 5. Ive opened an a_ with the Agricultural Bank of China.6. I will give you my a_(地址) and telephone number.7. He has never achieved his a_(夙愿) of becoming a famous writer.8. She was born without the a_ (能力)to speak.9. Shelly speaks with a slight a_(口音).10. More than 75% of the land is used for a_(农业).2)单项填空单项填空 1. Id like to do more gardening, but I never seem _ to find the time. A. about B. able C. active D. accurate 2. Slavery was _ in the U.S. in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal rights.A. absorbed B. abused C. abolished D. adopted 3. A billion people in the world will not have _ to clean drinking water.A. action B. advance C. access D. agreement 4. Dana admitted _ hurt by what I had said.A. to feel B. felt C. having felt D. feeling5. I couldnt _ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room.A. aim B. allow C. afford D. advise 6. The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to _ one.A. adapt B. adopt C. advertise D. acquire 7. -I wish it was time to go home.-_. Im missing my family so much.A. Thats all right B. I couldnt agree more C. You cant miss it D. Dont mention it. 8. Not knowing whether hes dead or_ is a terrible feeling.A. live B. alone C. alive D. lively 9. As we can see, it is necessary to get _ information about the company.A. a large number of B. the number of C. a large amount of D. the amount of2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_2210. Max is hardworking, cheerful, and _, honest.A. above all B. after all C. at all D. all in all3) 词组填空 take action, be aimed at, be addicted to, adapt to, be against, be accused of, agree with, be just about to, add up to, take advantage of1. The children are finding it hard to _ the new school.2. The professor _ stealing his students ideas.3. The numbers _ exactly 100.4. Your story doesnt _ what the police have told us.5. I_ the good weather to paint the door.6. The use of drugs _ the law; its illegal.7. These measures _ preventing violent crimes.8. We_ leave when Jerry arrived.9. The government must _ now to stop the rise in road accidents.10. Some kids _ surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.4. 句子翻译1.Tom 没有参加这个会议。(absent)2. Jason 决定不接受这份工作。(accept)3. 他们出国时遗弃了宠物。(abandon)4. 她让丈夫陪同去医院。(accompany)5. Tracy 在考试中取得了好成绩。(achieve)6. Bob 装得好象什么都没有发生一样。(act)7. 我欣赏她恪守原则的作风。(admire)8. 我劝你不要告诉他真相。(advise)9. 你的意见不会影响我的决定。(affect)10.我们不允许在教室里吃东西。(allow)2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_33Unit 2 (apple-average)1) 单词拼写1. He made funny faces to a_ the children.2. You need to sit down and a_(分析) why you feel so upset.3. My a_(祖先) originally came from Ireland.4. The show attracts an a_(观众) of about 20 million.5. The family are making a_ (安排)for his birthday party.6. The tall building was designed by the famous a _Frank Lloyd Wright. 7. You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a_.8. -Ann wants to be an a_.-Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?9. It was discovered that three of the Olympic a_ had taken drugs?10. The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a _ in January. 2)单项选择 1 The government has _ plans to create 10,000 new jobs.A. declared B. announced C. approved D. assumed 2. I knocked at the door and nobody _.A. replied B. apologized C. answered D. argued 3. The right colors can make a small room_ much bigger. A. arise B. arrange C. notice D. appear 4. I dont need any help, but I do _ your offer.A. apply B. appreciate C. annoy D. appeal 5. Helen left her last job and has yet to find_.A. else B. other C. another D. extra 6. -Hello, is _ home? -Yes, were here.A. anyone B. one C. nobody D. someone 7. Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to _ you?A. affect B. assist C. apply D. arrange 8. He decided to adopt a different _ and teach history through story-telling.A. analysis B. angle C. attitude D. approach 9. The age of the students ranged from 17 to 21 with a/an _ of 19.A. average B. usual C. normal D. regular 10. Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first_.A. aspect B. attempt C. effort D. attack3) 选词填空 atmosphere, arrange, attracts, available, ancient, ashamed, attack, attend armed, area1. Man has used the horse since _ times.2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_442. The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly _.3. What _ me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.4. We need someone to work out on this job immediately. Whos _?5. A smoker has three times the risk of having a heart _ than a nonsmoker.6. After _church, the family would go home for dinner.7. She was so _ of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.8. If you have a lot of things to do, just make a list and _ them in order of importance.9. The crowd _ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.10. The room is 12 square meters in _.4)句子翻译1他由于粗心驾驶而被捕。(arrest)2他们总是为钱争吵。(argue)3 这项科技已被应用到农业。(apply)4 他知道真相后感到很惊讶。(astonish)5 你为什么不征求他的意见?(ask)6 她对生活态度积极。(attitude)7 她对自己在晚会上的行为感到羞愧。(ashamed)8 他为自己的迟到而道歉。(apologize)9 他企图引起服务员的注意。(attract)10他不愿意被人当作小孩子。(appreciate)2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_55Unit 3( avoid-blood)1) 单词拼写1. His nose is b_. Call in a doctor; otherwise hell lose too much blood.2. Dont worry about the dog; he wont b_.3. The family have a strong b_ in God; they think God exists.4. My flat has got a b_, where I can stand and watch the sea.5. He drank strong, b_ coffee in order to stay up and watch football.6. Two pieces of b_(行李) went missing.7. I think Ill have a b_(淋浴) and go to bed.8. By 9 oclock the b_(沙滩) was already crowded with people. 9. His b _(行为)in school is beginning to improve.10. She has a degree in b_(生物). 单项选择 1I dont mind going there on foot. _, the walk will do me good.A. Beside B. Besides C. However D. Because 2. Brazil _Italy in the final, 2-1.A. fought B. blessed C. beat D. avoided 3. Its important to understand people from different _.A. basis B. blocks C. behaviors D. backgrounds 4. The radio stops working because the battery is _.A. slow B. flat C. below D. behind 5. Bill had done everything he could _ to me.A. avoid talking B. to avoid talking C. avoid to talk D. to avoid to talk 6. I_ my balance and fell on my face.A. kept B. lost C. recovered D. gained 7. Riding a bike helps develop a childs sense of _.A. being B. blank C. balance D. behavior 8. My leg really hurts-Im not sure how much longer I can _it.A. bear B. bend C. bless D. betray 9. So who _ for the broken vase?A. is blamed B. will blame C. is to blame D. will be blamed 10. I almost fell over the chair; put it back where it _.A. belongs B. fits C. bears D. stands词组填空be aware of, believe in, be blessed with, belong to, become of, 2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_66on the basis of, benefit from, because of, beg for, beginby 1. Many thousands have_ the new medicine.2. Eric was chosen for the job _ his rich experience.3. Theyre not playing baseball today _ the rain.4. The old man went from the door to door, _ food.5. Ill _ my speech _ thanking you all for being here tonight.6. Most people_ the dangers of drinking and driving.7. Youve got to _ yourself, or youll never succeed.8. Fortunately, we_ good health.9. The watch isnt mine; who does it_?10. What _ that student who used to live with you?句子翻译1你应该避免再次提及他的错误。(avoid)2. 这噪音吵得大家都睡不着.(awake)3. 他被禁止驾驶 6 个月.(ban)4. 她受不了家里有猫.(bear)5. 这个男孩表现得像个大人.(behave)6. 她低下身吻了那个孩子的头.(bend)7. 这个议案将于明年成为法律.(become)8. 许多路被大雪堵塞了.(block)9. 这自行车已损坏得无法修理了.(beyond)10. 女孩们正与商贩们讨价还价.(bargain)2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_77Unit 4 (blouse-careful)单词填空1. Youre so kind; thank you from the b_ of my heart.2. The Agricultural Bank of China has b_ all over the country.3. Coke and Pepsi are the most popular b_ of cola.4. Theyve made great b_ in the treatment of cancer. It is a great discovery.5. The b_ got in through the kitchen window and took away the jewelry.6. There are only three c _(求职)for the job.7. Students complain about the food in the c_(食堂) of the school.8. Today began a c_(运动) to reduce road accidents.9. Just point the c_(照相机) and press the button. Its very easy.10. The organization has a b_(预算) of $ 35 million.单项选择 1. The flight was already fully_; no more seats were available.A. booked B. borrowed C. canceled D. calculate 2. Theres nothing to do here-kids get _!A. boredom B. boring C. bored D. to be bored 3. She _in tears when she heard the sad news.A. broke off B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down 4. It was impossible to see everything during our _ visit to Paris.A. bound B. brief C. brilliant D. bright 5. While she was in prison, friends used to _ her books and written materials.A. bring B. take C. fetch D. carry 6. The room is three meters long and two meters _.A. width B. board C. broad D. abroad 7. In my days, children were _ to respect the law.A. called up B. brought up C. broken up D. built up 8. The students are kept busy _ for the coming exams in June.A. prepared B. preparing C. to prepare D. being prepared 9. Theres tea and coffee-you can have_.A. both B. either C. all D. neither 10. Excuse me, _ Im afraid this is a no-smoking area.A. and B. for C. but D. so词组填空 burn down, build up, call off, call for, call in, call up,care about, care for, burst out, burst into2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_881. Children _ the environment and want to help keep it clean.2. He thanked the nurses who had _ him while he was sick.3. Police were _ to deal with the difficult situation.4. The game was _ because of the bad weather.5. The old photos _ memories of her childhood.6. -Our team won! - This _ a celebration.7. The joke was so funny; everyone in the room _ laughing.8. Laura _ tears and ran out of the room.9. The old town hall was _ in the 1970s and everything was destroyed.10. Taking exercise will _ your strength.句子翻译1. 我不喜欢想向朋友借钱。(borrow)2. 水在 100 摄氏度沸腾。(boil)3. 她弟弟先天失明. ( blind)4. 电话系统瘫痪了.(break)5. 政府努力降低物价.(bring)6. 我不想让她为我的问题操心.(bother)7. 请坐在座位上,保持冷静.(calm)8. 他们的报酬是按小时计算的.(by)9. 小心! 别吵醒了宝宝. ( careful)10. 这教堂是用石块建成的.(build)2018 届核心词汇练习 班级 _ 姓名_99Unit 5 (careless-clumsy)单词拼写1. These flowers like sunshine and will not grow in a cold c_.2. I am working as a c_ and keep records or accounts in an office.3. As a result of the American C_ Wars, slaves became free.4. Fred became a British c_ after living there for several years.5. A c_ is held every year to remember those who died in the war.6. she is fascinated by the ancient_(文明) of Greece and Rome.7. The temperature went down to -56 C_.8. A more detailed example will be given in the next c_.9. The kids are watching cartoons on Disney C_(频道).10. The church was built in the 13th c_.单项选择 1. Will the government carry_ its promise to create more jobs?A. on B. out C. away D. through 2. If you get caught _ in some countries, they will cut off your hand.A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. to have stolen 3. _ are kept on the farm for their meat or milk. A. 200 head cattle B. 200 head of cattle C. 200 head cattles D. 200 heads of cattle 4. Teaching young children is a _ job.A. challenge and reward B. challenging and rewardingC. challenging and rewarding D. challenged and rewarded 5. Theres always the chance _something will go wrong.A. if B. what C. how D. that 6. Gibbons has been charged_. A. with attempted murderB. of attempted murder C. with attempt murder D. of attempt murder 7. I have a wide range of gifts _, so I cant make up my mind.A. chosen B. to choose C. to be chosen D. to choose from 8. When dinner was done and _, Auntie Lou made some tea.A. cleared away B. cleared out C. cleaned up D. cleaned out 9. We always travel _. The seats are more comfortable and the food is better.A. business class B. first class C.


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