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    师大附中初三英语优质课件精选——《The man who loved dogs》.ppt

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    师大附中初三英语优质课件精选——《The man who loved dogs》.ppt

    ,The man who loved dogs,执教教师:XXX,Welcome!,The man who loved dogs,Lesson 58,Useful phrases:,兽医值得做各种各样的动物最喜欢的与某人工作抱怨某事向某人抱怨为某事感谢某人家庭成员感到孤独,a doctor for animals,be rewarding,all kinds of animals,have a favorite,work with sb.,complain about sth.,complain to sb.,be grateful to sb. for sth.,a member of the family,feel lonely,1.Revise these new words.,1. make up ones mind2、vet3、mostly4、heal 5、pig 6、education,下决心 兽医 主要地 使痊愈 猪 教 育,乡 下 对 待 不久以后 把当作 准确的 饲养经验 体验,7、countryside 8、treat9、before long10、regard as11、exactly 12、keep 13、experience,1.They dont complain about anything and they are very grateful.2.It can help a person feel less lonely.3.It also gives people a lot of pleasure.4.helpful brave lovely clever,Dogs:,Answer questions:,1.What do you think an animal doctor does? To treat sick animals2.Where does an animal doctor work? An animal hospital3.What do you think this story about? Its about a man who loved dogs very much.4.Who is the man who loved dogs in the story? James Herriot,1.When and where was James Herriot born? 2.How can tell Herriot and his pet dog Don loved each other?3.Why was it impossible to be a vet just for dogs when Herriot went to college?,Read and answer,He was born in Scotland in 1915.,He grew up with Don.Wherever he went, the dog went with him.They would often hike into the mountains.,Because mostly, vets helped to heal horses,cows,sheep and pigs.,4. Why did Herriot start treating dogs?5. Why was Herriot laughed at by other vets?6. Why were the owners of the dogs very glad that Herriot would help their pets?7. How can you tell Herriot and his two dogs, Hector and Dan loved each other?8.How many books did Herriot write about animals?9.Whats the name of the book about dogs written by Herriot?,Because dogs were never treated when they became sick and the vets wouldnt heal them.,Because they think he wasnt working on “real ”animals.,Because they regarded their pets as their family members.,The dogs would go with him in his car every day as he went to the farms to heal sick animals.,He wrote ten books about animals.,James Herriots Dog stories.,Fill in the blanks with suitable words:,James Herriot was a famous doctor_ animals.He with a pet dog. They often hiked _ the mountains.Herriot loved animals so much _ he _ _ his _ to be a vet,especially for dogs.After he graduated,he found a job in Yorkshire in England to _ large animals,such as horses,cows,sheep and pigs.,for,grew up , into , that , made up , mind ,treat,_ long,he found out that sick dogs there were never_,because the vets wouldnt _ them.He started _dogs._ first,other vets laughed _ him for his not working _ “real” animals.But the owners of the dogs were grateful to him,because they _ the dogs as their family members.,Before , treated ,heal ,treating , At , at , on , regarded,New words and expressions:,1.make up ones mind to do sth.下决心= decide to do = set ones mind to doThey made their minds to join the army.2.mostly adv. mainly 主要的 ,大部分的 1)The teacher in our school are mostly young people. 2)The team is made up of women doctors.3)The work is mostly done.,3.heal v.痊愈 heal sb.of 医好的.病Its hard for the doctor to heal the man.4.education n. educate v.A child receives its early education at home.5. treat v. 普通意义上的治疗 1)治疗 = heal eg: His wounds were well treated in the army hospital.,2)对待 常与prep. - with/ as/ like 连用 treatlike/as. 把当作 对待He treats me as /like his own son.Dont treat me like a child.The Smiths treated me with a big dinner.6. before long =soon 不久以后 常与一般 将来时 或 一般 过去时 连用 Ill be back before long. They became good friends before long. long before = long long ago 很久以前 常与一般过去时 或 过去完成时 连用,He saw the film long before. He said he had seen the film long before.7.regard v. 看待 当作 regardas = have/look on/treat/consideras把. 当作We all regard our English teacher as our friend . 8.exactly adv. 准确 严格地 = correctly exact adj. What exactly do you mean? The train arrived at exactly ten oclock.,11. 考虑12. 和一起长大13. 去山中远行14. 从毕业15. 下决心16. 不久以后17. 起初 ,首先18. 嘲笑某人19. 从事20. 的主人21. 把当作22. 和在一起,think about,grow up with,hike into the mountain,graduate from,make up ones mind,before long,at first,laugh at sb.,work on,the owner of,regard as,go with,Exercises:,Read the English proverbs about dogs:1.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌2.Every dog has its day. 人人皆有得意之时3.Dog does not eat dog. 虎毒不食子4.Let sleeping dog lie. 莫惹是生非,5 .Barking dogs seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人,真人不露相。6.Beat a dog before a lion.杀鸡给猴看7.Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞,1.To say is one thing and to do is another. 说时容易,做时难。2.To mention the wolfs name is to see the same.说曹操,曹操到。3.To save time is to lengthen life.节约时间就是延长生命。4.To know everything is to know nothing.事事通,事事松。5.To know oneself is true knowledge.人贵有自知之明。,Another English proverbs:,Byebye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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