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    师大附中初三英语优质课件精选——《The way we look》.ppt

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    师大附中初三英语优质课件精选——《The way we look》.ppt

    ,The way we look,执教教师:XXX,Welcome!,Module 4 The way we look!,Wow mamy mames fof ctothos oo yoo koow?,overalls,overcoat,evening dress,tailcoat,gloves,mittens,scarf,Read the dialogue and finish Activity 4.,Phrases,look forward to,You know,盼望;期待,你知道的,(插入语,引起对方注意),decide to do sth.,决定做某事,Phrases,穿-去派对,wear sth. to the party,Phrases,a bit bright,one in blue,take a look at,颜色有点艳,蓝色的(衣服),看看,Phrases,for some time,the girl with long hair,长头发的女孩,一段时间,Phrases,have on,put on,穿上,穿着,戴着,plan to do sth.,计划做某事,Laguage Focus,Im really looking forward to the Shakespeare play.,介词,They looked forward very much to seeing him again.,I am looking forward to your early reply.,But I need a thick jacket and some warm gloves and socks.,A thick cloud masked the sun.,The aircraft was flying above thick fog.,thick,Ill probably wear a dress, too.,He will probably follow in his father's footsteps.,probably,Perhaps this book will prove useful later.,It may possibly rain, but it will probably be sunny again.,- Are you going to ask him? -Maybe yes, maybe no.,Which is the right size?,What's the size of your shoes?,Sort these eggs by size.,Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?,size,She dressed herself hastily.,The color of her dress suits her very well.,She was dressed in black from head to toe.,It's a small informal party you don't have to dress up.,Hurry up and get dressed.,dress,Unit 2,The way we look,What can make you look cool?,A pair of cool sunglasses.,Unique clothes.,A weird hairstyle.,Looking Cool,Phrases,go shopping for sth.,something fashionable/comfortable,look different,逛街买-,时髦的/舒适的东西,显得与众不同,Phrases,go for,catch ones attention,独特的长相,去找;努力获取,吸引注意力,personal look,Phrases,less well-known,与-相比更喜欢-,关心,不那么有名,prefer- to,care about,Phrases,improve ones speed/score,那不是重点,赚很多钱,提高速度/分数,Thats not the point.,make a lot of money,Phrases,above all,巧妙的广告,重要的是,clever advertising,显示个性,show off ones personality,Phrases,成功做到,succeed in doing sth.,say sth. about,对于-说明/表明-,language focus,This type of shoes is in fashion now.,It became fashionable to wear glasses.,Really? I thought it was out of fashion.,language focus,This music is too old-fashioned to appeal to young people any longer.,He focused his attention on the map.,She paid close attention to the details.,He waved his hand to catch my attention.,attention,The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it.,May I have your attention, please?,We should take care not to hurt our environment.,He doesn't care about anyone but himself.,care,He doesn't care for fish.,Would you care for something to drink?,I do not know whether you care to answer right away.,care,Most children prefer playing to working, but Jenny is an exception.,He prefers to be a doctor rather than a teacher.,prefer,Unit 3 Language in use,介词 时间介词at时间点,at noon, night, middayon具体某一天,星期,具体某一天的早上,下午,晚上in在年,月,季节,世纪前面,泛指早上,下午,晚上前面,Unit 3 Language in use,介词 时间介词4. for 一段时间5. since时间点或过去态的句子6. by到为止7. after, before, until, till,Unit 3 Language in use,介词 地点介词 on, in, over, under, above, below, across, at, through, to, 其他介词 with, without, of, by, for,Byebye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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