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    第一中学高一英语优质课件精选——《City And Country》.ppt

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    第一中学高一英语优质课件精选——《City And Country》.ppt

    ,City And Country,执教教师:XXX,Welcome!,Unit One City and Country,What is the city life like? And what about the country life? Which do you prefer? Different people have different choice. Speak out your opinion so that we can share it.,Big Modern Cities,Countryside,Distant,Remote,The vast countryside,The big city,Tall buildings,Endless fields,Crowded street,Remote village,Exciting,Noisy,Convenient,entertainment,Shopping,Supermarket and shopping mall,Shopping is easily done.,Lonely,Crowded,Distant,Close to each other,Polluted air,Fresh air,Dirty and dusty,Clean and fresh,Polluted water,Clear water,Stressed and nervous,Free and relaxed,Read the passage and find details for each of the main ideas.,Task 1,Read the passage and find details for each of the main ideas.,Compare the lifestyle of Debbie with that of Paul and say which you prefer.,Task 2,Country life, is walking through a field of hay, as dusk paints orange and purple hues on the sky above.,Country life In the eye of common people,The birds twitter and brood, streams babble and flow, horses graze and gallop, cropsare sown and harvested without cease.,Life in the country is much more excitingthan many city-dwellers would like to believe. In particular: it does you good .,"No wise man will go to live in the country, unless hehas something to do which can be better done in the country. For instance, if heis to shut himself up for a year to study science, it is better to look out to .,Others thinks,City Life is Greater Manchester's weeklylistings and lifestyle magazine,covering areas such as clubbing, cinema, comedy,gay, food & drink, shopping, music, theatre, art, books, sport and travel,City life: a growing problem. What was life like inside the City walls?,Inside the crowded Citywalls, fine houses belonging to merchants often stood next to squalid houses belonging .,Cities are the great havens for knowledge, culture, and social life.,cultures are found in cities because it takes a large population to support museums,concert halls, sports teams, and night-life districts.,Group work,Compare cities with countryside, and fill the information into the form.,Task 2,Classroom discussion; Compare the city and country by reasoning and say where would you like to live.,Task 3,Writing,Cities and Countryside,Some people like to live in big cities. They say city life is colorful , convenient and exciting. There are shopping malls or supermarkets everywhere, so you can buy anything you like, while in the country, shops are very far away from your house. It is difficult to do shopping. In cities, people enjoy themselves in many ways in their spare time, going to the cinemas or theatres, taking a walk in the park, or watching a footfall game,Task 4,But others prefer to live in the countryside. They say cities are crowded with people and cars. It is noisy.While people are suffering from all kinds of noise, you can enjoy yourself by sitting on the hillside watching the cattle around you. And now cities are becoming dirtier and dirtier. Factories and cars send out poisonous gases, which pollute the air and sky over cities is often gray. Water pollution and white pollution are also big problems in cities. On the contrary, the sky is blue and water is clear in the country. Different people have different choice. Where would you like to live, in cities or in the country?,Byebye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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