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    Word英汉互译散文阅读 英汉互译散文阅读精选 导语:大家想要提高英语阅读力量,那么阅读量就是基础,下面是我跟大家共享的英语阅读带有翻译的短文,一起来观赏一下吧! 【生命的三分之一】 一个人的生命毕竟有多大的意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个肯定的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严厉仔细,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估量了。 What is the significance of life? Is there any gauge to measure it? It would be very difficult, of course, trying to advance an absolute standard. However, the significance of ones existence can more or less be rated by examining his attitude toward life and work. 古来一切有成就的人,都很严厉的对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习,不愿虚度年华,不让时间白白的铺张掉。我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。 Since ancient times all people of accomplishment are very serious about their lives. While they are alive, even if there is only one day left to live, they try to work as hard as they can and learn as much as possible, never letting a single day slip by without any gain. This is true of the working people as well as of the great statesmen and great thinkers in our history. 班固写的汉书食货志上有下面的记载:"冬,民既人;妇人同巷相从夜绩,女工一月得四十五日。' In the chapter "Foods and Goods of The Chronicles of the Han Dynasty, the great historian Ban Gu states:In winter people stay indoors. Women get together to spin hemp threads at night. They manage to work forty-five days in a month. 这几句读起来很惊奇,怎么一月能有四十五天呢?再看原文底下颜师古做了注解,他说:"一月之中,又得夜半为十五日,共四十五日。 'It sounds strange. How come there are forty-five days in a month? Let us look at its annotations given by Yanshigu:They gain half a day s time every night and, they have forty-five days in a month. 这就很清晰了。原来我国的古人不但比西方各国的人更早地懂得科学地、合理地计算劳动日;而且我们的古人老早就知道对于日班和夜班的计算方法。 Now its clear. Our ancestors had, earlier than the westerners, learned how to calculate workdays accurately and reasonably. They had also learned how calculate day shift and night shift as well. 一个月原来只有三十天,古人把每个夜晚的时间算作半天,就多了十五天。从这个意义张说来,夜晚的时间实际上不就等于生命的三分之一吗? It is common knowledge that there are only thirty days in a month. Counting the time of one night for half a day, our forefathers managed to expend the month by fifteen days. In this sense the night time gained amounts to one third of our lives, doesnt it? 对于这三分之一的生命,不但历代的劳动者如此重视,而且有很多大政治家也非常重视。班固在汉书?刑法志里还写道: This one third of life is not only treasured by the working people but also by the great statesmen in our history. In the chapter Criminal Law of The Chronicles of the Han Dynasty, Ban Gu also states: "秦始皇躬操文墨,昼断狱,夜理书。' The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty set a good example in being industrious, disposing of lawsuits during the day and reading at night ,This is about how he tried to find time to read at night. 有的人一听说秦始皇就不喜爱他,其实秦始皇究竟是中国历史上的一个宏大的人物,班固对他也还有一些公正的评价。这里写的是秦始皇在夜间看书学习的情形。 To some people the The First Emperor of the Qin isnt a pleasant name to recall but there is no denying that he was a great figure in the history of China. Even BanGu has an impartial opinion of him. 据刘向的说苑所载,春秋战国时有很多国君都很留意学习。 Liu Xiang, the great scholar of the Han Dynasty ,cites in his historical Anecdotes many princes of the Spring and Autumn period and Warring States period who paid great attention to learning. 为什么古人对于夜晚的时间都这样重视,不愿轻易放过呢?我认为这就是他们对待自己生命的三分之一的严厉仔细的态度,这正是我们所应当学习的。 Why did the people in the set such great store by the night time? I think this is positive proof of their attitude toward the one third of their lives. This is exactly what we should learn from them. 我之所以想利用夜晚的时间,向读者同志们做这样的谈话,目的也不过是要大家引起留意珍惜这三分之一的生命,是大家在成天的劳动,工作以后,以轻松的心情,领会一些古今有用的学问而已。 My intention of writing this little essay tonight is to call the readers attention to the one third of his lifetime so that , after working for a whole day, he can sit relaxed at home, browsing through and appreciating the useful knowledge of the past and of the present. 【维护团结的人】 艾团结悄没声息的走进老王的家,他压低了声音,对老王说:"老王,不要理他。宰相肚里撑大船,不跟他一般见识。' Ai Tuanjie stole into Lao Wangs home quietly and whispered surrepti-t tiously to him, "Lao Wang, just ignore him. As the saying goes, a Prime Ministers heart is big enough for a boat to sail. So you neednt bother to reason with him.' 老王莫名其妙,眨了刺眼睛,由于他正忙着打家具,顾不上回答老艾的话。 Lao Wang blinked his eyes in bewilderment. He was busy making fiirniture and so he didnt have the time to make any response. "其实我也早知道了,你不会计较的,你的水平不一样嘛。' "In fact,you must have heard about it,' he continued. "But you didnt pay any heed to it, I am sure. You are above all gossip.' 老王低下头,捡起刨刀。 Lao Wang stooped to fix the plane. 艾团结弯下腰,凑过身去说:"你知道,老朱说你的鼻子是假的。' Ai Tuanjie bent closer and went on, "You know, Lao Zhou said your nose is artificial. 老王鼻子哼一下,没言语。 Lao Wang let out a snort through his nose but kept silent. 艾团结把脸凑的更近一些,哈出来的热气冲到老王的耳朵上,"老朱说你的鼻子是从他家的垃圾堆里找出来的,用猪皮胶粘在脸上的。' Ai Tuanjie moved still closer, breathing hot air into Lao Wangs ear, "Lao Zhou said your nose was picked up from among the rubbish heap in front of his house and stuck on to your face by the adhesive made of pig skin 老王抬起了头。 This remark finally made Lao Wang look up at him. "老朱还说,你把你原来的鼻子卖给走私商了,没有交纳负税。' He then added, Lao Zhou also said that you have sold your own nose to a profiteer without paying tax. 老王皱起了眉。 Lao Wang knit his brows. 艾团结:"不必生气,我们都知道吗,你的鼻子是一等品是真品,是原作他那样说只能证明他的无知。你是不会计较的,你是不会计较的' "Dont get upset. Dont, please! Ai Tuanjie hastened to console him. "We all know that your nose is first-rate. It is a rarity, an original one. What Lao said only proves his utter ignorance. You wouldnt mind, would you? 老王又低下了头,同时开头琢磨:"老朱背后讲我的坏话,毕竟是什么意思呢?' Lao Wang lowered his head again and began to wonder, "What on earth prompted Lao Zhou to talk behind my back like that?' 艾团结零走的时候强调说:"肯定要以团结为重,肯定要以团结为重!' Ai tuanjie emphasized, "We must first of all uphold unity. Unity comes anything else.' 艾团结离开了老王,又去找老朱维护"团结'去了。 With these remarks, Ai Tuanjie left Lao Wang and went to "uphold unity' at Lao Zhous. 7


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