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    Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date高级耕作学教学大纲高级耕作学教学大纲贵州大学研究生课程教学大纲任课教师姓名: 曹国璠 课程名称: 高级耕作学 课内学时数: 54 学分数: 3.0 使用院系部和专业: 农学院农学系作物栽培学与耕作学专业 开课学期:第一学期 开课时间:教学第 2 周教学第 15 周课程要求及目的:教学目的:通过课堂讲授和实验教学,使学生初步掌握耕作制度的基本原理及其设计和管理方法。先修课程:农业生态学,作物栽培学,土壤学,作物营养与施肥授课方法:课堂讲授与实验相结合。既保持课程基本内容的相对基本稳定,又要根据学科的变化掌握一定的灵活性,对课程内容及时进行必要的调整。教学内容及学时安排:第一章 绪论Introduction 1 学时1 hrs有关的基本概念 Several related concepts;耕作制度的功能 Role of farming systems;中国耕作制度的特点 Features of farming systems in China。 第二章 资源、环境与耕作制度Resources,environment andfarming systems 2 学时2 hrs第一节 自然资源与农作制度的关系 Relations between natural resources base and cropping systems1 光资源Solar radiation2 热量资源Temperature3水资源Water resources4 地形地貌Topography5 土壤资源Land and soil6 生物资源植被 Biological resourcesVegetation第二节 社会经济因子与农作制度的关系 Relations between social economical factors and cropping systems1 地理位置 Geographic location2 科学技术水平 Level of technology development3 人力资源 Human resource第三节 耕作制度区划 Zoning of cropping systems耕作制度的类型Types of cropping systems中国耕作制度区划 Cropping systems zoning 第三章 作物布局 Crop composition and distribution 2 学时2 hrs第一节 作物布局的意义、原则和步骤 The role, principles and procedures of designing crop composition and distribution1 作物布局的概念和意义Concept and role of crop composition and distribution2 作物布局的原则 Principles of designing crop composition and distribution3 作物布局的步骤 Procedures of designing crop composition and distribution4 生产结构调整 Adjustment of production structure第二节 作物生态适应性Ecological adaptability of crops1 作物对光的适应性 Crop adaptability to solar radiation2 作物对温度的适应性 Crop adaptability to temperature3 作物对水的适应性 Crop adaptability to water4 作物对土壤肥料的适应性 Crop adaptability to soil5 地形地貌对作物生态适应性的影响effects of topography on crop adaptability第三节 中国与河北的作物布局 Crop composition and distribution in China and Hebei1 粮食作物布局 Composition and distribution of staple food crops2 经济作物布局 Composition and distribution of cash crops3 果品蔬菜布局 Composition and distribution of fruits and vegetables4 饲料绿肥作物布局 Composition and distribution of forage and green manure crops第四章 复种 Sequential cropping 2 学时2 hrs第一节 复种的意义The role of sequential cropping 第二节 复种的效应 Effects of sequential cropping1 复种与光能的集约利用 Sequential cropping and intensive use of solar radiation2 复种与热量资源的集约利用 Sequential cropping and intensive use of thermo-resource3 复种与水资源的集约利用 Sequential cropping and intensive use of water resource4 复种与地力的集约利用 Sequential cropping and intensive use of land resource5 复种与多种经营 Sequential cropping and diversification of production 6 复种与经济效益 Sequential cropping and economical return of production第三节 复种的条件Conditions for sequential cropping1 热量条件与复种 Thermo resource and sequential cropping2 水分条件与复种 Water resource and sequential cropping3 肥料地力条件与复种Fertilizer and land resources and sequential cropping4 动力条件与复种 Draught power and machinery and sequential cropping5 经济效果与复种Economical return and sequential cropping第四节 复种的技术 Techniques for sequential cropping1 作物组合与品种搭配 Composition of crop species and varieties2 复种季节的超额利用 Extra utilization of sequential cropping season第五节 中国和河北的主要复种方式Major sequential cropping patterns in China and in Hebei中国的主要复种方式 Major sequential cropping patterns in China河北的主要复种方式 Major sequential cropping patterns in Hebei第五章间、混、套作 Intercropping 3 学时3 hrs第一节 间套作的意义 Role of intercropping1 间套作的概念 Concept of intercropping2 间套作的在农业生产中的意义Role of intercropping in agriculture第二节 间套作的效应 Effects of intercropping1 空间上的互补与竞争 Spatial competition and compensation2 时间上的互补与竞争Temporal competition and compensation3 对养分和水分的互补与竞争 Competition and compensation in nutrients and water4 生物他感作用 Allelopathy第三节 间套作的技术 Techniques for intercropping1 作物与品种选配Crop and cultivar composition 2 田间配置Field composition3 田间管理 Field management第四节 中国和河北的主要间套作类型与方式 major intercropping patterns in China and Hebei1 主要间作类型与方式 Major row intercropping patterns2 主要套作类型与方式 Major relay intercropping patterns第六章 轮作与连作 Crop rotation and continuous cropping 1 学时1 hrs第一节 轮作换茬的作用 Therole of crop rotation1 基本概念 Concepts2 轮作换茬的作用 Therole of crop rotation第二节 连作Continuous cropping1 不同作物对连作的反应 Responses of different crops to continuous cropping2 连作的危害与消除途径 Harms of continuous cropping and avoiding approaches3 连作的应用Application of continuous cropping第三节 作物茬口与茬口特性Chakou (previous crop with its stubble field) and the characteristics of Chakou1 茬口特性的形成Formation of the characteristics of Chakou2 不同类型作物的茬口特性 The characteristics of Chakou of different crop types3 茬口顺序的安排 Arrangement of crop sequence in a rotation第七章 农牧结合的种植制度 Mixed farming 2 学时2 hrs第一节 农牧结合的概念和意义 The concept and role of mixed farming1 农牧结合的概念 The concept of mixed farming2 农牧结合的意义 The role ofmixed farming第二节 农牧结合的效率与模式 Efficiency and patterns of mixed farming systems 1 初级生产与次级生产的关系The relation between primary and secondary production2 农牧衔接方式与效率 Patterns and efficiencies of mixed farming第三节 适应农牧结合的种植制度 Cropping systems coinciding in mixed farming systems1 包括饲料生产的种植制度 Cropping systems involving forage production2 非耕地利用途径 Approaches of non-arable land utilization for forage production第八章 农田养护 Land conservation and protection 2 学时2 hrs第一节 农田建设 Land construction 1 高质量农田的基本要求Criteria of high quality farmland2 低产田改造 Improvement of low yielding lands第二节 土壤培肥 Improvement of soil fertility1 农田物质循环与养分平衡 Nutrient cycling and balancing of crop fields2 不同种植制度下的养分平衡动向 Trends of nutrient balance in different cropping systems3 土壤培肥的措施 Measures for improving soil fertility第三节 农田保护 Land and soil protection 1农田保护的重要性 Importance of land and soil protection2 农田保护的措施 Measures of land and soil protection第九章 土壤耕作(土壤管理)Soil management 2学时2 hrs第一节 土壤耕作的目的 Role of soil tillage 1 调节耕层三相比 Adjusting the water-air-solid proportion in topsoil2 创造深厚的耕层和适宜的苗床 Creating deep tilth and suitable seed bed3 翻埋残茬、肥料和杂草Burying crop stubbles, fertilizers and weeds第二节 不同土壤耕作措施的作用 Effects of different tillage measures 1 土壤耕作的机械作用 Mechanical effects of soil tillage2 基本耕作措施 Primary soil tillage measures3 表土耕作措施 Top soil tillage measures第三节 常用的土壤耕作制度(耕法) Tillage systems 1 平翻耕作制度 Plowing tillage system2 深松耕作制度Chiseling tillage system3 垄作耕作制度 Ridging and-furrowingtillage system4 少耕耕作制度 Reduced (or minimum ) tillage system5 免耕耕作制度 No-till tillage system6 砂田耕作制度 Gravel mulched tillage system第十章 耕作制度的历史演变与改革Historical evolution and reformation of cropping systems 1学时1 hrs1 耕作制度的历史演变 Historical evolution of cropping systems2 耕作制度改革 Reformation of cropping systems 实验1 作物类型与复种形式的确定 Determining crop species and patterns of sequential cropping 6学时6 hrs2 作物布局优化方法之一 原理与基本方法 Optimizing crop composition and distribution:IRationale and the primary approach 6学时6 hrs3 作物布局优化方法之二 最优化计算机软件的应用 Optimizing crop composition and distribution:II Application ofcomputer software for optimization 6学时6 hrs4 轮作制度的设计 Designing crop rotation system 6学时6 hrs5 土壤耕作制度的设计 Designing soil tillage system 6学时6 hrs6. 施肥制度的设计.Design of fertiligation syotem 6学时6 hrs 主要教学参考书1 刘巽浩主编.耕作学.北京: 中国农业出版社,1994年第1版3 刘巽浩主编.中国的耕作制度.北京: 中国农业出版社,1993年第1版4 北京农业大学主编.耕作学.北京:农业出版社,1981年第1版5 Abraham Blum 编著,李晶宜等译.农业的教与学. 北京: 中国农业大学出版社,1997年第1  版6曹敏建主编耕作学面向21世纪全国高等农业院校教材北京:中国农业出版社,2002.127刘巽浩主编.中国农作制北京:中国农业出版社,20058刘巽浩主编.农作学中国农业大学出版社,2005.9-


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