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    铜 陵 学 院2015-2016学年第1学期主要英语国家国情考试试卷(A卷)参考答案与评分细则参考答案 、Term Explanation.1. The Religious Reformation: It was started by Martin Luther in Germany in 1517. He believed that sinful men could win salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and through a direct relationship to God. The Reformation came to be called the Protestant Reformation. John Calvin founded the Calvinism which had many followers in England. In England, King Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and set up the Church of England. 2. The Bill of Rights: The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.3. Three Faiths in the US: By the 1950s, the three faiths model of American religion had developed. Americans were considered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. In terms of numbers, the Protestants are the strongest, the Catholics are next to the Protestants and Jewish are the smallest among the three groups.4. Elementary school: In the United States, elementary school usually means kindergarten (K) through8. But in some places, it includes only K-6. Many Americans refer to elementary grades as "grammar school". Elementary schools teach mathematics, language, arts, social studies and some other subjects.5. A Social movement and its characteristics: A social movement is a type of behavior in which a large number of participants consciously attempt to change existing institutions and establish a new order of life. It has two basic characteristics:"structure and spontaneity." There must be one or more organizations and peoples actions should come from themselves.、Blank Filling.1. liberty, the pursuit of happiness 2. federalism, the separation of powers 3. institution, community college 4. Locke, social contract5. the Congress, the Articles of Confederation 6. Ontario, Quebec 7. Appalachian, Mississippi 8. Ireland, Italy 9. The "G. I. Bills", financial 10. Martin Luther King, "I Have a Dream" 、True or False.15 T F T F F 610 F T T F T 1115 F T F T T、Multiple Choice.15 B B B C A 610 D C A A B1115 D A A D D 1620 A B D C D、Poetry Analysis.1. The tone of the poem is sad and bitter. "Break" symbolizes that the heart of poet is broken; "cold gray stones" symbolizes the tomb and "sea" symbolizes the cruel force which beyond ones control.2. Vowels such as i:, u:, ei, au associate with weeping and cry in sadness. Thus personal sorrow is revealed.、Essay Question. Imagism is a Literary movement launched by British and American poets early in the 20th century in reaction against Victorian sentimentalism that advocated the use of free verse, common speech patterns and clear concrete images. Imagery is the representation through language of sense experience, or the use of figurative language to produce pictures in the mind of readers or hearers. The representative poets of Imagism are Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and so on.评分细则、名词解释题。本题5个专有名词,每小题4分,本题共计20分。对于每小题而言,要点全部正确答出得4分;要点基本答出得3分;部分要点基本答出得2分;基本没有回答的得0分。、填空题。本题共有10小题,20个空。每空1分,共计20分。、判断题。本题共有15小题,每题1分,共计15分。、选择题。本题共有20小题,每题1分,共计20分。、诗歌分析。本题共有2小题,每题5分,共计10分。对于每小题而言,要点全部正确答出得5分;要点基本答出且用语无语法错误得34分;要点部分答出但语言有少量语法错误得12分;基本没有回答的得0分。、论述题。本题要求学生就给定的话题做出相应的阐述,本题共计15分。要点全部正确答出并加以详细阐述的得1315分;要点基本答出并略加阐述的得912分;仅答出部分要点且无阐述内容得18分。


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