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    Unit 2 单元测试题听力局部20分一、 听力共20小题,每题1分,总分值20分A) 每题你将听到一个对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的B) 听下面的对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出适当的答语。听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,答复第67题。 6. Where did the man drop his wallet? A. In the street.B. In the park.C. In the supermarket. 7. Who picked up the wallet and gave it back to the man? A. A little child.B. An old man.C. A young woman.听第7段材料,答复第810题。 8. Whats the city like? A. Its fast but quiet. B. Its the same as the country. C. It has more people than the country. 9. What does Grandmother like? A. Living in the city.B. Riding on trains.C. Being with her family.10. Which of these is TRUE? A. It is loud near their house. B. Grandmother never likes the city. C. Theres a train station near their house.听第8段材料,答复第1115题。11. What are Betty and her parents going to do during the holiday? A. To visit Tai Mountain. B. To visit some friends in Qingdao. C. To visit some places of interest in Shandong.12. How long are Betty and her parents going to spend in Qingdao? A. For two days.B. For three days.C. For a week.13. When do the Americans celebrate Labour Day? A. In May. B. In July.C. In September.14. What do the students in the USA do after Labour Day? A. They go camping.B. They start classes.C. They have a picnic.15. How is the weather in China after May Day? A. It gets cooler.B. It gets worse.C. It gets better.听第9段材料,答复第1620题。16. What did Amy have for breakfast on Monday? A. Some biscuits, an egg and a cup of tea. B. Some bread, two eggs and a glass of milk. C. Some sweets and a drink of hot chocolate.17. How does Amy usually go to school? A. On foot.B. On a bike.C. On a bus.18. What didnt Amy have for lunch on Monday? A. Vegetables.B. Sandwiches.C. Sweets.19. Why did Amy keep the diary? A. Because it will help her to remember what she does at school. B. Because she thinks it will help her to get fit and lose a bit of weight. C. Because she wants to tell her mother what she eats for lunch at school.20. What did Sarah tell Amy to do? A. She told Amy to eat less for lunch. B. She told Amy to walk to school with her. C. She told Amy to exercise at her parents club.语言综合运用100分 二、选择填空 (20分)根据题意, 选择符合题意的最正确选项。( )21. Mary always goes to sleep _ her bedroom light on for she is afraid of the dark. A. by B. through C. with ( )22. Li Ming doesnt know how to swim because he is _ the water.A. interested in B. terrified of C. worried about ( )23. He likes playing _ piano very much, but he doesnt like playing _ football.A. /; / B. the; the C. the; / ( )24. Your mother is nothing serious. Please dont _ her.A. worry aboutB. take pride in C. pay attention to( )25. The shy boy got very sad when his mother _ leave him alone, and he started to cry.A. had to B. mustnt C. couldnt( )26. He put as _ candy into his pockets as he could. A. much B. manyC. more ( )27. None of them would like to _ $50 for a ticket. A. spend B. pay C. afford ( )28. How long did you _ to build this house? Almost a year.A. take B. waste C. cause ( )29. Angela used to like drawing, but now shes _ in writing poems. A. no more interested B. more interested C. less interested ( )30. It seems that he wants to change his _. Yes, he will go to the Great Wall instead of going to the Summer Palace.A. mind B. duty C. attention ( )31. My mother has been away from us for two years. So you _ her very much, dont you? A. terrify B. miss C. lose ( )32. I used to _ a teacher in a middle school, but now Im working in a company.A. be B. being C. been ( )33. _ he tried, he still fell behind other runners. A. No longer B. No matter what C. Even though ( )34. He can _ understand English so he will have to ask another man to translate. A. exactly B. hardly C. nearly( )35. All of us are afraid of _ late.A. be B. been C. being( )36. I cant stay and listen to that _.A. any longer B. no longer C. no more ( )37. Didnt he go to sleep early? _ He didnt go to bed until midnight. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he did. C. No, he didnt. ( )38. I _ English for three years but Im still not good at it.A. was learning B. have been learning C. am going to learn ( )39. Mary used to get up early when she was at school, _? Yes, she did. A. wasnt she B. used sheC. didnt she ( )40. I was _ to find that the strong man liked to read comics. I couldnt believe my eyes.A. excited B. surprised C. patient 三、完形填空(10分)根据文章大意,选择最正确答案。 As I remember, when I was a child, summers were always a great time for me. In summer I used to be free from school, I didnt have anything 41 to do, and I used to be on holiday in a quiet place with my friends. We usually 42 a small country house, to rest for weeks, and I could do what I liked most of the time. Once four of my friends and I went on a trip. We started early in the morning and 43 the village by the main road. We wanted to get to another small village. The sun was too hot and the road 44 too long. One of my friends said that he knew a shorter way through the forest. We all agreed to 45 the distance and go through the unknown forest.We had a 46 walk there. We walked in the shade (荫凉处), and we heard the birds singing and we saw small animals in the forest. We 47 over a group of bushes (灌木), and found an old forest house. The wooden walls had fallen down, there wasnt a roof, and all kinds of old things were lying 48 in the weeds. They were here and there. The place was abandoned (遗弃) and so lonely that we wanted to 49 there very fast but we actually felt happy.We 50 got out of the woods, and we luckily got to that small village. I will never forget childhood memories like this.( )41. A. interesting B. completeC. special( )42. A. cared about B. stayed at C. waited for( )43. A. memorized B. reached C. left( )44. A. seemed B. kept C. caused( )45. A. waste B. cut C. afford( )46. A. wonderful B. terrifiedC. patient( )47. A. climbedB. crossedC. decided( )48. A. on B. down C. around ( )49. A. give up B. get away fromC. break off( )50. A. quickly B. easily C. exactly 四、阅读理解40分 A Ceringlhamo is 65 years old. For the first 33 years of her life, she was a serf (奴隶) in Tibet a serf in the middle of the twentieth century. She will never forget her life as a serf, which was like a living in a terrible dream. For the last 32 years, she has been a free woman, and a leader in her own country! Together with 11 other serf families, she organized the first mutual-aid (互助) team in Tibet. Later she became a national skilled worker, and was made national “March 8th Pace-Setter. She was also chosen to attend the National Peoples Congress.Now she lives with her youngest daughter. Her 3-year-old granddaughter is very cute, and follows her wherever she goes. From time to time, she will sweetly call her “grandmother, which makes Ceringlhamo very happy. 根据上面的文章选择最正确答案。10分( )51. In which of the following years might Ceringlhamo have been a serf?A. In 1850. B. In 1950. C. In 1985.( )52. When did Ceringlhamo finish her terrible life as a serf?A. 65 years ago.B. 33 years ago. C. 32 years ago.( )53. “March 8th Pace-Setter in the passage means _.A. a title given to Ceringlhamo for her good workB. an expensive presentgiven to CeringlhamoC. the name for her new job( )54. How is Ceringlhamos life now?A. She lives an easy life. B. She lives a lonely life.C. She lives like a child.( )55. What is the best title for the passage?A. A Terrifying Dream B. She Used to Be a SerfC. Ceringlhamos Secrets to SuccessB One day, a boy and a girl were both invited to a television interview program. They both lost their arms when they were very young. The boy lost his arms in a car accident and his father died in that terrible accident. Since then, he had had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. But one day, his younger brother let him live his own life. He was heart-broken and didnt know what to do. Similar (相似的) to the boy, a fire took the girls arms away. Now, both of her parents have died. Though her elder sister who was studying in another city wanted to take care of her, she decided to be completely independent (独立的). Once she wrote the following in her composition: “I am lucky. Though I lost my arms, I still have legs; I am lucky. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still fly. During the interview, they were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote: My younger brothers arms are my arms. The girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart. Disasters(灾难) can happen at any time. How you face them is the true test. If you choose only to complain and run away from them, they will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the disasters will turn out to be chances from which new hopes will rise.根据上面的文章答复以下问题。10分56. What similar experience did the boy and the girl have?_57. How did the boy feel after he was left alone to face his own life?_58. Who did the girl depend on after her parents died?_59. Whats the difference between the boy and the girl?_60. What do you learn from the passage?_C In a survey of 2,500 school children in six cities, it was found that about 66% of primary school students and 77% of high school students were short of sleep. To do something about this problem, some cities began to cut their school hours to give children more free time. A recent survey told us that of the 1,133 respondents (调查对象) almost 70% said that they agreed with cutting school hours, while 22% disagreed and 10% had no comment. Some people thought the best way for children to learn was through playing. They believed that children could learn to be independent and improve their communication skills by playing, which are things that many Chinese children dont learn. Some other people disagreed. They believed that young mothers and fathers had little time to play with their children. Less study time and letting them go home early is not a good idea. They thought that schools should organize more activities after class for children. Even though the children spend long hours at school, many parents make their children go to classes after school. The parents always think that their children are not doing enough to win a place at a good school. They want to give their children a happy childhood, but they are more worried about their future. Education professionals said that it would take time for most people to accept shorter school hours. The problems are hoped to be solved with a system that evaluates (评价) students not only on grades. It will also take time for people to understand that a college diploma (文凭) no longer means a good job. 根据上面的文章选择最正确答案。10分( )61. What is the result of the survey of 2,500 school children in six cities?A. Children are short of sleep.B. Most school children need to have more time to rest.C. Few students are learning well enough to go to a good school.( )62. About _ people that were surveyed didnt agree with cutting school hours.A. 793B. 249 C. 113( )63. Which of the following is the education professionals opinion? A. Parents need time to accept shorter school hours. B. Schools should organize all kinds of activities. C. Theres no need to worry about the childrens future.( )64. Why do the parents make their children go to many classes out of school? A. Education professionals advised them to do so. B. They want to give their children a happy childhood.C. They dont think their children are doing well enough.( )65. Which of the following ideas does the writer agree with?A. Students should be given more free time. B. Children should go to classes after school. C. A college diploma will bring a good job.D In order to study the differences among the ways high school students think, 7,304 students in 156 high schools in China, Japan, Korea, and the United States were surveyed about their attitudes(态度) towards life. Here are the survey results (结果):Result One The survey showed that more than half of the students in China, Japan and Korea cared about their appearance (68, 66, and 83.2 percent), compared to 33.4 percent of American students. The survey also found that most Chinese and American students were happy(82.7 and 83.8 percent). But in Japan and Korea, not as many students were happy ( 77.4 and 73.3 percent).Result Two The survey showed that 73.7 percent of Chinese students paid attention to social problems. Fewer students in the other three countries did so (45.4 percent in America and 45.9 percent in Japan and Korea).Result Three The survey also showed that more Chinese students had active attitudes towards life and worked hard to succeed than those in the other three countries.Only 41.2 percent of Chinese students thought they would be satisfied (满足的) with a comfortable life, which was close to Korea, with 48.4 percent, but lower than America with 71.7 percent, and Japan, with 66.3 percent. Korean students were the most independent. Most of them wanted to make their own decisions about life. 92.5 percent of students in Korea, 78.6 percent of students in America, 74.8 percent of students in Japan, and 72.4 percent of students in China thought in this way.根据短文内容,完成以下信息卡中所缺少的信息。10分A Survey Report Purpose (调查目的)High school students(66)_Persons surveyed(67)_ students from _ high schoolsResultMost American students are (68)_ and they do not care about their _.Most Chinese students are interest-ed in (69)_.Chinese students have (70)_ attitudes towards life but some of them are not really _. 五、词汇10分A) 根据首字母提示, 用单词的适当形式填空。5分71. I dont want to make a


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