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    2020年中考英语必读时事热点1文章导读一、阅读理解 这是一篇科普类型说明文,对新型冠状病毒的是什么及来源进行说明和探究。 二、完形填空 人物传记 钟南山介绍三、阅读理解 “山川异域,风月同天”日本援助物资现暖心古诗四、阅读填空 如何防止新型冠状病毒传染五、阅读选词填空 新型冠状病毒战役介绍六、书面表达 保护野生动物 一、阅读理解Since December, there have been tens of thousands of COVID-19 cases both in and out of China, caused by a previously unknown virus: novel coronavirus (新冠病毒).Its not the first time for viruses to make headlines. Viruses have brought big trouble to humans, with their potential to cause widespread disease and death.What are they? Viruses are considered to be non-living organisms (有机物). They can infect animals and plants, making them sick. They contain genetic materials like DNA and are protected by a coating of protein.Unlike bacteria (细菌), viruses cant reproduce on their own. Instead, they invaded the cells of living organisms to reproduce, spread and take over. But the basic question is: where did viruses first come from?Until now, no clear explanation for their origin exists. “Tracing the origins of viruses is difficult,” Ed Rybicki, a virologist at the university of Cape Town in South Africa, told Scientific American, “because viruses dont leave fossils (化石) and because of the tricks they use to make copies of themselves within the cells theyve invaded.”Understanding the origins of viruses means fully understanding the history of their hostsnot only humans, but also bacteria, plants and other animals, which is a complicated task, says Nature.However, there are three main theories to explain the origin of viruses. First, viruses started as independent organisms, and then became parasites (寄生者). Second, viruses evolved (进化) from pieces of DNA or RNA that “escaped” from larger organisms. The third one is that viruses co-evolved with their host cells, which means they existed alongside these cells.For the time being, these are only theories. The technology and proofs we have today cannot be used to test these theories and discover the most plausible explanation. Continuing studies may provide us with clearer answers. Or future studies may find that the answer is even more mysterious than it now appears.1. What can we learn about viruses from the passage?A. They only infect animals and plants.B. They reproduce by finding a host cell.C. They are really small living organisms.D. They are more dangerous than bacteria.2. The underlined word “plausible” in the last paragraph probably means “_”.A. creativeB. effectiveC. reasonableD. unbelievable3. What can we learn from the passage? A. The author is confident about further virus studies.B. Viruses will become more like bacteria as they evolve.C. Viruses live longer in human host cells than in animals.D. It may take a long time to discover the origin of viruses.4. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Where Do Viruses Come from? B. Why Is COVID-19 a Terrible Virus?C. How to Stop the Viruses from Spreading? D. What Are the Differences Between Viruses and Bacteria?二、完形填空 As the saying goes, “A hero is known in the time of misfortune(不幸)”. Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong, who 1 many peoples lives in 2003.In 2003, SARS 2 in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and other parts of the world. Patients coughed a lot and got fevers. Hundreds of 3 even died from the disease.Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. So everyone was afraid of it.But Zhong was 4 enough to fight the disease. Zhong spent days and nights to find the cause of the_. And with his way of treating, many patients began to get better. Zhong finally won peoples trust.In early 2020, a disease called Novel coronavirus pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) hit Wuhan. It spread 6 around tens of thousands of Chinese people were infected (感染). Zhong, 84, led his team to Wuhan to fight the illness. Zhongs team took many measures to _7_ the patients with Novel coronavirus pneumonia. He advised people to wear masks, 8 hands frequently (频繁地), stay at home and not to go to crowed places.Zhong likes sports very much. 9 he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now at the age of 84, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and 10 young doctors. “I am just a doctor.” Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.1. A. helpedB. savedC. likedD. influenced2. A. took outB. found outC. gave outD. broke out3. A. patientsB. adultsC. animalsD. birds4. A. kind B. poorC. braveD. silent5. A. patient B. floodC. disease D. pollution6. A. quicklyB. slowlyC. safelyD. luckily7. A. protectB. cureC. warnD. harm8. A. weighB. polluteC. shakeD. wash9. A. WhenB. AlthoughC. UnlessD. Because10. A. thinksB. trustsC. teaches D. asks三、阅读理解 阅读下文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。In late January ,a donation of masks and thermometers from the Japan Youth Development Association in Tokyo to Hubei Province caused a stir on Chinese social media .This was because of the powerful poetic message written on each box:“山川异域,风月同天。”.It literally translates to“ Mountains and rivers on foreign land wind and moon under the same sky.” or officially ,“Lands apart, sky shared ”Besides the heartfelt regard and the elegant language, the quote also alluded a significant moment in the history of cultural exchange between the two countries. The line comes from a seventh century Buddhist hymn by prince Nagaya, a politician from the Nara period ( 710-794)of Japan, titled “Embroidered on Kasaya Robes for good Karma”: Lands apart, sky shared. For the disciples of Buddha, to nurture good karma .The hymn was embroidered on 1,000 Buddhist robes which Prince Nagaya had made and sent to the Tang court in China. It s a part of his invitation for Chinese Buddhist monks to visit Japan. The poem was also included in the Complete Tang Poems. the largest existing collection of Tang poetry. Inspired by the Princes hymn, Jianzhen, decided to go on a voyage to Japan. After six attempts and the loss of his eyesight, Jianzhen finally arrived, and made a significant contribution to the spread of Buddhism in Japan. The reference does not only invoke shared history, but also mutual appreciation for ancient poetry in the Chinese language. Many in china were touched by the poetic expression of support from Japanese citizens during the COVID-19 outbreak.1、Why did the donation cause a stir?A、 Because it came from Japan B、Because it was donated to Hubei provinceC、Because of the poetic message on boxes。D、Because it was from china。2、“Lands apart, sky shared. ”expresses a lot EXCEPT .A、the heartfelt regard B、the elegant languageC、the significant moment in the history D、Japans love for Chinese culture3、Who wrote the poem " Embroidered on Kasaya Robes for Good Karma"?A、A poet from China B、A poet of JapanC、A monk from China D、A politician of Japan4、What does“ the reference” refer to in the last paragraph?A、For the disciples of buddha to nurture good karma.B、 The Complete Tang Poems.C、The largest existing collection of Tang poetry.D、Lands apart ,sky shared.5、What can we know from Paragraph 4 and 5?A、The poem was embroidered on 10,000 Buddhist robes。B、Jianzhen was inspired by the prince hymn and decided to be a traveler。C、The poem was included in the largest existing collection of Tang poetry.D、After six attempts and the loss of his hearing, Jianzhen finally arrived in Japan.四、阅读填空(共5小题)根短文的内容,从方框所给的选项中选出能够填入短文空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。You may be worried about contracting the Novel Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒).Now there is no vaccine (疫苗泪)for the new virus. Dont worry! 46._47._ Always wash your hands before you eat or drink anything. Its also best to wash your hands anytime youre out in public or after youre around someone you think may be sick.Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. You can easily contract thecoronavirus if you touch your face with dirty hands. 48_Use tissue or handkerchief if you need to.Dont go to a crowded place. Stay at home as often as possible. 49._Put on a mask if you must go out and try to stay away from others.Remember to be away from people who are coughing or sneezing. Coughing and sneezing are common symptoms of coronavirus infection. 50._Its said that the virus may be alive in the air or on your clothes for a few hours.A.They both can release the virus into the air.B.Here are some ways to protect yourself against it.C.Wash your hands with soap and water.D.Always avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands.E.Taking part in a party or family gathering is not allowed, either.五、阅读理解On Feb 26, when an Italian lawmaker (议员) went into the countrys Lower Chamber with a mask to prevent the novel coronavirus, he was criticized (批评) by his colleagues for “causing panic (恐慌)”. Articles from Western media carry headlines such as “No, you do not need face masks to prevent coronavirus.” You might be surprised, as in China and other Asian countries, people have willingly put masks on during the outbreak.Western thoughts about masksIn the West, people are taught to wear masks only when they get sick. Masks are seen as a tool to protect sick people and prevent the disease from spreading, so healthy people dont need to wear them. Therefore, during the novel coronavirus outbreak, overseas Chinese students said that they would be “stared at like a virus spreader” if they go out with a mask. According to a survey done by Global Times among some European and American people, wearing a mask in public can make them feel “worried”, “shy”, and “afraid of being looked at differently.”But as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to grow around the world, many people in the West are changing their attitudes. In the US, for example, the need for masks is very high now. The US surgeon general (卫生局局长) has been asking people to avoid hoarding masks, as they are more needed in hospitals than by the general public, for this reason people should buy enough for their needs.Mask culture in the EastIn Asian countries like China and Japan, there has been a long tradition of mask-wearing. In China, for example, when doctor Wu Liande invented the modern medical mask during the pneumonic plague (肺鼠疫) in 1910, the mask became a symbol of Chinas position as a modern, scientific nation, according to Scottish medical anthropologist (人类学家) Christos Lynteris. The 2003 SARS epidemic again led to the wide use of masks as a form of anti-viral protection in China and elsewhere in East Asia.In Japan, wearing masks has long been seen as a manner to reassure (使安心) others when one catches a cold or flu. Some Japanese also turn masks into fashion accessories (配饰), with different colors and patterns to match their clothes. Wearing masks is also a way to “hide” for young women when they dont have their makeup on.In more collectivist (集体主义的) cultures in Asia, wearing masks might also be a symbol of solidarity (团结) during the outbreak, according to Lynteris. “Mask culture in Asia creates a sense of a fate (命运) shared, common obligation and civic (公民的) duty.” People wear masks “to show that they want to stick together” in the face of danger, Lynteris wrote.1. Why dont healthy people in the West wear masks?A. They dont think masks can prevent disease.B. They think masks are for sick people to wear.C. Only medical workers need to wear masks.D. Wearing a mask looks funny.2. Masks have been widely used in China since _.A. the invention of the modern medical maskB. the pneumonic plague in 1910C. Christos Lynteris wore one publiclyD. the outbreak of SARS in 20033. What does Lynteris mean in the last paragraph?A. People have no sense of duty if they dont wear masks.B. Mask culture creates a sense of collective obligation.C. Asian people are more united in the face of danger.D. We are a community with a shared future for mankind.4. What does the underline word “hoarding” in paragraph 4 mean?A. buying enough things people needB. collecting and keeping a large amount of things C. selling a large amount of thingsD. giving others something that they need5. The purpose of the story is to _.A. explain why Westerners dont wear masksB. prove the importance of wearing masks during an epidemicC. show how opinions about masks differ between different countriesD. explain the history of masks 六、书面表达(15分)2019年的冬天,一种新型冠状病毒 (novel coronavirus) 悄然从野生动物传染给人类。假定你是李华,你校英文报“人与动物”栏目拟刊登主题为“保护野生动物”的短文,邀你投稿。要求如下:1. 介绍野生动物的现状;2.猎杀野生动物的后果;3. 提出自己的建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:生态系统 ecosystem新型冠状病毒 Novel coronavirus传染性的infectious Protection of Wild Animals_ _ _ _ _ _ 2020年中考英语必读时事热点1文章导读一、阅读理解 这是一篇科普类型说明文,对新型冠状病毒的是什么及来源进行说明和探究。 二、完形填空 人物传记 钟南山介绍三、阅读理解 “山川异域,风月同天”日本援助物资现暖心古诗四、阅读填空 如何防止新型冠状病毒传染五、阅读理解 2020年2月26日意大利议员戴口罩引起热议,本文对中西文化对戴口罩的看法。六、书面表达 保护野生动物 一、阅读理解Since December, there have been tens of thousands of COVID-19 cases both in and out of China, caused by a previously unknown virus: novel coronavirus (新冠病毒).Its not the first time for viruses to make headlines. Viruses have brought big trouble to humans, with their potential to cause widespread disease and death.What are they? Viruses are considered to be non-living organisms (有机物). They can infect animals and plants, making them sick. They contain genetic materials like DNA and are protected by


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