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    2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit5 on the roadperiod4课时作业四版本:外研版必修第二册.doc

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    2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit5 on the roadperiod4课时作业四版本:外研版必修第二册.doc

    Period 4Developing ideas课时作业(四)基础训练单词拼写1The _ (英式足球) match had to be postponed because of heavy rain. 答案:soccer2Before the rain, the sky was a _ (团) of clouds.答案:mass3There are two long rivers within the _ (大陆)答案:continent4Our first _ (交通工具) was an old brokendown bicycle. 答案:vehicle5May I have some _ (肉汁) on my potato? 答案:gravy单句语法填空1We managed _ (get) to the airport in time. 答案:to get2Theres masses _ work for her to do.答案:of3Footandmouth disease affects cows, _ (deer), goats, pigs and sheep.答案:deer4The old man lived in a mountain village _ most people speak English.答案:where5This is something _ we did not hope to see. 答案:that 单句写作1我有一些好消息要和大家分享。I have some very good news to _ all of you. 答案:share with2就在那时,我意识到这件事变得多么严重。_ I realized how serious this had become. 答案:It was then that3他从来就不懂如何对大篇的材料进行整理。He never understood how to organize large _ material.答案:masses of4我写那首歌是给自己打气的。I wrote that song just to _.答案:cheer myself up5他方向感很差,一会儿就迷路了。He had _ direction and soon got lost. 答案:a poor sense of6我至今还和几位同学保持联系。I have still _ with several classmates.答案:kept in touch7他气得一句话也说不出来。He was _ angry _ he _ say a word.答案:so; that; couldnt8他正走在街上突然有人叫他。He _ in the street _ someone call him.答案:was walking; when思维训练阅读理解Three Japanese tourists taking a holiday in Australia got stuck when their GPS told them they could drive from the mainland to an island, failing to mention the 15 kilometres of water and mud in between.As they drove their hired car from Moreton Bay to nearby North Stradbroke Island, they started to notice the firm surface they were driving on giving way to the wellknown bay mud. However, being confident that their GPS would direct them to a road soon, they decided to drive on, managing to travel around 500 metres before their car was up to its tires in mud. To make matters worse, the tide (潮汐) started to come in and soon forced them to seek help and abandon the vehicle. Just four hours later the car was trapped in two metres of waterto the great amusement of onlookers on the shore and passengers on passing boats and ferries.Yuzu Noda, 21, said she was listening to the GPS and “it told us we could drive down there. It kept saying it would navigate (导航) US to a road. But we got stuck . theres lots of mud”. She and her travel companions Tomonari Saeki, 22, and Keita Osada, 21, instead had to give up their plans for a day trip to the island and headed back to the Gold Coast of a lift from the RACQ tow truck (吊车) driver who was called to the trapped car. No such luck for the hired car, thoughafter assessing the situation, no attempt was made to recover it. The students from Tokyo, who are due to return home tomorrow, said the experience would not put them off returning to Australia for another visit. Mr Tomonari said, “It has rained every day on our six day holiday. Hopefully next time we come back it will be sunny.”The car was covered by insurance, but the tourists will have to pay up to about $1,500 in extra charges.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章描写了由于GPS失灵而导致的一件糗事。1Why did the three Japanese tourists get stuck?AThere was no way to the island.BTheir GPS had given the wrong information.CTheir GPS was broken during their journey.DTheir car was not made in Japan.答案:B细节理解题。根据第一段可知这些学生陷入淤泥,主要是因为GPS出错了。故B项正确。2Why did the tourists abandon their car?ASome onlookers went to save them.BThey got stuck in the mud.CThere came the tide.DThey managed to travel around 500 metres.答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知潮汐来了,迫使他们不得不放弃汽车。故C项正确。3How did these Japanese students get back?AThey had to walk back to their living place.BThey had to repair their GPS and drove back.CThey had to turn to passengers on boats and ferries.DThey had to take a lift from the tow truck driver.答案:D细节理解题。根据第三段第四句可知他们最终是通过吊车才从被困的汽车中返回陆地。故D项正确。4What can we know from the passage?AThe car was left where it was trapped.BThe passengers saved these students in the end.CMr Tomonari got very down after the journey.DNo money has to be paid thanks to insurance.答案:A推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第四句可知这辆汽车被留在了原地。故A项正确。读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just spent the last three endless hours trying to get to the airport so that I could travel home. Now, as I watched the bus driver set my luggage on the airport sidewalk, I realized that my anxiety had only just begun.This was my first visit alone to the international_terminal of the airport, and nothing was familiar. I could not make_sense_of any of the signs. Where was the checkin_counter? Where should I take my luggage? I had no idea where to go, feeling as if I were deaf and blind and stupid. I began to panic. What time was it? Where was my_plane? I had to find help because I could not be late!I tried to ask a passing businessman for help,_but my words all came out wrong. He just frowned and walked away. What had happened? I had been in this country for a whole semester, and I could not even remember how to ask for directions. This was awful! Another bus arrived at the terminal, and the passengers came out carrying all sorts of luggage. Here was my chance! I could follow them to the right place, and I would not have to say a word.I dragged my enormous suitcase behind me and followed the group. We finally reached the elevators. Oh, no! They all fit in it, but there was not enough room for me. I watched in despair as the elevator doors closed. I was abandoned again! I had no idea what to do next. I got on the elevator when it returned and stared at all the buttons. Which one could it be? I pressed button 3, because I thought I saw those passengers pressed 3, though it was no more than a quick glance. The elevator slowly climbed up to the third floor and came to a stop. A high, unpleasant noise announced the opening of the doors, and I looked around shyly.注意:1所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Tears formed in my eyes as I saw the empty hall and realized that I would miss my plane. Paragraph 2:When I turned to thank him for all his help, he was gone. 写前导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己第一次去国际航班候机楼时发生的事。精彩范文Paragraph 1:Tears formed in my eyes as I saw the empty hall and realized that I would miss my plane. Just then an elderly airport employee walked towards me from the corner. He saw that I was lost and asked if he could help in any way. He gave me his handkerchief to dry my tears as I related my predicament. He smiled kindly, and patted my shoulder to ease my anxiety,_before leading me down a long hallway. We walked up some stairs, turned a corner, and at last, there was the checkin counter! He led me past all the lines of people and pushed my luggage to the inspection counter.Paragraph 2:When I turned to thank him for all his help, he was gone. I never got an opportunity to know that kind mans name, but I would always remember his unexpected kindness. He helped me when I needed it most. Without his timely help, I would have certainly missed my_plane,_I can only hope that one day I will be able to do the same for another traveler who is suffering through a terrible journey.


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