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    -单项选择训练( ) 1. -Have you had _ breakfast yet? - No, not yet. A./ B. a C. the D. an( )2. Lets look at the bag. Can you see _“s”on the corner of_ bag? A. a, a B. a, the C. an, a D. an, the( )3. There is egg on the table, egg is for you. A. a, A B. an, An C. an, The D. the, An( )4. Our teacher told us that _ moon moves around _ earth, and _ earth circles_ sun. A. a, a, a, a B. an, an, an, an C. the, the, the, the D. /, /, /, /( )5. At that time, he was studying in_ university. And it was a famous one. A./ B. the C. a , D. an( )6. _ mother is a worker. A. Mary and Mikes B. Marys and Mikes C. Marys and Mike D. Mary and Mike( )8.The room is too small, there s no enough _for another desk. A. place B. room C. floor D. ground( )9.There may be something wrong with her _,she can t see things clearly. A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. nose( )10.- Which room shall we live in tonight? In _. A. the Room 406 B. Room 406 C. the 406 Room D. 406 Room( )11. Well be away for two weeks because well have a _. A. two-weeks holiday B. two weeks holidays C. two- week holiday D. two-weeks holiday( )12. The number of the students in our grade _about six _, of them are girls. A. are, hundreds, two- thirds B. is, hundred, two- third C. is, hundred, two thirds. D. are, hundreds, two third( )13. _ travellers come to visit our city every year. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundred( )14. He spent _ yuan on the new computer. A. five thousand, three hundred and forty B. five thousand, three hundred and forties C. five thousands, three hundred and forty. D. five thousands, hundreds and forty( )15. My home is about _ from my school. A. 15 minutes B. 10 minutes ride C. 20 minutes by bike D. 15- minutes on foot.( ) 16. We are doing much better _ English _ our teachers help. A. in, at B. at, in C. in, with D. with, with( ) 17. The food _ my hometown is quite different _that there. A. in, like B. to, from C. from, to D. in, from( ) 18. Before 1992, there was no airline _ the two cities. A. along B. in C. between D. among( ) 19. _the new computer, travellers at the offices of CAAC can now buy their air tickets much faster. A. Because B. Thanks for C. Thanks to D. Since( )20. He had _ much work to do that he couldnt go out. A. so B. such C. as D. or( )21. Tom has been in the factory _he left school. A. when B. since C. as soon as D. whether( )22. The nurse doesnt feel well today, _ she still works very hard. A. but B. and C. or D. when( ) 23. _ my mother _ my sister watches TV plays these days. A. Either, nor B. Both, and C. Neither, or D. Neither, nor( ) 24. He walked _ fast for us _catch up with. A. so, that B. such, that C. enough, to D. too, to( ) 25. Lucy knew nothing about it _ her sister told her. A. because B. until C. if D. since( ) 26. I dont think it very expensive to buy a family computer here. - Really? Ill buy _ next week. A. it B. this C. one D. mine ( ) 27.-Which would you like, rice or noodles? -_is OK. Im hungry. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All ( ) 28. We found _ necessary to protect the environment. A. it B. this C. that D. what( )29. The weather in Beijing is cooler than _ in Guangzhou. A. this B. it C. that D. one( )30. There is _in todays newspaper. A. new anything B. new something C. anything new D. something new( )31 .- May I use your pen? Mine is broken. - Of course, here are two and you can use _ of them. A. both B. every C. any D. either( ) 32. We cant buy anything because _of the shops are open at this time. A. all B. some C. any D. none( )33.- Please write to me when you have time. - Sure. But _is your e - mail address? A. when B. where C. what D. which( ) 34. He couldnt buy the dictionary because he had _money with him. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little( ) 35.- Have you finished your composition yet? - No, Ill finish it inten minutes. A. another B. more C. other D. else( )36. Theres _interesting in the film, so _is interested in it. A. something, nobody B. nothing, somebody C. anything, anybody. D. nothing, nobody.( )37. I think Toms bike is older than _. A. my B. his C. your D. her( )38. Oh, boys and girls, come in please. And make _at home. A. yourself B. us C. you D. yourselves( ) 39. I dont like winter because its _cold. A. too much B. far more C. much too D. much more( )40. This match made them _at last. A. friendly B. happily C. quickly D. slowly( )41 .- Who can reach the book on the top shelf? - Jack can. He is _boy of us all. A. taller B. a tall C. the tallest D. much tallest( )42.- The shop is _ on Saturday and Monday.- I see. Ill go here on Monday then. A. open B. close C. opened D. closed( )43. It is _to work out this problem. You neednt go to the teacher. A. enough easy B. easily enough C. easy, enough D. very easily( )44.- Our holiday was _. - Yes, Ive never had _. A. such great, the better one B. greatly, a good one. C. so great, a better one D. very good, the best one( )45.- Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? - Certainly, we can buy _one than this, but _this. A. a better, better than B. a worse, as good as C. a cheaper, as good as D. a more important, not as good as( )46.- Why dont you ask Tom to do it?- I don t know whether he is_ to. He sometimes makes things worse. A. possible B. able . C. afraid D. easy( )47. Her mother was out. She stayed at home _ , but she didn t feel A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, alone D; lonely, lonely( )48. A _ school boy, LiLida, first tried to swim across the Qiongzhou Channel in June, 2000. A. 12 - year old B. 12 - years - old C. 12 - year- old D. 12 years old( )49, In our exam, the_ careful we are, the _mistakes well make. A. more, more B. more, less C. less, fewer D. more, fewer( )50. Jacks brother doesnt work so _as Jack. A. harder B. hard C. hardest D. hardly( )51. Every day I spend two hours _my homework. A. finishing to do B. finishing doing C. to finish to do D. to finish doing( )52. Lin Tao cant be at home. I saw him _here a few minutes ago. A. plays B. to play C. playing D. played( )53. Wed better _on the road. A car may hit us. A. not to play B. not play C. to not play D. dont play( ) 54.-When can I go out to play football, Mum? -Finish your homework first, or I wont let you _. A. to go out B. go out C. going out "D. will go out( )55. Could you make her _laughing? A. stop B. to stop C. stops D. stopped( )56. You _ never play in the street. Its not safe. A. can B. may C. must D.need( )57. Please dont forget _to me, will you? A. to write B. writing C. write D. writes( )58. The soldier ran into the room _the baby. A. saving B. to save C. saves D. saved( )59.-_ we make it half past seven? -What about _ it a little earlier? A. Shall, making B. Shall, to make C. Will, making D. will, to make( )60. He _ harder this year than last year. A. study B. studies C. was studying D. studied( )61. I think no news _ good news, he will be back soon. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )62.-Can I help you? -Yes. I bought this computer here yesterday, ,but it _ now. A. didnt work B. wont work C. cant work D. doesnt work( )63. -What about the food on the plate? It _ delicious. A. smelling B. smelt C. smells D. is smelt( )64: What a nice garden! How well it _ after! A. has looked B. looks C. is looked D. is looking( )65. Look! Lily with her sister _ a kite on the playground. A. is flying B.are flying C.flying D. fly( )66.-I have seen the film “Titanic” already. -When _ you _ it? A. have, seen B. will, see C. did, see D. had, seen( )67. His sister read the picture- book three times yesterday, _. A. so he did B. she did so C. so did he D. so lid her( )68. I _ to bed until my grandma came back home. A. didnt go B. went C. had gone D. have gone( )69. While she _ TV in the sitting room, the bell_. A. watches, rings B. is watching, rang C. was watching, rang D. watched, was ringing( )70. There _a football match in our school this afternoon. A. are going to have B. is going to have C. are going to be D. is going to be( )71. The headmaster _for more than two weeks. A. has left B. has gone C. has been away D. has come back( )72. -Where s Mr Green? -Oh, he _ Canada. A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to D. was in( )73. The factory has been _ for two years. A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened( )74 .-How long have you _there? -About four years. A. come B. gone C. left D. worked( )75.-Must I clean the room now? -No, you _. A. can t B. may not C. mustn t D. needn t( )76. _ I close the window? Its so cold here. A. Will B. Do C. Would D. Shall( )77.-Excuse me, Look at the sign NO SMOKING! -Sorry, I _ it. A.dont see B.didnt see C.havent seen D.wont see( )78. He could_ neither French or German, so I_ with him in English. A, speak, talked B. talk, told C. say, spoke D. tell, talked( ) 79. I _a very interesting programme on the radio this morning. A. listened B. heard C. saw D. watched( )80. Could you _ me your bike? Mine is broken. -Sure. Its there. A. borrow B. lend C. giving D. return( )81 .-How much did you _for the pen? -Five yuan. A. cost B. take C. pay D. buy( )82.-Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? -Because I _it. A. saw B. will see C. see D, have seen( )83. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _tomorrow. A. won t rain B. isn t raining C. doesn t rain D. isn t rain( )84.-What did you do last night? -I _TV with my family. A. watch B. am watching C. have watched D. watched( )85. -Can I help you, sir? -Yes, I bought the radio here yesterday, but it _. A. didnt work B.won t work C.can t work D. doesnt work( )86. -What do you think of the football match yesterday? -Well, it s surprising. The strongest team of our school _. A. was beaten B. won C. scored D. was filled ( )87. The trees must _three times a week. A. water B. watering C. be watered D.waters( )88. -Alice, you _ on the phone. -I m coming. Thanks. A. want B-. are wanted C. are wanting .D. have wanted( )89. -I saw Betty go to Grandpa Lis home just now. -Yes. Shes often seen _ the old man with the housework. A: help B. to help C. helps D. helped( )90. A talk on Chinese history _in the school hall next Monday. A. be given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give( )91. _(Dog)dog is _ useful animal. A. a, an B. a, the C. the, a D. the, /( )92. John Smith is _ honest man. A. an B. a C. the D. one( )93. My father told me he was soon going to visit _ USA. A. the B. a C. an D. /( )94. Beyond _


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