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    2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit2 let′s celebrateperiod4课时作业四版本:外研版必修第二册.doc

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    2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit2 let′s celebrateperiod4课时作业四版本:外研版必修第二册.doc

    Period 4Developing ideas课时作业(四) 基础训练 单词拼写1Buy a computer and you will get a package of _ (软件) for free.答案:software2Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Years _ (前夕)答案:Eve3Children must be accompanied by an _ (成年人)答案:adult4Taking her with me on such an official _ (场合) has been a challenge.答案:occasion5However, if others benefit in the _ (进程), and I get some reward too, does it really matter where my motivation lies?答案:process单句语法填空1He got a job as _ (edit) of a trade journal. 答案:editor2_ (lose) of health is more serious than loss of wealth. 答案:Loss3He is one of those applying for _ (admit) to university.答案:admission4I began to interview _ (retire) zoo keepers. 答案:retired5No one knows when such a custom first came into _ (exist)答案:existence单句写作1我承认,那次干的是件蠢事。_ it was a stupid thing to do. 答案:I admit2据说他们的产品远销国内外。It is said that their products are sold both _. 答案:at home and overseas3通过考试确实是值得他付出的努力。He is really _ of passing the test. 答案:worth the effort4迈克,这个问题不过是你的想象。The problem only _ your head, Mike.答案:exists in5我喜欢在家读小说不亚于在电影院看电影。I enjoy reading novels at home _ seeing movies at the cinema.答案:no less than思维训练阅读理解Millions of people crowded onto trains, airplanes and buses across China last week. They were hurrying home, to be with their families for Chinas most important holiday, Chinese New Year. More than one billion people around the world are celebrating the New Year.History Behind the HolidayThe Chinese New Year is celebrated at the second new moon after the winter solstice (冬至). (The winter solstice is one of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the equator. It is also the shortest day of the year.) According to an ancient legend, Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese New Year. 12 animals came, and Buddha named a year after each animal. The animals were: the mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.A Good Year to Be a PigBuddha announced that people born in each animals year would have some of that animals personality. If you were born in 1959, 1971, 1983 or 1995, you were born in the year of the Pig. People who were born in these years are believed to be polite, honest, hardworking and loyal. They are also supposed to be lucky, which is why many Chinese like to have babies in a Pig year. They are said to get along best with people born under the year of the Rabbit, Goat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Dog.Festivals, Lions and FeastsOn Chinese New Years Eve, the Chinese celebrate with fireworks, family gatherings, and feasts. One of the most popular ways to celebrate the holiday is the lion dance. The lion is considered a holy (神圣的) animal. During celebrations, dancers dressed as lions (or holding up elaborate paper lions in the air) perform to bring good luck to the people they visit at their homes or businesses. People often wear in red, which symbolizes fire. Legend has it that fire can drive away bad luck. The 15day New Year season is celebrated with firecrackers, dragon dances and visits to friends and relatives. The celebrations end with the Lantern Festival, when brightly colored lanterns are hung in parks around China.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。春节对每一个中国人来说都是极其重要的节日,但是你知道和春节有关的历史和风俗习惯吗?1The eighth animal of Chinese year is _.Arabbit Bdog Cgoat Dhorse 答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知中国年的第八个动物是羊,故选C。2Why do many parents want a baby born in a Pig year?AA pig is a gentle animal.BThe baby would be friendly to others.CIt would bring pride to its parents.DIt is regarded as lucky.答案:D细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句可知许多父母想要一个在猪年出生的孩子是因为这被认为是幸运的,故选D。3People wear red clothes during the festival in order to _.Alook beautifulBget rid of bad luckCappear like a fireDsuit the atmosphere of the festival答案:B细节理解题。根据最后一段第五、六句可知人们在节日期间穿红色的衣服是为了摆脱坏运气,故选B。4The Spring Festival ends with _.Aeating dumplings together Blion dancingCthe Lantern Festival Dfireworks答案:C细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知春节以元宵节结束,故选C。读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was Christmas_Day. Pappy was working alone fixing an old lantern in the backroom when he heard the ringing of his bell on the shop door. The bell,_which produced a uniquely pleasant sound, had been in Pappys family for over a hundred years. He valued it dearly and enjoyed sharing its song with all who came to his shop. Although the bell hung on the inside of the main door, Pappy had tied a wire to the screen door so that it would ring whether the inner door was open or not. Hearing the bell, he left the backroom to greet his customer.“And how can I help you, little lady?” Pappys voice was joyful.“Hello, sir.” The_little_girl spoke almost in a whisper. She looked at Pappy with her big brown eyes, and then slowly scanned the room in search of something special. Shyly she told him, “Id like to buy a present, sir.”“Well, lets see,” Pappy said, “who is this present for?”“My grandpa. Its for my grandpa. But I dont know what to get.”Pappy began to make suggestions. “How about a pocket watch? Its in good condition.” The little girl didnt answer. She had walked to the doorway and put her small hand on the door. She shook the door gently to ring the bell. Pappys face seemed to glow as he saw her smiling with excitement.“This is just right,” the little girl said. “Momma says grandpa loves music.”Just then, Pappys expression changed. Fearful of breaking the little girls heart, he told her, “Im sorry, Missy. Thats not for sale. Maybe your grandpa would like this little radio.”The girl looked at the radio, bowed her head, and sadly sighed,_“No, I dont think so.”In an effort to help her understand, Pappy told her that the bell had been his only companion, for the rest of his family were all gone now, except for his estranged (疏远的) daughter whom he had not seen for nearly a decade.注意:1所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:With a giant tear in her eye, the little girl looked up at him. Paragraph 2:Later that evening when Pappy was closing up the shop, he heard a familiar ringing. 写前导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Pappy店里的门铃对Pappy有特殊的意义,但是他还是将它卖给了一个给外公挑圣诞礼物的小女孩。接下来会发生什么事呢?精彩范文Paragraph 1:With a giant tear in her eye, the little girl looked up at him. She managed a forced smile, murmuring “Thank you, anyway” and turned toward the doorway. Suddenly Pappy thought of his estranged daughter. Feeling a lump in his throat, Pappy called out, “How much have you got to spend, Missy?” At this moment, the little girl emptied her purse onto the countertwo dollars. After a quick struggle in his mind, Pappy said, “Today is Christmas_Day and this is your lucky day. The bell costs exactly two dollars.” Holding the special_bell close to her chest, the child danced out.Paragraph 2:Later that evening when Pappy was closing up the shop, he heard a familiar ringing. He couldnt believe his ears! There in the doorway stood the_little_girl,_ringing the bell and smiling sweetly. Puzzled, Pappy approached her. “Have you changed your mind, little lady?” “No,” the child grinned, “Momma says the present is for you.” Before Pappy had time to say another word, the childs mother stepped in. Holding back her tears, she gently said, “Hello, Dad.”


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