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    中考英语介词单选重点练习1. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was held in Westminster Cathedral _ April 29, 2014. A. in B. on C. at D. by2. They arrived there a cold winter evening. A. on B. in C. during D. at3. Lucy thinks young people can learn how to care for others _ keeping pets. A .at B. on C. in D. by4. Guo Jingming, 24, has topped the 2011 Rich List of Chinese Writers, which was published _November 21, 2014. A. in B. on C. at D. for5.Whether our school will go to the amusement park next week depends_ the weather. A. about B. on C. of D. in 6. A: When did it begin to snow? B: It started _ the night.A. during B. by C. from D. at7.The postman cried out downstairs, “Mr. Anderson, here is a letter _ you.” A. of B. on C. with D. for8. Joyce wrote an article _ how to improve our memory for the school newspaper. A. for B. on C. in D. at 9. Jessie is keen watching the TV show One out of 100 at the weekend. A. on B.in C. to D. with10. _December 11,2001, China formally became the 143rd member of the WTOA. in B. On C. At D. Until11. The Yangtze River runs_ the mountains, through the beautiful Three Gorges and finally into the sea. A. at B. to C. on D. Down12.I hear our head teacher will be back from USA three weeks time. A.at B. of C.in D. with13. You can improve your spoken English using it more and more. A. in B. at C. by D. from14. The worst fire occurred (发生)in Hong Kong November 30, 201 1. A. in B. on C. at D. by15. Jack was lucky to get two tickets _ that concert. A. for B. in C. on D. about16. My uncle wants to buy a new house a small garden beside the Dianshan Lake. A. at B. of C.in D. with17. The NBA is in a lockout (停摆) because players and owners failed to reach a new deal July 1st. A. in B. on C. at D. since18. It was not a good explanation, but it satisfied Eddie _ the time being. A. on B. at C. for D. with19.Simon was born in Thailand _ July 4th, 1995.A. atB. inC. onD. from20.He returned home _ America last month, and he will leave _ England tomorrow.A. to; from B. from; to C. for; to D. from; for21. Did you have breakfast this morning? No, I got up late and went to school _ breakfast.A. forB. inC. withoutD. after22. _ the help of the teacher and his parents, he became a good student.A. UnderB. OnC. WithD. By23.Our country provides the poor in Africa_ a lot of useful things.A. withB. forC. toD. by24.Mary cooked dinner _ her parents while they were cleaning the yard.A. withB. forC. toD. by25.After class, I like playing computer games and chatting _ my friends _ the Internet.A. to; byB. with; onC. for; inD. about; through26.Doctor Bethune was famous _ his kindness to the sick and wounded soldiers.A. asB. ofC. forD. to27. _, I found a wallet _ on the ground.A. On my way to home; lieB. On my way home; lyingC. On I way home; layD. On my way to school; lain28.The train leaves _ 10:20 _ every day.A. in; /B. at; onC. at; /D. at; in29.I grew up _ the foot of the mountain, and I have been loving it _ my childhood.A. in; sinceB. at; sinceC. at; fromD. on; for30.US basketball player Kobe Bryant met Chinese kids _ Beijing _ September 9.A. on; onB. in; onC. in; inD. on; in31. Whats your view _ the school newspaper?_my opinion, it can enrich my spare time life.A. for; InB. on; ToC. of; InD. on; In32. _ a cold winter night, the beautiful lady paid a visit _.A. /; the inspectorB. In; to the inspectorC. On; the inspectorD. On; to the inspector33. _ New York City, _ New Years Eve, thousands of people watch a crystal ball (水晶球) drop in Times Square.A. In; inB. In; onC. At; inD. At; on34.There is something wrong with the mans heart. The doctors have to operate _ him at once.A. inB. withC. onD. /35.Since I left school, I have kept in touch _ my classmates by e-mail.A. toB. forC. withD. of36.It is necessary _ me _ my studies before a new term.A. for; to make a plan forB. of; making a plan forC. for; to make a plan ofD. of; making a plan of37.My friend has worked as a dentist _ twenty years. So you can trust him.A. inB. forC. sinceD. after38.I met Jane at a dinner party last night. She looked nice _ her blue dress.A. withB. onC. inD. of39.It was said that something terrible happened here _ the snowy spring.A. inB. atC. onD. by40.You can say "He went there _, not _".A. on the car; by carB. on foot; in his carC. by foot; by carD. in his car; by his foot41.The little boy likes to _ how well he speaks French.A. show offB. turn offC. get offD. put off42.I find it easy to get along _ Steven. So Id like him to come to my birthday party.A. toB. forC. withD. on43.She left in a hurry _.A. have a purse in her handB. had a purse on her handC. with a purse in her handD. with a purse on her hand答案:1-5 BADBB 6-10 CDBAB 11-15 DBCBA 16-20 DBCCD 21-25 CCABB 26-30 CBCBB 31-35 DDBCC 36-40 CBCAB 41-43 ACC


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