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    Unit 10 I'd like some noodles 人教版英语七年级下册易错题.docx

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    Unit 10 I'd like some noodles 人教版英语七年级下册易错题.docx

    七年级下册Unit 10 易错题1、 单项选择1. Welcome to the _restaurant! We have different _.A. noodle; noodle B. noodle; noodlesC. noodles; noodles D. noodles; noodle2. The number of our school teacher_80. A number of them_ women teachers.A. are; is B. is; are C. is ; is D. are ; are 3. Lets go to the Pancake House! It has some_ these days. Good idea! The food there _ always great.A. specials; is B. specials; are C. special; is D. special; are4. If there is no rain tomorrow, we _ the hill in the park.Really? Thats wonderful.A. Climb B. will climb C. to climb D. climbing5.Would you like _ with me ? Sure , I like _ very much.A. to go swim ; swimming B. go swimming ; swimming C. going swimming ; swim D. to go swimming ; swimming6. Linda like Chinese _ English, but she doesnt like science _ math.A. and ; and B. or ; or C. and ; or D. or ; and7. Its Christmas Day. Well have _.A. special somethingB. something special C. special anythingD. anything special8.Hello, Noodle House. . Oh, hello. I want to _some noodles, please. A. lose B. order C. find D. pay9What do you think of your math teacher? Hes very kind. But sometimes he cant keep his classes in _.A. surprise B. order C. size D. place10.Would you like a large bowl? _.A. No, there isnt any. B. Yes, please. C. Id like a large bowl, please.11.What does a rabbit like eating? _.I am sure. A. Mutton B, Beef C. Fish. D. carrots12.May I take your _,sir? Sure, Id like one bowl of beef soup. A. menu B. order C. photo D. car13. - Would you like something to eat? - _ Im full.A. No, thanksB. Yes, Id love to.C. Yes, pleaseD. No, I wouldnt14. We are _fish. Can you give us _?A. short for; anyB. short of; some C. a little; someD. a little; any15. - May I _ your order?A. take B. bring C. like D. cook16. I came first in the long jump. -_. Im so proud of you.A. Good luckB. Have funC. Well doneD. Youre joking17.Daddy, can you come home for supper with us this weekend?-_, but I might be a little late.A. Im busyB. Hard to sayC. Of courseD. Never mind18. -_ I try on those shoes in the window?-_. Theyre just on show.A. Could; yes, you canB. Can; Sorry, you couldntC. Could; Sorry, you cantD. Can; Yes, you could19. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office?-Walk across the street. It is just _ the cinema.A. in the front ofB. oppositeC. inD. next20.What time do you usually go to bed _ weekends?-I usually go to bed _ about 9 oclock.A. at; inB. in; ofC. on; atD. for; at21. What do you think of Philip?-He is so careless that he often _ his _ at home.A. forgets; homeworkB. leaves; homeworksC. leaves; homeworkD. forgets; homeworks22. Where is Lisa?-She with her friends _ fun at the party right now.A. haveB. are havingC. hasD. is having23. Is Steven good with the kids?-Yep! Look! The boy _ a brown cap _ chess with him.A. in; is playingB. in; playC. on; playingD. on; is playing24. Do we need to go to the supermarket?-No, we still have _ meat left.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few25. We have to finish our homework every day, _?-Yeah, thats for sure.A. do weB. havent weC. have weD. dont we26.-_ is it from Tianjin to Beijing?-About two hours bus ride.A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How much27. -You know what? Jacks computer often _ on his desk, but he never plays games on it on school days. -Wow, thats a good boy.A. sitsB. putsC. skatesD. takes28. Could you please _ the window open for a while? The room is very hot now.-Sure, I will do.A. keepB. putC. saveD. cut29. Do you enjoy the show?-The story is _ but the performances cant make me _.A. exciting; excitedB. excites; exciteC. excited; excitingD. excited; excited30. There _ a P.E Festival in NO.1 middle school affiliated to CNU.-Sounds great, Id like to be _ the soccer team.A. is; onB. have; inC. is, inD. have; on二、完形填空A poor little girl lives near a forest. She has no family and no one to love her. She often feels 1 and lonely.One day ,when she is walking in the forest ,she 2 that a small butterfly is trapped(被困) in a bush(灌木丛).The butterfly tries to fly away but it 3 . The little girl 4 the butterfly . The butterfly 5 a beautiful fairy(仙女). The little girl is very surprised.“Thank you for saving(解救) me .I can make any of your dreams 6 . ”Says the fairy .The little girl thinks 7 a moment and then says, “I want to be 8 ! The fairy says, “I will help you.” Then she says something in the little girls 9 . And the fairy disappears.(消失)As the little girl grows up, she is always ready to 10 people in need and the villagers all like her. As a result, the girl is very happy. Everyone asks her the secret(秘密) of being happy. She always smiles and answers, “The secret of my happiness is that I 11 a fairy when I was a little girl.”When the girl becomes an old woman and 12 , the villagers all come to her. They are afraid that secret will die with her . They ask, “please tell us what the fairy 13 you”. The old woman smiles, “She says that everyone in the world 14 me .Helping others can make me 15 a happy life. ”1. A. coldB. coolC. sad D. proud2. A. hopesB. thinks C. finds D. plans 3. A. does B. can C is D. cant 4. A. savesB. drawsC. cleans D. cooks 5. A. turns on B. turn into C. turn down D. turn up6. A. come out B. come on C. come upD. come true 7. A. of B. from C. at D. for 8. A. happy B. clever C. healthyD. beautiful9. A. eyeB. nose C. earD. hand 10. A. teachB. helpC. buyD. show 11. A. wrote toB. play with C. listened to D. get to 12. A. deadB. poorC. kind D. funny 13. A. says B. talks C. gives D. tells 14. A. dressesB. needsC. likesD. drives15. A. liveB. takeC. cross D. stop 三、阅读理解My mom isnt elegant(优雅的)like other moms. They wear elegant clothes and drive elegant cars. My mom wears her gardening clothes when she appears in our school when elegant moms laugh, their laughs sound soft and sweet. But my mom usually talks and laughs loudly.For our class hike(远足), parents are invited. At breakfast, I tell mom, “Please dont whistle(吹口哨). Dont laugh loudly”We hike along, all in a line. Soon Mom starts to sing songs. I shake my head at her. She stops and whispers, “Oops Sorry, Jane.” We keep hiking. Everything is perfect untilOur teacher, Ms. Steele, stops and shouts, “A snake!” All the moms hole their kids hands and back up except my mom. “Watch out! It might be poisonous.” Ms. Steele says.Hearing this, my mom steps forward and says, “Hmm. Lets see what kind it is. No, its not poisonous.”I know whats coming next. Mom makes a sudden attack. “Got it!” she cries. The other moms scream, not elegant at all.“Its OK to touch.” Mom laughs.Everyone is too scared, but I go first. Right away, others line up to touch the snakes tail.Later, Ms. Steele tells us to draw our favorite part of the hike. Everyones picture is of Mom and me with the snake. I feel so great!As we hike back to the bus, I hold Moms hand. “Im glad I didnt tell you my dont-catch-snake rule.” She smiles. But soon, shes whistling her hiking songs again!This time, I dont make her silent. Instead, I take a deep breath and sing out, too. Everyone joins in, even the elegant moms1. Why does the author make rules for her mother probably?A. Because she doesnt want to lose face because of her mothers act.B. Because her teacher asks her to do so.C. Because she expects her mom not to catch snakes.D. Because the school makes rules for the parents.2. The word “poisonous” probably means _ in Chinese.A. 脆弱的B. 善良的C. 丑陋的D. 有毒的3. The author begins to feel great when _.A. she goes first to touch the snake and other kids follow her.B. she joins her mom in singing together with the other moms.C. she tries to stop her mom for whistling.D. she finds everyones picture is about her mom and her with the snake.4. What can we learn from the passage?A. The author has a poor family.B. The author hopes her mother can be as elegant as other mothers at first.C. The teacher asks Janes mother to catch the snake for her.D. Janes mother acts very elegantly when she catches the snake.5. Which can be the best title for the passage?A. My Mom isnt ElegantB. My Dont- Catch- Snake RuleC. An Exciting HikeD. Differences between moms四、词与短语填空Cut down/ climbing/ dishes/ uniform/ symbols/ villagers1. Dont leave the dirty _ in the kitchen!2. The elephant is one of Thailands _.3. I love to watch the monkeys _ around.4. Many of the students and _ never leave the village.5. People _ many trees so elephants are losing their homes.1. dishes 2. symbols 3. climbing 4. villagers 5. cut down五、阅读理解填词Do dogs understand what people s 1 ?Dogs can “learn” about 165 different w 2 .They can learn even more if you train them. You can t 3 dogs easy orders such as “sit”, “stay” and “go”.Dogs learn the meaning of a word by l 4 to the way it is said. How loudly a word is said and how a person moves while saying it h 5 a dog learn. A dog will not understand words b 6 they can learn the differences between hearing “bad dog” in an angry way and hearing it in a h 7 way. Dogs can learn that “ leash” is s 8 that controls them on walks because the leash is used the s 9 way every day.Dogs also “talk” to each other, mainly through their movements, their eyes, their smell and their noises. The s 10 and loudness of a bark can mean different things between dogs.1. says; 2.words;3.teach;4.listening;5. help; 6. but; 7.happy; 8. something; 9. same; 10. sound 六、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. Im not sure y_.2. Id like the beef n_.3. May I take your o_?4. Are there any vegetables in beef s_.5. Wed like one b_ of beef soup.6. What s_ would you like?7. The answer would be d _ in d _ countries.8. In many countries, people have birthday cakes with c .9. The n of the candles is the persons age.10. The birthday person must make a w and b out the candles.11. The child with the candy is l .12. In China, its getting p to have cake on your birthday. But many people still eat very long n for their birthday.13 In some places, people eat eggs on their birthday because they are a s_ of life and good luck.14 If he or she b_ out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.1. yet 2. noodles 3. order 4. soup 5. bowl 6. size 7. different8. candles 9. number 10. wish; blow 11. lucky 12. popular 13. symbol 14. blows七、完成句子。1. He would like a large bowl of noodles. (划线部分提问) bowl of noodles would he like?2. 蜡烛的数量就是人的年龄。The _of candles _ the persons age.3. There are some vegetables in the noodles. (改为否定句) There _ _ vegetables in the noodles.1. What size 2. Number; is 3. arent; any


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