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    人教版九年级英语unit12过去完成时练习题(附答案)一、( )(1)The police found that the house _and a lot of things_.A. has broken into, has been stolen B. had broken into, had been stolenC. has been broken into, stolen D. had been broken into, stolen( )(2)By the end of this century, we_ ours into a strong modern country.A. will build B. had builtC. have built D. will have built( )(3)We _the work by six yesterday evening.A. finished B.would finishC. had finished D. had been finished( )(4)I _to help you but couldnt get here in time.A. want B. had wanted C. have wanted D. was wanting( )(5) Mrs. Wu told me that her sister_.A. left about two hours before B. would leave about two hours beforeC. has left about two hours ago D. had left about two hours before( ) (6)When I reached home, my parents _their supper.A.are having B.have already hadC.have hadD. had already had( ) (7)It seems that the old man _something important.A.has lost B. had lost C. lostD. would lose( ) (8)She _in this school _the past ten years.A.was teaching, since B. had been teaching, sinceC.would teach, forD. has been teaching, for( ) (9)Did you see Xiao Li at the party? No, _by the time I arrived.A.shed left B.shes left C. She was left D.she must leave( ) (10)The job proved to be much more difficult than I_.A. expect B.expected C. would expect D.had expected( ) (11)We couldnt catch up with the others because they _too long before us.A.started B.were starting C.have started D.had started( ) (12)She felt anxious about her son as she _for quite a long time.A.havent heard him B. hadnt heard himC.havent heard from him D. hadnt heard from him( ) (13)By the time the speaker entered the hall, all the listeners_.A. had seated B. were seated C. seated D. were seating( ) (14)By the end of next July this building_.A. will be finished B. will have finishedC. will have been finished D. had been finished( ) (15)By the time the war _, most of the people had left.A.was began B. was broken outC.broke out D. had been broken out( ) (16)If she _harder, she would have succeeded.A. had worked B. have worked C. should work D. worked( ) (17)I wish _I you yesterday.A. seen B. did see C. had seen D. were to see( )(18)He is talking so much about America as if he _ there.A. had been B.has been C. was D. been( ) (19)That dinner was the most expensive meal we_.A. would have B. have had C. had never had D. had ever had( )(20)When Jack arrived he learned Mary _for almost an hour.A. had gone B. had set of C. had left D. had been away( )21I lost the book I Ahave bought Bbought Chad bought Dhad beenbought( )22The bus had gone when I at the bus stopAhave arrived Barrived Chad arrived Damarriving( )23Tom of visiting his grandmother,but the badbut the bad weather made him change his miAhas thought Bthought Chad thought Dhadbeen thought( )24Did you meet Tom at the airport? No,he by the time I thereAhas left;got Bhad left;arrivedCleft;arrived Dleft;had got( )25Why didnt Tom attend the meeting yesterday? He BeijingAhas gone to Bhad gone to Cwent to Dhadbeen to( )26I to come to help youBut you didnt comeAhave meant Bhad meant Cmeant Dwill mean( )27Finally Mary was admitted by Beijing University,for which she five timesAhad tried Bwas trying Chas triedD.tried( )28I have bought you the books you want Oh,good,I afraid you had forgottenAwas Bam Chad been Dhave been( )29. When Li Ming hurried home, he found that his mother _already _to hospital.A has; been sent B had; sent C has; sent D had; been sent( )30. We _five English songs by the end of last term.A had learned B learned C have learned D will have learned ( )31. Han Mei told me she _lunch, so she was very hungry.A has had B hasnt have C have had D hadnt had( )32. By the end of 1976, many buildings _built in the city.A have been B have C had been D will ( )33. She _her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _home.A has left; comes B had left; would come C had left; came D left; had come ( )34. He said that it was at least ten years since I _a good drink.A had enjoyed B was enjoying C have enjoyed D have been enjoying( )35. The meeting _when Mr. Wang _to school.A has begun; get B has been on; get C had begun; got D had been on; got二、1 When I returned home, he _ (leave).2 By ten yesterday evening, she _(finish)writing.3 He _ (study) English for five years before he came here.4 It _ _ (stop) raining when I wake up this morning.5 I _ (not read) the book because I had read it before.6 She said she_ (be) born in 1992.7 When he _(come) to China two years ago he found people didnt understand him at all though he _(learn) some Chinese in his own country.8 I saw Han Mei yesterday. We _(not see) each other since left Beijing.9 When I got to his home, he_(go) to bed.10 She asked if Mr. Liu _ already _(come) back.过去完成时答案一、答案 (1)(5)D D C B D (6)(10)D A D A D (11)(15)D D B C C (16)(20)A C A D D。 21-25 CBCBB 26-30 BAADA 31-35 DCCAC二、答案:1 had left 2 had finished 3 had studied 4 had stopped 5 didnt read 6 was 7 came had learned 8 hadnt seen 9 had gone 10 had come5


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