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    选择题练习( )1. My sisters _play basketball after school.A. dont B. doesnt C. arent ( )2._your grandma and grandpa come from china? Yes,they _ A. Do, does B. Does,does C. Do, do ( )3. Dont _in class. Lets _to the teacher.A.talking, listening B.talks, listens C.talk , listen ( ) 4.Is she _TV now? A. watch B. washing C. watching ( ) 5._ I speak to Ann, please? _A.Can , no B. May, of course C. Must, ok( ) 6. I have a _coat, my brother has an_jacket.A.new ,old B.clean, dirty C. big , small( )7.Mrs Wu is a doctor, she works in a _A.hospital B. farm C.factory( )8._you go shopping? No, I _A.Are, arent B.Did, didnt C. Does, doesnt ( )9.Look!Who _in the playground?A.plays football B. is playing football C.played football( )10.We dont go to school _Monday _Saturday .A. from, to B. in , on C.on, on ( )11.Does john usually watch TV _Friday evening?A. on B. at C. in ( )12.We wear jakets and coats _winter. A. on B. at C. in ( )13. The _of _is the childrens day.A. one, June B. first , July C. first , June ( )14.When is your birthday ? Its _the fifth of march.A. in B. on C. at ( )15.Can the women sing? Yes, _can .A.they B. she C. you ( )16.The house is _the tree.A. in B. on C.under ( )17._is Beijing? Its in north China.A.How long B. What C. Where ( )18.My sister usually _.She is _now.A. cries, crying B.cry, crying C. cries , cried ( )19.Peter usually plays football _his friends.A. with B. for C. of ( )20. She stayed _Mary _ten days.A. for, with B. with, for C. with, of( )21.We going _ a trip now.A. to B.on C. for ( )22. The _of the week is _A.first, Monday B. second, Tuesday C.third, Tuesday( )23._your sister _a ruler?A. Does, have B. Do, has C. Does, has ( )24.Where is shanghai? Its in _china.A.south B. north C. east ( )25.Mei Lan saw some boats _ the river.A. in B. on C. at ( )26. There are many cars and people _the road.A. with B. in C. on ( )27. Mom, give me some _.A. money B. moneys C. moneies ( )28.This letter is _my cousin .A.with, of B. for, in C. with, for ( )29 Thank you _your books. A. of B. for C. to ( )30. Is Amy _a picture? Yes, she is.A. drawing B. driving C. draw ( )31_are they? 40 yuan.A.How many B. How old C. How much ( )32. There are _days in a week .A. twelve B. seven C. two ( )33.-_is it? -Its Sunday. A. What day B. What time C What colour( ) 34、-How do you go to school? -I go to school _ foot. A on B at C in ( )1.You can play _the clean dog after class.A.with B. in C. at ( )2.Is your mother _Huizhou? Yes, she is.A.live B. goes to C. visiting( )3.-_is it? -Its Sunday.A. What day B. What time C What colour( )4.Whats the weather like today? Its_A.rain B.windy C.sun ( )5.Are you _ Canada during the summer holiday?A.in B. on C. at ( )6.Are you _a good time ?A.have B.has C. having ( )7.What do you have _lunch?A.in B. for C.at ( )8.Tom and Mary have bread and milk_the morning. A.in B. on C. at ( )9.Does it _in Guangzhou?A. raining B.rains C.rain ( )10.The bank is _my uncles home.A. next to B.in C.to ( )11.How many _are there under the tree?A. man B. women C. woman ( )12.Is your bag big _small?A. and B. or C. an ( )13._does Ben go to school? By bus.A. How B.What C.Where( )14._is that? Thats my cousin.A.Who B. What C.Whose ( )15. I usually ride the bike after school _Mondays.A.on B. in C.at ( )16I get up _7:00 every morning.A. in B. on C.at ( )17.My friend likes _A.running and swimming B. cook and sing C.run and dance( )8._is your birthday?A. Where B. When C. What ( )9._is that? Thats Toms mother.A.What B. Whose C. Who ( )20. Is your mother _? Yes, she is.A. cook B. cooks C. cooking ( )21. This is peter. Hes _A. tall and short B. tall and young C.young and old( )22.Look, some children _our school!A. visits B. visit C. are visiting ( )23.Are you in china _ January? Yes, I usually in china _January. A.in, on B.in,in C.at ,in ( )24.Was it _yesterday? Yes, it was.A.snow B. cloudy C. rains ( )25.My friend Peter _very well.A.swim B.running C. sings ( )26_pens do you have ? I have nine.A.How many B. How much C. How old ( )27.Mr Guo usually _shorts in July.A.wear B. wears C. wearing ( )28. I _at a green light .A.mustnt walk B. can walk C. must stopping ( )29. Lets _with the computer,Tom.A. play B.plays C. playing


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