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    中国地质大学长城学院2014届毕业论文外文文献外文资料翻译译文如何加强对建筑工程的质量控制大众科技,2006现场施工过程中的质量控制唐尼·伍德摘要:建筑工程问题是关系到国计民生、社会稳定的重大问题,也是维护国民经济持续健康发展的重要支撑。建筑工程质量的优劣直接关系到建筑企业的生存和发展,在整个工程中,任何的决策过失和不当行为都有可能给国家、人民的生命财产造成直接损失。因此,我们国家把各个建筑企业都要要把加强建筑施工的质量控制作为头等的大事抓紧抓好。 建筑工程问题是关系到国计民生、社会稳定的重大问题,也是维护国民经济持续健康发展的重要支撑。建筑工程质量的优劣直接关系到建筑企业的生存,任何的决策过失和不当行为都有可能给国家、人民的生命财产造成直接损失。因此,各个建筑企业要把加强建筑施工的质量控制作为头等大事抓紧。建筑工程事关人民生命财产安全,在当前市场经济竞争日益激烈的环境下,如何提高建筑工程质量是每个建筑行业从业者特别是管理者应当深入思考的问题。本文将谈谈影响建筑施工质量的因素以及加强建筑施工质量的方法。 1 影响建筑施工质量的因素 1.1 很多建筑施工单位管理松懈 目前,我国有相当一部分建筑企业管理比较粗放松散,这种管理模式在最初的创业阶段,有其可行性与合理性。但企业要做大做强,持续健康的发展,则需要向现代化的公司企业经营模式转变,完善法人治理结构,做到权责分明、层次分明、主次分明、责利分明。在我国的建筑法以及相关的法律、法规中既明确了建筑施工企业的责任和义务,同时也明确了施工企业在工程技术、质量管理中的操作程序和规范。但一些建筑施工企业由于法制观念比较淡薄,在建筑施工过程中不按照图纸和正常的施工顺序进行操作,进而造成建筑工程质量低劣。 1.2 资金不到位 受金融危机的影响,有些建筑施工单位资金短缺,使建筑工程运作出现问题。比如,压价现象泛滥、承包方垫资建设、拖欠建筑工程款等问题仍然存在;工程多次转包,资金严重流失,建筑企业偷工减料现象比较严重。这些都会影响建筑工程的质量。 1.3 建筑施工人员水平较低 建筑业属于劳动密集型产业,技术要求一般较低,行业准入门槛不高,加上大量的农民工的加入,建筑施工队伍整体素质不高。另外,由于企业不具备与同行业的大企业相抗衡的竞争能力,使得企业施工项目不连续,影响企业效益,造成企业员工流动性过大。人才大量无序的流动使队伍素质的提高也受到冲击。同时企业也很难吸引较高素质的管理人员加入。不少企业不惜减少现场技术人员,如此严重影响了企业本身的发展,建筑工程质量和施工安全也存在隐患。1.4 建材价格上涨过快 随着房地产产业的快速发展,建筑原材料呈现出供求紧张的现象。建设工程所用的钢材、水泥及建筑劳务用工价格持续上涨,造成施工成本大幅上升。一方面给施工单位带来严重困难,效益减少,利润下降。另一方面,也在一定程度上使建筑工程质量和施工安全受到影响。 2 加强建筑施工质量的策略2.1 建筑企业应当加强和提高施工质量意识 影响建设工程施工质量的因素很多,同时也复杂无比。为了保证工程施工的质量,施工企业必须加强和提高施工质量意识,要严格的控制好施工过程中的各个因素。工程项目施工涉及面广,是一个极其复杂和麻烦的过程,如设计、材料、机械、地形、地质、水文、气象、施工工艺、操作方法、技术措施、管理制度等,均可以直接影响着工程项目的施工质量;而且工程项目位置固定、体积大,不同项目的地点不同,不像工业生产有固定的流水线、规范化生产工艺及检测技术、成套的生产设备和稳定的生产条件,容易产生许多的质量问题。工程竣工后,如果发现质量问题又不可能像一些工业产品那样拆卸、解体、更换配件,更不能实行“包换”或“退款”,因此建设工程施工过程中的质量控制就显得尤其重要。 2.2 提高建筑施工人员的素质 科学技术是由人来创新的,制度也是通过人去制定和执行的,只有提高施工人员的素质,才能使新技术、新方法和政策法规得以应用和贯彻实施,才能进一步提高建筑工程质量。施工人员的素质主要指工程项目管理者的管理水平,工程施工操作人员的理论、技术水平,还有就是他们的质量意识。建筑施工企业必须更加注重加强对人员素质的培养。首先,所有的施工人员都应该有强烈的质量意识,要树立正确的行业观念,要有为社会服务,为国家作贡献的精神,尤其是管理层的人员,这样才能有强大的决策力,才能有较强的质量规划、目标管理、施工组织和技术指导、质量检查的能力,从而使管理制度更趋完善,技术措施更得力,工程施工质量才可提高。其次,施工人员必须提高自身的政治素质,政策观念强,行业道德高尚,能认真执行党和国家的方针、政策,遵守国家法律和地方法规,坚持原则,公正廉洁;再次,还必须加强人员的理论学习和业务培训,使其不断在建筑工程建设实践中得到锻炼,以提高人员的决策能力、组织能力、指挥能力、判断能力和应变能力。 2.3 加快科技进步步伐,提高技术创新能力 企业的技术创新能力是企业竞争力的核心。在工程项目的施工中,建筑企业一方面要坚持将科技进步作为质量体系有效运行的一个基本要素,创建出“精品”工程;另一方面,应将质量上的可靠性、技术上的先进性和经济上的合理性融合在一起,使企业传统的施工工艺与新技术融为一体,在“高、大、新、尖”工程上开展技术攻关,在一般工程上开展技术革新,这样既可以保证质量目标的实现,又可以丰富和完善企业的技术保证体系。同时要坚持将敢于创新与善于创新相结合,加强技术的积累、引进和科技成果的转化,促进工程质量的提高。入世后,要想在国际建筑市场中立于不败之地,就必须把“科技兴业”工作放在首位。采用新的生产方式和经营管理模式,把科研成果和发明创造迅速转化为科学生产力。二是要进一步确立科技兴业的主体是企业的观念。科技进步是企业生存和发展的灵魂,在国际建筑市场的竞争中,如果不把技术创新和科技进步作为参与竞争的后盾,就会被淘汰出局。三是要尽快建立技术开发基地和人才高地,拥有高层技术力量,储备高层技术人才。 2.4 构建良好的施工环境构建优化建设工程施工环境的长效工作机制。一个建设项目的完成,有诸多相关企业单位的参与和帮助,相互间建立一个双赢和谐合作环境是项目的顺利进展与企业的良性发展的重要条件,是管理工作中的重中之重;每个单位的诚信建设是和谐合作环境的基础;并建立和协调好外部关系,为项目的顺利进展提供优质的环境基础。建筑施工企业应当进一步细化责任,加强沟通协调,建立联席机制,加强监督检查,扎实做好施工环境保障工作,营造良好的施工环境。 3 结束语 建筑工程是一项量大面广的社会系统工程,其质量的优劣直接影响到国家经济建设的发展。只有严抓工程质量管理,才能有利于国家经济建设的发展、人民生命财产的安全和社会的安定。质量是建筑真正的生命,也是社会关注的热点。在科学技术日新月异和经济高速发展的近日,建筑工程的质量关系国家经济发展和人民生命财产安全。在建筑施工过程中,任何一个环节、任何一个部位出现问题,都会给工程的整体质量造成严重影响。为了保证工程质量,每承建一个项目,要对这个项目的质量控制。只有好的工程质量才会树立良好的信誉,也才会获得好的经济效益。施工质量无大小,我们在日常的施工工作中,时时注意各个施工环节,一切为提高施工质量服务。外文原文How to strengthen the quality control of construction projectPeople science and technology, 2006 -management for development Project quality control Tony WardAbstract: construction engineering problem is related to the national economy and people's livelihood and social stability of major issues, is also a key support to maintain the sustainable and healthy development of national economy. Construction project quality fit and unfit quality directly related to the survival and development of construction enterprises, in the whole project, any decision errors and misconduct may cause directly to the country, the people's life and property losses. Therefore, the construction enterprises to strengthen construction quality control a top priority to pay special attention to. Construction engineering problem is related to the national economy and people's livelihood and social stability of major issues, is also a key support to maintain the sustainable and healthy development of national economy. Construction project quality fit and unfit quality directly related to the survival and development of construction enterprises, in the whole project, any decision errors and misconduct may cause directly to the country, the people's life and property losses. Therefore, the construction enterprises to strengthen construction quality control a top priority to pay special attention to. Construction engineering is a matter of people's life and property security, in the current market economy increasingly competitive environment, how to improve the quality of construction engineering is construction industry practitioners in particular managers ought to think deeply about the problem. This article will talk about the influencing factors on the quality of the construction and ways to strengthen construction quality. 1 the quality of the construction1.1 many construction units to lax At present, there are quite a number of buildings in our country enterprise management is more extensive loose, this kind of management pattern in the initial stage, has its feasibility and rationality. But the enterprise to do bigger and stronger, sustainable and healthy development, requires the enterprises to the modern company management paradigm shift, perfect the corporate governance structure, do it right and clear, distinct, priorities, accountability. In our country's law and relevant laws and regulations in is clear about the responsibility and obligation of construction enterprises, but also has been clear about the construction enterprises in the management of engineering technology, the quality procedures and specifications. But some construction enterprises as a result of a weak legal concept comparison, in the process of construction is not in accordance with the drawings and the construction sequence of normal operation, resulting in poor quality of construction project. 1.2 money is not in place Affected by the financial crisis some construction unit shortage of funds, make construction engineering operation problems. The phenomena, the contractor, for example, where mat endowment construction, the construction project payment in arrears and other issues still exist; Engineering subcontracting for many times, serious loss of funds, construction companies are seriously cut corners. These will affect the quality of construction projects. 1.3 the low level of construction personnel Construction belongs to the labor-intensive industries technical requirements, generally low, industry admittance threshold is not high, coupled with the addition of a large number of migrant workers, the construction troop overall quality is not high. In addition, because companies do not have to compete with the large enterprises in the same industry competition ability, make enterprise construction project of discontinuity, affect the enterprise benefit, caused the enterprise staff liquidity is too large. Talent of disorderly flow to improve the quality of the team by also suffer. At the same time, enterprise is difficult to attract more high quality management personnel to join. Many companies do not hesitate to reduce on-site technical personnel, so the serious influence the development of the enterprise itself, the construction quality and construction safety there is also a hidden trouble. 1.4 building materials prices rising too fast With the rapid development of real estate industrybuilding materials present a tight phenomenon. Steel, cement and building services used in the construction engineering labor prices continue to rise, cause construction costs have risen sharply. On the one hand, serious difficulties to construction unit, benefit decrease, falling profits. Also, on the other hand, to a certain extent, make the construction quality and construction safety were affected. 2 to improve the quality 2.1 construction enterprises shall strengthen and improve the construction consciousness are many factors affecting the quality of construction engineering construction, but also complex. In order to ensure the quality of engineering construction, construction enterprises must strengthen and improve the construction quality consciousness, to strictly control the various factors in the process of construction. Construction of the project is broad, is an extremely complex process, such as design, materials, machinery, topography, geology, hydrology, meteorology, construction technology, operation methods, technical measures and management system, etc., have a direct impact on the construction quality of the project; And position, fixed volume of the project, the different location of the project, not as a fixed line of industrial production, standardization, production technology and testing technology, complete sets of production equipment and stable production conditions, prone to quality problems. After project completion, if found quality problem and could not, as some industrial product disassembly, dissolution, replacement, more cannot implement "replacement" or "refund", so construction project quality control is particularly important in the process of construction. 2.2 enhance the quality of construction Science and technology also by people to develop and implement system, only to improve the quality of the construction personnel, to make the new technology, new methods and policies and regulations to apply and implement, to further improve the quality of construction projects. Construction personnel's quality mainly refers to the management level of engineering project management, engineering construction operator theory, technical level, as well as their quality consciousness. Construction enterprises must pay more attention to strengthen the training of personnel quality. First, all construction personnel should have a strong sense of quality, to establish a correct concept of industry, for social services, make contributions to the national spirit, especially the management staff, so you can have a powerful decision-making, to have strong planning, target management, the quality of the construction organization and the ability of technical guidance, quality inspection, so that the management system more perfect, more effective technical measures, to improve construction quality. Second, the construction personnel must improve their political quality, strong policy concept, profession moral, to conscientiously implement the guidelines and policies of the party and the state, abide by national laws and local laws and regulations, adhere to the principle, impartial and honest; Again, also must strengthen the theoretical study and business training, make its constantly in the construction engineering construction in the practice of a workout, in order to improve the decision-making ability, organizing ability, command ability, judgment ability and strain capacity. 2.3 to speed up the pace of scientific and technological progress improve the ability of technology innovation capability of enterprise technology innovation is the core of enterprise competitiveness. In the construction of the project, the construction enterprises on the one hand must adhere to scientific and technological progress as a basic element of the quality system effective operation, to create a "boutique" project; Shall, on the other hand, the quality of reliability, the rationality of the technically advanced and economically fuses in together, make the enterprise the traditional construction technology and new technology, in the "high, big, new, sharp" project to carry out technical research, in general engineering to carry out technical innovation, to achieve the goals of both to ensure the quality, and can enrich and perfect the technology guarantee system of the enterprise. And insist on combining innovation and good at innovation, strengthen the accumulation of technology, the introduction and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, promote the improvement of engineering quality. After wto entry, to be in an impregnable position in the international construction market, we must give top priority to "technology". One should actively promote application of new knowledge, new technology, new technology, new material, adopt the new mode of production and management pattern, the scientific research and invention quickly transformed into productivity. Second, we must further establish the main body is the enterprise of science and technology industrial concept. The progress of science and technology is the soul of enterprise survival and development, in the international construction market competition, if not the technical innovation and scientific and technological progress as a participate in the competition, will be eliminated. Third, we need to establish technology development base and talent highland, has high-level technical force, the reserves of high-level technical personnel. 2.4 build a good construction environment Build The completion of a construction project, the participation of many related enterprises and help to build a harmonious win-win cooperation between the environment and the smooth progress of the project is the benign development of the enterprise's important condition, is the top priority in management; Each unit of the good faith construction is the foundation of a harmonious environment for cooperation; And to establish and coordinate the external relations, for the smooth progress of the project to provide quality environment. Construction enterprises shall be further refined responsibility, strengthen communication and coordination, set up a joint mechanism, strengthen supervision and inspection, solid environmental protection work in the construction work, create a good construction environment. 3 conclusionConstruction engineering is an enormous quantity wide social systems engineering, and its quality fit and unfit quality directly affects the development of the national economic construction. Strict on the quality of the project management only, just can be helpful for the development of the national economic construction and people's life and property safety and social stability. Quality is the life of the building real, is also the attention of the society. In science and technology progress and the high-speed economic development in recent days, the relationship between the quality of construction projects countries economic development and people's life and property security. Any link in the process of construction, and any problems, will give serious impact on the overall quality of engineering. In order to guarantee the engineering quality, each contract to build a project, to the quality control of this project. Only good engineering quality sets up the good prestige, just also can obtain good economic benefit


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