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    人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 9 复习检测.doc

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    人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 9 复习检测.doc

    Unit 9复习检测一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. We _ ( most)stay at home on weekends.2. The baby lion has grown up and it can catch a chicken by _ (it).3. There are two Japanese and three _ (German) in the room.4. He often gets good grades, but it is _(believe)that he made so many mistakes this time.5. The man loves to live in the _ (peace) countryside.二、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空camera unusual collect rapid encourage6. Parents should _ their children to take part in after-school activities.7. Do you know where my _ is? Oh, it is on the table.8. The _ change of the weather made them uncomfortable.9. A visit to the _ museum is an unforgettable experience.10. Sally _ 80 different shells so far.三、根据汉语意思完成句子11. 我认为去海南岛的最佳时间是冬季。I think _ _ _ _ go to Hainan Island is winter.12. 我的爷爷难以想象现在科技已发展得如此迅速。My grandfather can't imagine that technology _ in such a rapid way now.13. 不管你是去还是留, 你都应该在八点之前给我打个电话。_ you go _ stay, you should call me before 8:00.14. 每年数以千计的游客来到这个小城镇参观。Every year _ _ tourists come to this small town for a visit.15. 我从来没有听说过这件事。I have never _ _ it.四、任务型阅读Funny things may happen in different places around the world. _ 16 Yes. Every year, it is held by the Oxford and the Cambridge in late March or early April on the Thames River, England. This boat race is as famous as the two oldest universities in Britain_ 17 It came from two friends Charles Merivale, a student at Cambridge, and his friend Charles Wordsworth who was at Oxford. They decided to set up a boat race between the two universities. On March 12, 1829, Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford first.The first boat race took place in a small town in Thames. _ 18 Crowds of twenty thousand traveled to watch it. It was so exciting. And the Oxford was clear winners. Later on, not only did the students from the two universities take part, but also some social groups attended the event. By 1845, with the small town becoming too crowded, the boat race had moved six miles up to the village Putney. _ 19 This boat race is considered to be “the world's oldest sporting challenge”.The race is four and a quarter miles in just 20 minutes and the competitors often face difficulties. _ 20 In the past, the Oxford was mostly the winners. But things have changed from 1993 on. The Cambridge has won more.根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A. From 1856 on, the race has been held every year except war years.B. It usually takes six months for the two teams to prepare for the race.C. Eight students from each university became the competitors.D. Have you heard a boat race held between two famous universities? E. Maybe people wonder who thought of the idea to hold the boat race.五、完形填空Once a man and his three sons got two baskets of peaches. The peaches in one basket were just ripe _ 21 the ones in the other basket were already overripe and would go bad at once.The father asked, “How can we _ 22 wasting the peaches? ”The eldest son said, “Of course, we should eat those overripe peaches first, for they _ 23 be kept for three days.”“But after you _ 24 those, the peaches in the other basket will go bad!” Clearly, the father was not _ 25 with the eldest son's advice.The _ 26 son thought for a while and said, “We should eat the just ripe peaches first. Choose the _ 27 ones!”“If so, won't the overripe peaches be wasted? Don't you think it is a _ 28? ”Then the father turned to the youngest son, “ What's your _ 29? ”“I suggest,” thinking for a while, the youngest son said, “we'd better _ 30 them together and give some of them to our neighbors so that we won't waste the peaches.”Hearing this, the father smiled, “Well, it is _ 31 a good way. Let's do it as you said.” Seeing the smiles _ 32 their neighbors' faces, the man and his sons felt happy. Romain Rolland once said, “Happiness is a fragrance of the soul, a harmony of the heart of a song.” This _ 33 is very special. Because when you choose to _ 34, you harvest the comfort and warmth in mind. If you don't experience it _ 35, you won't enjoy the pleasure and the satisfaction of spirit.21. A. until B. while C. though D. because22. A. avoid B. finish C. mind D. suggest23. A. must B. should C. can't D. needn't24. A. turn up B. look up C. eat upD. end up25. A. angry B. strictC. patient D. pleased26. A. eldest B. youngest C. second D. third27. A. worse B. better C. cheaper D. smaller28. A. chance B. pity C. method D. rule29. A. opinion B. ability C. style D. process30. A. compare B. cook C. taste D. mix31. A. even B. quite C. only D. almost32. A. with B. at C. to D. on33. A. form B. choice C. feeling D. purpose34. A. give B. receive C. accept D. refuse35. A. herself B. yourselfC. himself D. ourselves六、语篇填空第一节阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词, 每词限用一次。they about so both when never visitor special well tryDear Larry,It was lovely to hear from you again and to know that things are going _ 36 with you.Thanks for telling me all _ 37 the Chinese Moon Festival. It sounds like you enjoyed a great party in Inner Mongolia. It makes me think of the festival I took part in _ 38 I traveled in South Africa with Joan. The people there kept many goats, as well as sheep and cows. Beef was expensive and was only for very _ 39 time. In all our time there we were _ 40 served beef in the villages, because beef is not usually served to _ 41.By the way, I happened to see these pictures and thought you'd like to see _ 42 . A Chinese girl gave Tang Suit to Joan and me when she left school. We _ 43 them on in the university car park. Someone took photos of us though I was wearing my kilt! It seemed to be _ 44 different that some suggested that I should start a new look.We wore Tang Suit to a dinner which was held on the ship in August when we visited Germany. Some Chinese ladies came and spoke to us. They were interested in my traditional Chinese clothing. We _ 45 look forward to hearing from you again. Best wishes!Yours,Ken第二节阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It lies on North Island with a population of over 1.4 million. This seaside city is considered _ 46 an important center for business and industry. It is also the _ 47 exciting city in New Zealand. It also has people of many different cultures living there.Its history dates back _ 48 over 670 years ago. European settlement began in 1840 after the British's arrival. Auckland once became the capital of New Zealand. _ 49 1945, Auckland has grown and it now has large modern suburbs.Famous sights include Mt. Eden and Auckland Harbor Bridge. In the city, you can enjoy _ 50 amazing view from the Sky Tower, which is the city's tallest tower. You can also see many traditional dances at the Auckland Museum.七、补全对话根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子, 使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: What can I do for you, madam? B: I'd like to travel abroad for my holiday. _51? A: No problem. Which country do you want to go to? B: _52.A: Big Ben is the most popular place there. Some other places like Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, Tower of London are also very famous.B: _53. Are there any tour groups that I can go with? A: Yes, there will be one at the end of the month.B: OK. _54? A: For 13 days.B: Fine. I happen to have a 15-day holiday. _55? A: About 10,000 yuan, including airline tickets, tour guides, hotels and food.B: Oh, that's really a lot of money. I'll have to think about it.Unit 9 复习检测一、1. mostly 2. itself 3. Germans 4. unbelievable 5. peaceful二、6. encourage 7. camera 8. rapid 9. unusual 10. has collected三、11. the best time to 12. has progressed 13. Whether; or14. thousands of 15. heard of四、16. D 点拨:D 项“Have you heard a boat race held between two famous universities?” 与该段最后一句“This boat race is as famous as the two oldest universities in Britain.”内容相符, 故选D。17. E 点拨:此空后面一句提到它来自于剑桥和牛津的两个好朋友, 它正是对E 项“或许人们想知道是谁想出举行划船比赛这个主意的。”的回答, 故选E。18. C 点拨:第三段讲了第一次比赛的情景, C 项“来自于每一所大学的八个学生是比赛选手。”与该段内容相符, 故选C。19. A 点拨:此空前面一句提到“截止到1845年, 小镇太过拥挤, 比赛地点移到了六英里以外一个叫Putney的村子里”, A项“从1856 年起, 除了战乱年代, 比赛每年都举行。”与上面的时间衔接, 这两句是按照时间顺序讲述划船比赛的发展历史, 故选A。20. B 点拨:此空前面一句提到“参赛选手常要面对困难”, B项“两个队通常要花六个月的时间为这个比赛做准备。”是对困难的进一步说明, 故选B。五、21. B 点拨:一个篮子里的桃子刚刚成熟, 而另一个篮子里的桃子已经熟透, 并且马上就要坏掉。while 意为“而, 然而”, 表对比, 故选B。22. A 点拨:avoid doing sth. 是固定搭配, 意为“避免做某事”。根据上下文可知, 此处询问的是“我们怎样才能避免浪费桃子? ”, 故选A。23. C 点拨:大儿子建议应该先吃已经熟透的桃子, 因为这些桃子保存不了三天了, 故选C。24. C 点拨:turn up 意为“调大(音量等), 出现”; look up 意为“查阅, 向上看”; eat up 意为“吃光”; end up意为“最终成为, 最后处于”。此处指吃完了那些桃子后, 另一个篮子里的桃子就会坏掉, 故选C。25. D 点拨:此处指父亲对大儿子的建议不满意。be not pleased with 意为“对感到不满意”, 符合语境, 故选D。26. C 点拨:上文提到大儿子发表了意见, 下文提到父亲转身询问小儿子, 由此可知, 此处是二儿子的建议, 故选C。27. B28. B 点拨:父亲问:“如果那样的话, 熟透的桃子不就会浪费了吗? 难道你不觉得这很遗憾吗? ”pity 意为“遗憾, 可惜”, 符合语境, 故选B。29. A 点拨:父亲对大儿子和二儿子的提议都不满意, 因此转身询问小儿子的意见。opinion 意为“意见, 建议”, 符合语境, 故选A。30. D 点拨:为了避免浪费, 小儿子建议最好把这两篮桃子混在一起, 并送给邻居一些。mix 意为“混合”, 符合语境, 故选D。31. B 点拨:根据下文“Let's do it as you said.”可知, 父亲觉得这是一个好办法。quite 意为“很, 相当”, 是副词, “quitea +形容词+ 名词”是固定结构, 故选B。32. D33. C 点拨:罗曼·罗兰曾经说过:“幸福是灵魂的一种香味, 是一颗歌唱的心的和声。”此处指这种幸福的感觉很特别, 故选C。34. A 点拨:此处指当你选择给予的时候, 你会收获内心的舒适和温暖, 故选A。35. B 点拨:幸福的感觉很特别, 如果你自己不经历, 你就不会享受到精神上的愉悦和满足, 故选B。六、第一节36. well 37. about 38. when 39. special 40. never41. visitors 42. them 43. tried 44. so 45. both第二节46. as 47. most 48. to 49. Since 50. an七、51. Can you give me some advice / Will you please give me some suggestions / .52. I want to go to England / I plan to visit the UK / .53. Sounds good / Thank you for your advice / Sounds interesting / .54. How long is the trip / How long will it last / .55. How much does it cost / How much should I pay for the trip / .


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