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    ,Contemporary College English,Text A The Wisdom of Bear Wood Unit 6 Book II,Contemporary College English,Text Analysis,Vocabulary,Lead-in Activities,Teaching Objectives,Post-Reading Activities,2013.04,Contemporary College English,Teaching Objectives: This unit is intended to tell the reader the cultivation of friendship between a boy and an old lady. Get familiar with true friendship is both rare and precious. It exists deep in heart and does not change. It is enduring and rewarding. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; Master the meanings and usage of key words and expressions; Appreciate the writing techniques involved and put them in use.,Author,Michael Welzenbach (19542001) was an art critic as well as a poet and novelist. He wrote some of the most stimulating criticisms of art and music for the Washington Post.,Lead-in activities,2. Reading 2.3 Discussion questions,1) How did the boy come to live in England? (1) How did he like the frequent moves? (2) What did he usually do to amuse himself? (3) Why did Bear Wood become his favorite? (4) How did the boy come to meet Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow? (5) How did they become friends?,2013.04,SIAS UNIVERSITY,Text Analysis,Introduction to the text,Detailed analysis,Grammar,Writing Techniques,True friendship is both rare and precious. It exists deep in heart and does not change. It is enduring and rewarding.,The theme is summed up at the very end.,8,Structure,1-4,5-30,31-37,Structure,Structure,The first part describes the loneliness of the boy and his roaming in the woods. The second part describes the boys encounter with the old lady. The last part describes the death of the old lady and the boys nostalgia (怀念)for her.,Friendship between two souls,old English woman lost her husband,12 American boy separated from friends,1. lonely,2. common interestnature and knowledge,3. true lovegiving not taking,4. others,Scan the text and list out the related information.,Beauties VS beauties,Text Analysis,Discuss in groups!,Beauties that lie in the Wood,Beauties that lie in the friendship,a vaulted cathedral ,giving but no taking ,Text Analysis,In Para. 1,Question: What does the author intend to emphasize, using this sentence as the opening? The author intends to impress the readers that the boy disliked moving very much. The comparison formed between 12 and 4 is impressive.,Text Analysis,Sentence Paraphrase 1,When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life. (1),When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, which was the fourth major move in my short life.,noun phrase as a condensed non-restrictive relative clause,More examples,wrench,v. to twist and pull with force n. a. a feeling of sadness caused by leaving b. a place or a person that you love Examples: to wrench a door off its hinges(铰链) He managed to wrench himself free. Leaving home was a terrible wrench for him.,Sentence Paraphrase,My fathers government job demanded that he go overseas every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends. (1),twisting and pulling myself violently away from friends,subjunctive mood not went or goes,More examples,Text Analysis,Question: What can you learn from the first 3 sentences of Paragraph 2? From the Background information weve already got a good idea that in Berkshire there are lots of historic interests, including some famous ancient castles. For little boys, ancient castles usually mean brave explorations and endless pursuit of mysterious treasures. The boy, however, had no taste for these kinds of things. Instead, he just loved nature. Maybe besides this reason, he was also trying to avoid any involvement with other boys.,Sentence Paraphrase 3,Loving nature, however, I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house. (2),However, as (because) I loved nature, I was really very happy to enjoy the endless pieces of farms and woods around our house.,farms that look like small pieces of cloth of different colors when seen from far above,present participle phrase, showing the reason,More examples,patchwork,patchwork of farms and woodlands,Lsson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood,Sentence Paraphrase,Being a few minutes late, he was dismissed. Having been criticized, he made up his mind to improve his work thoroughly.,Sentence Paraphrase 4,In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. (2),was close to; was at the edge or on the border of,a system of roads that cross each other and are connected to each other,pheasants went off like rockets,to verge against,to be close to ; to be at the edge or border of 靠近边缘;构成的边沿 -This narrow strip verges against the road. 这条狭长的地带构成了公路的边沿。,to rocket off into,to go off like rockets into 像火箭一样飞进 -The birds rocketed off into the woods when people earn 有人来时 , 鸟儿们迅速飞进了树林。,network of path,pheasant,dense,a. a. closely packed or crowded together b. difficult to see through c. stupid,Classify the following words into 3 groups according to a, b and c., a dense crowd dense laurels a dense metal a dense fog a dense mist dense traffic a man with a dense brain,a,a,b,b,a,a,c,Word study,laurel-a small tree with smooth shiny dark green leaves that dont fall in winter Laurel leaves are also used in the Olympic symbol, and laurel leaves were once woven into wreaths by the ancient Greeks to crown victors in various contests. This is also the origin of the term laurels, which is used to indicate fame, honor and victory. win ones laurels赢得声望, 获得荣誉, 获得冠军 rest on ones laurels安于小成;不思进取,attachment,n. affection; devotion,Examples: As a teenager she formed a strong attachment to one of her teachers. She has already formed a strong attachment to her baby brother. feel a strong attachment to ones family,Use of “attach”,Do you attach importance to what he said? They bought a house with garage attached. (附带车房的房子) He is foolishly attached to old customs. 他愚昧地执着于旧习俗。 She is deeply attached to her grandma. 她深爱祖母。 No blame attaches to him. 他无可指责。,Abandon(p3): give up completely, forsake,The authorities have abandoned any attempt at relief effort due to the severe conditions. The order was given to abandon the ship. He abandoned himself to despair after so many failures.(沉溺,纵情,肆意) He has splashed dollars around with abandon. (放纵;放任;纵情),Sentence Paraphrase 5,Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. (3),not mixing with or talking to other people,I did not try to make many friends because in that way I did not have to give up my friendship the next time I had to move.,gerund phrases,More examples,不交际, 不与人往来,keep to oneself,to avoid meeting people socially,Chinese,Example: Nobody knows much about him; he keeps very much to himself.,9) to roam about,to walk or travel without any definite aim or destination 漫无目的地走动漫步 -He used to roam about the streets for hours on end. 他过去常逛大街 , 一逛就是几个小时。,impenetrable,a. a. impossible to go into or through b. extremely difficult or impossible to understand, the impenetrable forest impenetrable by a bullet impenetrable darkness an impenetrable mystery a mind impenetrable by/to new ideas,a,a,b,b,a,密林 子弹打不穿的 漆黑 难解之谜 不接受新思想的顽固头脑,Translation,Stand: growing crop or tree in a certain area (某地)正在生长的作物或树,A good stand of timber 生长茂盛的树木 I took my stand upon sound precedents. 我的立场基于有利的先例. Music stand / hat stand 乐谱;帽架 A news stand / stall 报摊 Taxi stand Will the next witness please take the stand. 请下一个证人作证. (证人席), Id leave the bright sun and the twitter and rustle of insects and animals outside and creep into another worlda vaulted cathedral,(4),Onomatopoeia: the formation of words that are like natural sounds,More examples,Onomatopoeia,Writing Techniques,Onomatopoeia (象声词),the twitter of birds; the rustle of leaves; the hiss of snake; the gurgle of the water; the cracking or the fire; the banging of the door; the fluttering of the flag; the tick-tock of the clock,10) to creep into,to move slowly, quietly or stealthily into 悄悄溜进 -The cat crept into her room- 那只猫悄悄地溜进了她的房间。,Creep: crawl quietly and slowly; move slowly, quietly and secretly 蠕动;爬行;缓慢/无声/偷偷地移动 Creepy: having or producing a nervous shivery fear 毛骨悚然 Give sb. the creeps (口)使人有虫爬的感觉(不寒而栗);厌恶 Crawl: to advance feebly, cautiously or slowly often along the ground; 爬行,匍匐,Fill the blanks with “creep” or “crawl” in their proper forms,He had lost both his legs. Nobody knew how he managed to _ home. The boy _ out of bed and went to the kitchen to fetch ice-cream from the fridge. When we finished all the repair and _ into bed, it was already 3 oclock in the morning.,crept,crept,crawl,Sentence Paraphrase 6,My own breathing rang in my ears, and the slightest stirring of any woodland creature echoed through this private paradise. (4),movement,I could even hear my own breathing, and even the lightest movement of any bird or animal in the wood could be heard throughout this paradise.,gerund phrase,Pay attention to the wording.,Question: In the beginning of the story, what did Bear Wood mean to the little boy?,heavenbut a lonely heaven (Was he really happy about the situation?) a secret fortress (What to defend? Did it form attachments or loneliness?) almost a holy place (Why holy?) a private paradise (Who was going to intrude into it?),Text Analysis,Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood,proceed,v. a. to begin or continue in a course of action or set of actions b. to advance; move in a particular direction,Examples: The work is proceeding according to plan. He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions. Passengers for the New York flight should now proceed to Gate 13.,Word study,Sentence Paraphrase 7,I proceeded quietly, careful not to alarm a bird that might loudly warn other creatures to hide. (5),moved,I moved quietly and carefully so that I would not alarm any bird which might loudly warn other animals in the woods to hide.,an adjective phrase: functioning as subject complement, which denotes the state the subject is in,More examples,Sentence Paraphrase,Theyre not? I asked, fascinated. At a quarter to three, he got up and crept downstairs, careful of the creaky boards, and let himself out. The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised.,Examples: She lay in bed looking particularly frail. The frail craft rocked as he clambered in.,fragile weak slight delicate,Synonyms,a. a. (someone) not very strong or healthy b. (something) easily broken or damaged,frail,Word study,catch ones breath 1. breathe in suddenly with fear or surprise The beauty of the scene made him catch his breath.,2. rest and get back normal breathing After running to the bus stop we sat down to catch our breath.,14) to put sb. at ease,to make sb. feel relaxed 使某人感到舒适、不拘束等 -He had been dreading their meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at his 四比他对彼此相见 一直忐忑不安,可是她的热情相迎使他很快就无拘无束了。,dangle,v. a. to hang or swing loosely b. to offer as an attraction,Examples: A pair of binoculars dangled from her neck. He sat on the edge of the table dangling his legs. They might do the job if you dangle a bonus in front of them.,Word study,Question: What is the implication of Paragraph 7?,Following the 6 short sentences connected by 4 ands and 1 so, the readers can feel, in a vivid way, the boy is not at ease and is eager to leave.,Text Analysis,Para 11 wary,On guard; watchful Translation: 1.有些小孩怕/提防陌生人。 2. 他提防泄漏秘密。 Some children are wary of strangers. He is wary of telling secrets. 2. Cautious a wary glance at the black clouds 谨慎地瞥了一眼乌云,Para 11,gamekeeper- someone whose job is to look after birds and animals that are kept to be hunted on private land. Notice the use of the word “game” to refer to the animals, birds, and fish that are hunted for food or as a sport.猎场看守人 to be introduced- to be brought into this place from somewhere else for the first time,Question: The owls are introduced, not native. What is indicated here?,In fact, neither the old lady nor the little boy is native in Berkshire. The only common thing is that they can share nature peacefully and happily with the introduced animals.,Trespass(p12) on:intrude, enter unlawfully,They were trespassing on private property.,jam tart(p13),Warn (p14) to make sb aware of a possible danger or problem, esp one in the future,1) Scientists have warned that further extremely high winds are likely. + that clause 2) We were warned not to eat the fish which might give us a slight stomach upset. T+obj+to infinitive 3) I was warned against going off to the east coast because it was so full of tourists. +against,extend (P15),1. To cause (something) to be or last longer Cant you extend your visit for a few days? 你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗? 2. To offer: 我想对我们的来访者表示热烈的欢迎。 I would like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors. extend ones greetings/gratitude.,Wistful (p17),1.Pensively sad; melancholy. a wistful expression渴望的表情 2.Full of wishful yearning. She had a last wistful look at the house.她留戀地最後朝那房子看了一眼。 Translate: 那男孩看著展出的玩具,眼中流露出渴望的神情 The boy looked at the toys on display with wistful eyes.,Sentence Paraphrase 8,Soon I saw a small brick cottage that glowed pinkly in the westering sun. (18),Soon I saw a small brick cottage shining with a pink color in the sun that was moving toward the west.,case- a container or box or shelf for storing things figure- a painting , drawing or model of a person or an animal ivory- the hard white substance from which the tusks (= long teeth growing outside the mouth) of some animals such as elephants are made,cabinets full of fossils, trays of pinned butterflies cabinet- a piece of furniture with shelves, cupboards, or drawers which is used for storing or showing decorative things,stuffed- having the skin of a dead animal filled to make it look real,Sentence Paraphrase 9,and my well of knowledge about natural history began to brim over. (24),spring or fountain,I began to know much about natural history, too much for a boy of my age.,overflow,metaphor: knowledge linked to a well,exaggeration: having knowledge overflowing,Brim over(p24):overflow, burst with,兴高采烈 brimming over with high spirits Tears were brimming in her eyes. 他主意层出不穷跃跃欲试。 He was brimming with ideas and excitement.,Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood,11. nickname,n. a name used informally instead of a persons own name connected with ones character or history,first name Christian name surname last name family name maiden name pet name fake name pseudonym pen name stage name anonymity,Related words,名 姓,绰号 姓 爱称,昵称 假名,笔名 艺名,教名,洗礼名 姓 女子的娘家姓氏 假名 笔名 匿名,munch- to eat noisily and without trying to be quiet eg: He was munching an apple.,blissfully- in a happy and enjoyable way eg: They were blissfully happy together. shortbread-a hard, sweet biscuit made wit


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