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    能源材料化学协同创新中心文件 - Institute of Natural.docx

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    能源材料化学协同创新中心文件 - Institute of Natural.docx

    Name:Wei ZhuangBorn:Jun. 3, 1976Address:155 West YangQiao Road, FuZhou, China (350001) Tel:+86-591-63173354Fax:+86-591-63173354E-mail:wzhuangfjirsm.ac.cnResearch fieldTheory and computation of dynamical Spectroscopy in condense phaseEDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCEEDUCATION:B.S: University of Science and Technology of China. 2000M.S: Dept. Chemistry, University of Rochester. 2003. Ph.D.: Dept. Chemistry, (advisor: Shaul Mukamel) University of California, Irvine. 2007 EXPERIENCE: 2007-2009: Postdoc fellow (advisor: David Chandler), University of California at Berkeley. 2009-2015: Professor, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. 2015-present: Professor, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matters. RESEARCH INTERESTS Developing the theoretical methods combining statistical mechanics techniques and spectroscopy theory for the modeling of condense phase dynamical spectroscopy. Applying ultrafast dynamical spectroscopies to investigate conformational dynamics of complex bio-molecules. Applying modern spectroscopies to study the hydration dynamics in solutions and bio-environments. Applying modern spectroscopies to study the carrier dynamics in the materials.REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS 1. “Dissecting Coherent Vibrational Spectra of Small Proteins into Secondary Structural Elements by Sensitivity Analysis” W. Zhuang, D. Abramavicius and S. Mukamel. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA.2005, 102, 7443-74482. “ Novel Two-Dimensional Vibrational Optical Probes for Peptide Fast Folding Investigation” W. Zhuang, D. Abramavicius, S. Mukamel. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.USA (2006) 103 1893418938 (highlighted by NATURE METHODS)3. “Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy of amyloid fibrils; structure determination complementary to solid state NMR” W.Zhuang, D. Abramavicius, D.Voronine and S. Mukamel. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.USA (2007) 104,14233-142364. “Coherent Multidimensional Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biomolecules; Concepts, Simulations and Challenges” W. Zhuang, T. Hayashi, S. Mukamel. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 48, 3750 (2009)5. “Discriminating early stage A42 monomer structures using chirality-induced 2DIR spectroscopy in a simulation study” W. Zhuang, N. G. Sgourakis and A.E.Garcia. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.USA, 107 (36) 15687-15692(2010)6. “Ion Clustering in Aqueous Solutions Probed with Vibrational Energy Transfer” Bian, Hongtao; Wen, Xiewen; Li, Jiebo; Chen Hailong; Han Suzee; Sun Zhigang, Song Jian, W. Zhuang,JR Zheng. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.USA. 108,4737, (2011)7. “Simulating the T-Jump Triggered Unfolding Dynamics of Trpzip2 Peptide and its Time Resolved IR and 2DIR Signals Using Markov State Model Approach” W. Zhuang; Cui, Raymond; Silva, Daniel-Adriano; Huang, Xuhui J. Phys. Chem. B. 115, 5415,(2011)8. “Effect of Ion Pairing on the Solution Dynamics Investigated by the Simulations of the Optical Kerr Effect and the Dielectric Relaxation Spectra” Ruiting Zhang and Wei Zhuang J. Phys. Chem. B, 132, 5715, (2013)9. “Modeling the Thermal Unfolding 2DIR Spectra of a Hairpin Peptide Based on the Implicit Solvent MD Simulation” Tianmin Wu, Lijiang Yang, Ruiting Zhang, Qiang Shao, and Wei Zhuang*. J. Phys. Chem. A, 117,62566263 (2013)10. " Cation Effects on Rotational Dynamics of Anions and Water Molecules in Alkali (Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+) Thiocyanate (SCN-) Aqueous Solutions" HT Bian, HL Chen, Q, Zhang, JB Li, XW Wen, JR Zheng, W Zhuang* J. Phys. Chem. B, 117, 7972-7984 (2013)11. " Microscopic Origin of the Deviation from Stokes-Einstein Behavior Observed in Dynamics of the KSCN Aqueous Solutions: A MD Simulation Study" Q, Zhang, HL Chen, JB Li, W Zhuang* J. Phys. Chem. B, 117, 2992-3004 (2013)12. " Cation effect in the ionic solution optical Kerr effect measurements: A simulation study" RT Zhang, W Zhuang* J. Chem. Phys. 140, 054507 (2014)13. " Low frequency 2D Raman-THz spectroscopy of ionic solution: A simulation study" ZJ Pan, TM Wu, T Jin, Y Liu, Y Nagata, RT Zhang, W Zhuang* J. Chem. Phys. 142, 212419 (2015)14. "Enhancement of anisotropic thermoelectric performance of tungsten disulfide by titanium doping" ZW Huang, TM Wu, S Kong, QL Meng, W Zhuang*, P Jiang*, XH Bao* J. Material. Chemistry. A 4, 10159-10165 (2016)15. "Ultrafast Formation of Interlayer Hot Excitons in Atomically Thin MoS2/WS2 Heterostructure" HL Chen, XW Wen, J Zhang, TM Wu, YJ Gong, X Zhang, JT Yuan, CY Yi, J Lou, PM Ajayan, W Zhuang* , GY Zhang*, JR Zheng* Nature Communication DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12512 (2016)16. "The opposite effects of sodium and potassium cations on water dynamics" Q. Zhang, HL Chen, TM Wu, T. Jin, ZJ Pan, JR Zheng*, YQ Gao* and W. Zhuang*. Chemical Science, DOI: 10.1039/C6SC03320B. (2016)17. "Dramatically Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of MoS2 by Introducing MoO2 Nanoinclusions" S. Kong, T. Wu, M. Yuan, Z. Huang, Q. Meng, Q. Jiang, W. Zhuang*, P. Jiang* and X. Bao*. J. Material Chemistry A, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6TA10219K.18. “Molecular mechanism of water reorientational slowing down in concentrated ionic solutions” Q. Zhang, T. Wu, C. Chen, S. Mukamel*, W. Zhuang*. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.USA, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1707453114 (2017)


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