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    四年级英语下册阅读理解期末复习题班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、 阅读表格,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Amy is a good girl. She has good habits. Look! This is her list.Amys List()1. Amys jeans are blue.()2. Amy goes to school at 7 oclock.()3. Amy reads books in the library at 10 oclock.()4. Amy eats lunch at home.()5. Amy has a PE class at 2 oclock.二、 阅读短文,按短文提到的顺序给下列图片排序。I am in the country now. Its sunny here. I wear a Tshirt. There are a lot of vegetables, such as potatoes, tomatoes, green beans and carrots. They are nice and fresh. The food is nice and cheap. The eggs are one yuan for two. There are many animals everywhere. Look! These are hens. They are eating grass. Those are ducks. They like to swim on the river. The people here are friendly. I like the country.三、 阅读短文,判断句子对()错()。Its 12:00. Its time for lunch. I have rice, chicken, green beans and potatoes for lunch. Its hot today. I am wearing my new dress. Its 20 yuan. Its cheap. But its very nice. I like it very much.()1. Its eleven oclock.()2. I have rice, beef and potatoes for lunch.()3. Its hot today.()4. My dress is twentyfive yuan.()5. The sweater is expensive but nice.四、根据表格,判断正(T)误(F)。()1. Lin Tao has a black coat.()2. Mr Joness pants are blue. Theyre 120 yuan.()3. Amys skirt is 90 dollars. Its pink.()4. Chen Jies sweater is white and black. Its $60.()5. Wu Yifan takes black shoes. Theyre $90.五、 根据明信片内容,选择正确选项。()1. Whats the weather like today?A. Its cold. B. Its sunny. C. Its snowy.()2. Lily goes to school at _ and goes home at _A. 7:00 am.; 3:55 pm. B. 7:00 am.; 3:55 am. C. 7:00 pm.; 3:55 am.()3. There are potatoes, tomatoes and _ on the farm.A. green beans B. onions C. carrots()4. Lily sees 20 sheep, _ horses and _ cows.A. 50; 10 B. 15; 10 C. 15; 20()5. Who writes the postcard(这张明信片是谁写的)?A. Uncle Li. B. Amy. C. Lily.六、 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Hello, Im Alice. Its Childrens Day. Everyone is happy. Im so happy. I get up at 6:00. Oh, its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast. I wear a pink dress with a blue hat. At 7:20, I go to school with Amy. We are good friends. Our classroom is on the second floor. Its big and nice. Lily is in a yellow dress. John has an orange hat. He looks so cool. Wheres Mike? Oh, hes in the sun, and his black sunglasses are shining.()1. Its Childrens Day. Alice is happy.()2. Its 7:20. Its time for breakfast.()3. Alices classroom is on the first floor.()4. Mikes hat is so cool.()5. Mikes sunglasses are black.七、 阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Welcome to Mr Whites shop! We have a big sale today. All the goods are at good prices.When you enjoy the sunshine, you need a pair of sunglasses. The sunglasses are cheap today. They are only five yuan. We have some white sports shoes. They are 20 yuan. Do you like Tshirts? Today we have Tshirts in all colours for 16 yuan each. We have socks in blue, green and red for 3 yuan. For boys, blue and black shorts are only 12 yuan. For girls, white and pink skirts are 25 yuan. Do you need a sweater? They are cheap, too. We have them in green and white for thirty yuan. We also have many colourful gloves for kids. They are 4 yuan.Come to Mr Whites shop and choose something you want!()1. All the goods are very _ in Mr Whites shop today.A. expensive B. new C. cheap()2. You can buy a _ in Mr Whites shop.A. scarf B. sweater C. blouse()3. Miss Green wants to buy a pair of socks and a pink skirt. She should pay(付) _A. 25 yuan B. 3 yuan C. 28 yuan()4. You have 30 yuan. You can buy _A. two Tshirts and a pair of glovesB. a white skirt and a pair of sunglassesC. a green sweater and a pair of sunglasses()5. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. The sunglasses are not cheap in the shop.B. John cant buy blue shorts in the shop.C. Mrs Black can buy a pair of gloves for her daughter.八、 阅读对话,完成下列各题。Zhang Peng is in China and Mark is in the USA. Theyre talking on the phone.Zhang Peng: Hi, Mark! This is Zhang Peng speaking.Mark: Hi, Zhang Peng. How are you today?Zhang Peng: Not bad. What time is it in Los Angeles(洛杉矶)?Mark: Its 6:00 pm. Its time for dinner.Zhang Peng: Oh, its 10:00 am.in Beijing. Its time for music class. My mother will take me to have a music class. Its Saturday(周六) today.Mark: Its Friday(周五) in Los Angeles. Whats the weather like in Beijing?Zhang Peng: Its rainy. Its 15 degrees. How about Los Angeles?Mark: Its sunny and warm. Its 26 degrees.Zhang Peng: What a nice day!Mark: Yes, it is.1. 根据对话内容,完成下面表格。2. 根据对话内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。()Its sunny and warm in Beijing.()Its 6:00 pm.in Los Angeles.()Zhang Peng will have a music class.()Today is Saturday in Los Angeles.()Its rainy in Los Angeles.九、阅读,完成任务。(A)阅读,按先后顺序给朋友圈配图,将选项填入方框内。(B)阅读,判断对()错()。()1. Its sunny and hot today.()2. The cows and the sheep are lovely.()3. The tomatoes and green beans are small but yummy.()4. Sarah and Mike like the clothes show.(C)如果你参加这个服装秀,你会穿什么服饰呢?请画一画,参考画线部分,模仿Sarah和Mike写一写。(注意:要写两样服饰,而且不能和他们的服饰重复哦!)附:参考答案一、 15. FFTTT二、 41523三、 15. 四、 15. TFFTF五、 15. BACBC六、 15. TFFFT七、 15. CBCBC八、 1. (1) 10:00 am.(2) rainy(3) dinner(4) 262. FTTFF九、 (A) DBACE(B) 14. (C) 图略1. Look at my sweater. Its red and pretty.2. Look at my jeans. Theyre blue and cool.6


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