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    Lesson 45 Be Yourself! 课件冀教版八年级英语上册.pptx

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    Lesson 45 Be Yourself! 课件冀教版八年级英语上册.pptx

    Lesson 45 Be Yourself!课文讲解,Unit 8 Celebrating Me!,1. What are the girls problem?2. What are Sues suggestions?,Listen and answer.,原文呈现,Dear Sue,Im a middle school student. I look very common. I get average grades in all of my subjects except English, but sometimes I make stupid mistakes. My friend Lisa, however, is pretty and smart. She is good at everything. I want to be like her, but I know thats impossible. I feel bad about myself.What can I do?A Sad Girl from Washington,Dear Sad Girl,Nobody is perfect in this world. Even your friend isnt perfect. We all have our strong points and weak points.Think about your strong points. For example, you are good at English , and Im sure you are a good friend. What do you like about yourself? Make a list and read it every morning.Dont be too hard on yourself for making mistakes. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.Look in the mirror and smile at yourself every day. Be your own best friend,and be yourself. You are a special person and unique in your own way!Sue,1. What are the girls problem?,Listen and answer.,She gets average grades in all of her subjects except English.,Im a middle school student. I look very common. I get average grades in all of my subjects except English, but sometimes I make stupid mistakes. I feel bad about myself.,2. What are Sues suggestions?,Listen and answer.,Think about her strong points. Make a list and read it every morning.Dont be too hard on herself for making mistakes. The important thing is to learn from her mistakes.Look in the mirror and smile at herself every day.,I look very common. I get average grades in all of my subjects except English, but sometimes I make stupid mistakes.,average,重点精讲,stupid,adj.愚蠢的;傻的,stupid可用作定语,也可用作表语。其比较级为stupider或more stupid,最高级为stupidest或most stupid。e.g. Thats a stupid suggestion. 那是一个愚蠢的建议。 Tom is stupider/more stupid than Jim. 汤姆比吉姆更愚蠢。,The average of 2,4 and 6 is 4. 2,4,6的平均数是4。,These marks are above average. 这些分数在平均分数之上。,按平均值,On average he works eight hours a day.他平均一天工作八小时。,average,n.,adj.,表示“平均”、“平均数”,表示“平均水平”、“一般水准”,平均的,一般的、普通的,常用短语,on average,The average age of these students is 20. 这些学生的平均年龄为二十岁。,It is just an average dictionary.它只是一本普通的词典。,I look very common. I get average grades in all of my subjects except English, but sometimes I make stupid mistakes.,重点精讲,except,名词,代词,except,rep 除了之外,e.g.They all went to the zoo except Lei Na他们都去了动物园,除了雷娜。Everybody understood except me除了我之外,人人都懂。,I want to be like her, but I know thats impossible.,impossible,重点精讲,adj. 不可能的,反义词,impossible,possible,its impossible to do sth. 做某事是不可能的e.g.It is impossible to count the stars in the sky天空中的星星数不清。,For example, you are good at English , and Im sure you are a good friend.,重点精讲,be sure.+从句 确信be sure of/about sth. /doing sth. 对某事做某事有把握e.g. He is sure of success. 他自信会成功的。be sure to do sth一定会做某事e.g. It is sure to rain一定会下雨的。,The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.,重点精讲,learn from 向学习;从中吸取教训是指从某处或者某人那里学到知识。常用于:learn from sb.向某人学习 learn from mistakes 从错误中吸取教训e.g. We learned many things from him. 我们向他学习了很多东西。,learn by通过的方式学习;以的方法学习,知识拓展,是指以某种方式、方法学到某种知识。常用于:learn by doing sth. 通过做某事来学习 learn.by oneself自学e.g. Tom learned English by himself. 汤姆自学的英语。,You are a special person and unique in your own way!,重点精讲,in.way用方式e.g.Dont worry. You can solve the problem in another way.别担心,你可以用另一种方式解决这个问题。,1. I like talk shows, because I can learn a lot _ them.A. with B. from C. about D. for,选一选,B,2. Everything is not _ if you put your heart into it.A. new B. impossible C. possible D. unique,选一选,B,3. All the workers went home yesterday _Mr. White. Why?Because he was on duty.A. except B. expect C. except for D. besides,选一选,A,Bye-bye,


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