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    Unit 2 Exploring English Listening & Speaking(教学课件)- 高中英语外研版(2019)必修 第一册.pptx

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    Unit 2 Exploring English Listening & Speaking(教学课件)- 高中英语外研版(2019)必修 第一册.pptx

    Unit 2 Exploring English,Learn unfamiliar English expressions in specific situations.Learn to broaden your vocabulary of English from the Internet.Learn to use abbreviations(省略) and emojis in proper situations.Learn to grasp the key points in a conversation.,Look at the following expressions or emojis in daily communication and talk about their meanings in your group.,netizen,selfie,screen rage,globalian,a member of the globe,BTW,CU,by the way,see you,IMO,in my opinion,ASAP,as soon as possible,LTNS,long time no see,cool,scared,laugh to cry,embarrassed,Look at the pictures and guess what you may listen to.Observe each persons facial features to guess what may happen between them.,Listen to three conversations and match them to the pictures.,Answers:Conversation 1-bConversation 2-cConversation 3-a,Chinese food,the Guangdong dialect,cellfish,cellphone,selfish,LOL,“laugh out loud”,Listen again and complete the table.,Listen to the three conversations again to find how the speakers ask for and explain the meanings of the words.,Write down the outline of how the speakers ask for and explain the meanings of expressions.List the key information in the conversations.,What kind of is that?Its a kind of from, includingDo you know what I mean by ?What does mean?When you sayyou mean, right? Whats that for?It meansYou use it toIts a shorter way ofIt was first used on You use it to show you think ,Act out the conversations in your group and then to the whole class.,Make up your own conversations on asking for and explaining meanings of expressions and emojis.,Student A: You are a waiter/ waitress in a restaurant. You ask your customer whether he/ she needs a doggy bag.(A “doggy bag” is a bag or box in which you take unfinished food home from a restaurant.)Student B:You are asking for the bill in a restaurant. The waiter / waitress asks you if you need a doggy bag. You dont know what it is and ask him/ her to explain.,Situation 1,Student A: You see a sign in a supermarket saying “3 for 2”. You dont know what it means and ask the shop assistant to explain.Student B:You are a shop assistant. A customer asks you what “3 for 2” means.(“3 for 2” means that if you buy two items, you get a third one for free.),Situation 2,Weve known that many English words come from French, German or Latin. You may not know that some English words come from Chinese.,kowtow,ketchup,lose face,lychee,paper tiger,“丢脸”,typhoon,Confucius,Taoism,taikonaut,chop-chop,hurry up,Find new words and their meanings on the Internet. Make up similar conversation. One asks for information while another explains its meaning.,


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