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    高考英语阅读理解专项练习题ComprehensionANew travel policies 在这张2020年10月15日的档案照片中,联合航空公司的一名特工,在旧金山旧金山国际机场登记乘客,准备登上飞往夏威夷的航班。The United States has issued new travel policies that will permit vaccinated international travelers from 33 nations to fly into the country.The new rules, set to take effect in early November, were announced Monday by the administration of President Joe Biden.Under the rules, all adult foreign air travelers to the U.S. must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before they can board a flight. This is in addition to the current requirement that travelers show proof of anegativeCOVID-19 test carried out within 72 hours of departure to the U.S.The new policies cover travelers from 26 European nations including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Greece. The rules will also permit conditional U.S. entry to flyers from Britain, Ireland, China, India, South Africa, Iran and Brazil.The administration of former U.S. President Donald Trump first placed COVID-19-related travel restrictions on air travelers from China in January 2020. These were later extended to many other countries.The United States has permitted foreign air travelers from more than 150 countries throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Some experts criticized that policy, as it included nations with high COVID-19 rates.1.Under the rules, Who must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before they can board a flight. to the U.S.? A.all teenagers foreign air travelersB.some adult foreign air travelersC.all adult travelers in the US D.all adult foreign air travelers2.How many European nations was covered by the new policies ?A.26B.19C.24D.203. How many countries of foreign air travelers did the United States has permitted throughout the coronavirus pandemic ?A.140B.160C.150D.170BInjection2021年9月18日,va. 亚历山大港的钱德勒 米勒德在国民公园外的一家新型冠状病毒肺炎接种诊所接种强生公司的疫苗,这家华盛顿国民在一场对抗科罗拉多落矶的棒球比赛前接种。The findings have not yet been examined by independent scientists.The company said the single dose is 70 percent effective for up to eight months. A second dose, however, results in 94 percent protection against moderate to severe forms of the virus.J&J said it sent the results of its study to health organizations around the world, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA. The health organizations can then consider approving a follow-up dose.The J&J study included 30,000 people who received a second dose 56 days after their first one. J&J said people dealt with the second dose well and felt side effects similar to the first dose. The vaccine was found to be less effective over time for people over the age of 60, but still prevented hospitalization 78 percent of the time.J&J noted that during part of their study - from March through late July - the Deltavariantof COVID-19 was present in the U.S.Last week, the FDA recommended emergency use of a third shot for people over 65 who received the two-dose Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. So far, Pfizer is the only company to send enough data to the FDA for a decision on additional shots.4. , however, results in 94 percent protection against moderate to severe forms of the virus.A.A first doseB.NothingC.A second doseD.The third dose5.Who can then consider approving a follow-up dose?A.ArmyB.A nurseC.A DoctorD.The health organizations6.So far, Who is the only company to send enough data to the FDA for a decision on additional shots?A.The J&JB.PfizerC.A DoctorD.FDA recommended emergency 7.The vaccine was found to be less effective over time for people over the age of 60, but still prevented hospitalization of the time.CA story “The whole show is dreadful,” she cried coming out of the menagerie of M. Martin. She had just been looking at that daring speculator “working with his hyena,”to speak in the style of the programme. “By what means,” she continued, “can he have tamed these animals to such a point as to be certain of their affection for” “What seems to you a problem,” said I, interrupting, “is really quite natural.” “Oh!” she cried, letting an incredulous smile wander over her lips. “You think that beasts are wholly without passions?” I asked her. “Quite the reverse; we can communicate to them all the vices arising in our own state of civilization.” She looked at me with an air of astonishment. “But,” I continued, “the first time I saw M. Martin, I admit, like you, I did give vent to an exclamation of surprise. I found myself next to an old soldier with the right leg amputated, who had come in with me. His face had struck me. He had one of those heroic heads, stamped with the seal of warfare, and on which the battles of Napoleon are written. 8.Which style did she speak ?A.the programme.B.quickC.slowD.fast9.What do the writer think it ?A.naturallyB.niceC.naturalD.good10.How did She looked at me ?A.with an air of astonishment.B.with an surprise eyesC.with a lovely faceD.with an eager11.What result did his face cause to the writer?A.struckB.shockingC.givenD.badDA Guinness World RecordsGuinness World Records has confirmed two Japanese sisters as the worlds oldest living identical twins at 107.Identical twins are two people born at the same time who are produced from a single egg and look almost exactly the same.The announcement came Monday. It took place on Respect for the Aged Day, a national holiday in Japan.The twins were separated afterelementaryschool. Kodama was sent to work as a maid in Oita on Japans southern island of Kyushu. She later married there. Sumiyama remained on Shodoshima island and had her own family.The sisters said they experienced difficulties in their younger days. Growing up, they said they werebulliedbecause ofprejudiceagainst children of multiple births in Japan.The sisters lived their own lives for many years. They rarely got together until they were 70. They then started taking trips together to some of the 88 Shikokutemples. They enjoyed being reconnected.Sumiyama and Kodama were 107 years and 300 days old as of Sept 1. They have broken the earlier record set by the famous Japanese sisters Kin Narita and Gin Kanie, who lived until they were 107 years and 175 days old.Guinness World Records announced the new record in a statement.12.What is the passage mainly about?A.The worlds oldest living identical twins .B.A longer man.C.How to live longer.D.Why did she live in Japan.13Whhen did The announcement came ?A.MondayB.Friday C.SundayD.Thursday14.How old were Sumiyama and Kodama ?A.107 years old and 300 days old as of Sept 1106 years old and 300 days old as of Sept 1107 years old and 200 days old as of Sept 1200 years old and 300 days old as of Sept 115.Where did Kodama was sent to work as a maid in Oita ?A.on Japans southern island of a place. B.on Japans nouthern island of Kyushu. C.on Japans west island of Kyushu. D.on Japans southern island of Kyushu. ENational parksThis week on our national parks journey, we head to southern Florida.Here, you will find blue-green seas,marinewildlife, and islands that hold thousands of years of human history.Welcome to Biscayne National Park!Biscayne is not very far from the lights, noise and excitement of downtown Miami. But it has a very different atmosphere from the big city.Biscayne National Park was established as a national monument in 1968. It became a national park in 1980. That year, its size also increased.The park now covers more than 70,000 hectares. It includes the northern part of the world-famous FloridaKeys. Keys are low-lying islands or reefs.If you enjoy water, Biscayne is the park for you. Ninety-five percent of the park is water. Many kinds of animals live in these waters. Some of them are threatened or endangered.You will find the huge, gentle West Indian manatee, the less gentle American crocodile, several kinds of sea turtles, and more than 500 species of fish.Four ecosystems come together here, which is what makes the park so diverse. The blending ecosystems create "edge communities." These edge communities support a hugearrayof wildlife.16.What will you will find ?A.the peopleB.manC.seas,marinewildlife, and islands D.woman17.How many hectares covers the park now? A.more than 60,000 hectares.B.manmore than 70,000 hectaresC.mre than 90,000 hectares.D.more than 80,000 hectares.18.What do these edge communities support ?A.These edge communities support a hugearrayof wildlife.B.These edge communities support a few arrayof wildlife.C.These edge communities didnt support a hugearrayof wildlife.D.These edge communities support a hugearrayof peoples life.19.How much of the park is water?A.Ninety percent of the park is water.B.Ninety-one percent of the park is water.C.Fifty-five percent of the park is water.D.Ninety-five percent of the park is water.Keys:1.D 2.A 3.C4.C 5.D 6.B 7.78 percent8A 9C 10A 11A 12A 13.A 14.A 15.D16. C 17.B 18. A 19. D


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