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    On How to Enhance Chinese College English Teaching Outcomes with Internet.doc

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    On How to Enhance Chinese College English Teaching Outcomes with Internet.doc

        On How to Enhance Chinese College English Teaching Outcomes with Internet      Acknowledgements  I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Professor Luo Guoliang for the continuous inspiration, scholarly advice and inculcatory guidance he gave me in the course of writing this thesis. I am also indebted to my other teachers who have instructed me during the past two and a half years study at Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, and to my classmates for their constant encouragement to me in my career as a student here.My debt of gratitude also goes to the authors of the academic books and articles listed in the bibliography. I benefited a great deal from my study of these materials.Finally, I would like to thank my parents and my wife for their support and encouragement during the long process of the thesis writing.               Abstract  Computer Networks and the Internet have been growing rapidly in China. And they are bound to play a dominant role in all aspects of modern society including, of course, language education. This thesis is intended to elaborate on what is possible in English teaching when cyberspace has become a reality, compelling us to ponder on how it will change the way we teach and learn English, especially in traditional universities.The thesis begins with an introductory chapter explaining the nature of the English language teaching (ELT) in China, the need and the significance of the study.Chapter Two provides a brief historical review of technology and computer application in English teaching, explains what WBET is, briefly reviews the constructive theory which is the theoretical principle of WBET and goes on to discuss the different models which can be used in traditional universities. Compared with traditional classroom English teaching, WBET has its unique advantages. Chapter Three serves as an introduction to Web-based aids by which the Web can be applied to English teaching and learning, giving many examples to illustrate currently available practical ideas as well as WBETs rich potential in the immediate future.Chapter Four, from another perspective, identifies ways in which Web-based technologies can contribute to the acquisition of the four basic language skills, e.g. listening, speaking, reading and writing.Chapter Five discusses the challenges college teachers of English are confronted with, including funding, strong technical supporting and conditions required for the successful implementation of WBET.Last but not least, Chapter Six summarizes the theme of the thesis and gives a clear-cut indication of the fact that WBET has a positive impact on English teaching and learning and that any institution of higher learning, be it college or university, will be playing a losing game if it neglects the application of the Internet to its educational programs. The writer also suggests in this chapter what future research is needed in this area.                     内容提要  二十一世纪是网络世纪,飞速发展的因特网在政治、经济、文化、教育等方面发挥着重要作用,外语教学也不例外。结合作者的教学实践,本文阐析了在这一背景下如何将因特网和中国的大学外语教学相结合已到提高外语教学效果。  第一章首先简要阐述了英语教学在中国的性质以及本文研究的必要性和意义。 第二章回顾了科技,尤其是计算机在外语教学中的历史和发挥的重要作用。论述了网络英语教学的概念以及它在大学英语教学中的理论基础, 主要应用模式和独特优势。 第三章从因特网技术的角度出发, 分析了各种可以用于英语教学的网络工具的特点和使用方法。 第四章分析了如何利用网络帮助学生快速有效的掌握语言知识和听、说、读、写四种基本语言技能。 第五章分析了网络用于外语教学过程中可能会遇到的各种挑战,网络英语教学的局限性以及应对措施。 最后, 作为全文的总结,作者提出了在本领域有待继续研究的几个问题。同时指出,尽管网络用于外语教学有种种不足,不可能完全取代传统的课堂外语教学,但它外语教学有着积极的意义,是一种发展趋势。Table of Contents  Acknowledgements.iAbstract.ii内容摘要. ivI. Introduction.11.1The Nature of ELT in China.11.2Need for the Study.41.3 Significance of the Study.6II. Web-based English Teaching.92.1 Technology and Foreign Language Education,.92.2 History of Computer in English Teaching.112.3 Constructivist Learning Theories.122.4 Models of WBET.152.4.1Web Support for Information Storage, Dissemination and Retrieval.152.4.2 Web Support for Two-Way Interaction.172.4.3 Full WBET.172.5 Reasons for Using the Internet in English Classes.18 2.5.1Learnig to Use Computers Provides a Strong Intrinsic Motivation for Learning English.192.5.2 Internet Places English in an International Context. .192.5.3 Internet Projects are Interactive. .202.5.4Facilities for Using the Internet are Often Readily Available.202.5.5 Networked Computing Enables New Kinds of Learning.21III. Applying the Web Aids for English Teaching.233.1 Electronic Communication.233.1.1 Asynchronous Communication Tools.243.1.2 Synchronous Communication Tools.293.1.3 Virtual Communities.303.2 Electronic Posting.31 3.2.1 Curriculum Course Documents Management31 3.2.2 Using Resources of Others.333.3 Databases.343.4 Automated Test.35IV. Language Acquisition With the Aid of the Internet.374.1 Teaching the Language System.374.2 Acquiring the Language Skills.38 4.2.1 Listening.39 4.2.2 Speaking.40 4.2.3 Reading.40 4.2.4 Writing.42V. Challenges and Weaknesses in WBET.445.1 Overwhelming Amount of Information.445.2 Insufficient Funding.455.3 Security Issues.455.4 Copyright and Plagiarism.47VI. Suggestions for Future Research and Conclusions.49Definition of Terms.51Endnotes.53Bibliography.55        I. Introduction  In the past few decades, especially in the last twenty years of reform and opening to the outside world, China has made great achievements in the development of its national economy. China strong desire to communicate with the rest of the world and integrate its economy into the world economy has created an enormous need for personnel with English proficiency. China may rank first in the world in terms of population of English language learners. “According to the 1997 statistics published by the Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE), in 1996 there were over 1000 universities and colleges offering foreign language courses to about 3,000,000 non-English major students and over 1000 adult education schools offering foreign language courses to over 2,600,000 students”1  1.1 The Nature of ELT in China In China, research in English Language Teaching (ELT) started as late as the 1980s. Even now, when discussing issues of ELT, Chinese language researchers tend to interchange Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and borrow language-learning theories from studies of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), which are mostly conducted on English culture. Such ambiguity indicates that there may be confusion among researchers in understanding the nature of ELT in China, which may mislead the practitioners in applying suitable learning theories to second language development. It is, therefore, vital to clarify the difference between English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL). Language researchers who are aware of the distinction indicate that differences do exist between EFL and ESL. The most obvious difference lies in the setting in which Language teaching and learning occurs, with the former taking place in a non-English home culture and the latter in the target culture. Teachings in those two different contexts are, therefore, named respectively as TEFL and TESL. TEFL conducted in non-English settings fails to provide language learners with sufficient opportunities for interactions in the target language and within authentic contexts. Quite often, the only comprehensible language EFL students hear and read is within the classroom; in contrast, when ESL students leave the classroom, they may get into a number of situations in which they can use and practice the target language. Learners motivation toward English learning in different contexts is also different. The distinction of context also brings about other differences between TEFL and TESL, such as different formation of student and instructor populations, different educational policies, different goals of learning and different concerns, which all play significant roles in the effectiveness of language teaching and learning.The awareness of the differences between TEFL and TESL inevitably draws the attention of TEFL professionals to the context of foreign language learning, and to be more exact, on the learning environment. The fact that language is ever dynamic as a social tool also reveals that the authentic context is a critical factor in language learning. The key to understanding language in context is to start not with language, but with context. So the authentic context plays an important role in second/foreign language learning. Kramsch defined the term “authentic” as one used as a reaction against the prefabricated artificial language of textbooks and instructional dialogues. According to Kramsch, authentic texts require participants to respond with behaviors that are “socially appropriate to the setting, the status of the interlocutors, the purpose, key, genre, and instrumentalities of the exchange, and the norms of interaction agreed upon by native speakers” 2.However, to provide Chinese English learners with an authentic English language context has proven difficult. While their peers in English cultures are taking advantage of the context-embedded feature of TESL, Chinese TEFL instructors cannot but be frustrated that they are teaching English in the home culture, which is geographically thousands of miles away from the target culture.For centuries, traditional teacher-centered instruction has been dominating in China. The typical classroom in China is one in which the teacher talks most of the time, while the students only listen. There is not a great deal of interaction, and it is even considered impolite for students to cut in to challenge or raise questions when the teacher is teaching.TEFL in China, constrained by many home culture factors, yet with a huge population of English language learners, needs more appropriate language learning theories and teaching methodologies tailored for its own needs. Pioneer researchers emphasize the significant roles played by culture and context in foreign language learning and have based many of their studies upon sociocultural learning theories; however, how to break through the cultural constraints and eradicate the lack of authentic context in TEFL remains unanswered questions.Along with the recent technological development of the Internet, in exploring the effects of Web-based instruction(WBI), Warschauer and his associates achieved major advancements in bridging the cultural gaps between home cultures and the target language. It is not an exaggeration to say that their practices, for the first time in the history of TEFL, make authentic language context/culture easily accessible to the mass population of Chinese EFL learners. Warschauers constructivist perspectives have had a profound influence on the shaping of the theoretical frameworks for WBI. 1.2 Need for the Study Many researchers now consider computers, the Internet, and related technologies to be an integral part of language teaching, which indicates that in addition to increasing student intercultural awareness and sensitivities, the Internet also provides them with opportunities for genuine communication beyond the classroom. The explosion in Internet usage has been particularly valuable to EFL students. Warschauer conducted a series of studies on electronic literacy and computer-mediated communication. According to Warschauer, five main features of network-based foreign language teaching provide students with new experiences in the target culture and additional opportunities for expression and reflection. The five features are: 1) the authenticity of context that allows foreign language students to be sufficiently exposed to the target culture and language; 2) an enormous number of opportunities for language and computer skill literacy; 3) the opportunities to interact with native speakers 24 hours a day; 4) the vitality of the Internet to keep both language instructors and students updated for language development and change of ideas; 5) the empowerment in cross-cultural collaboration.The language output of the students is more complex and sophisticated compared with that in the face-to-face discussions. Further, the enthusiasm, practice, and feedback allow the students to interact independently of the teachers instruction, giving them the liberty to use the language for their own purposes. The Internet and related technologies can encourage the transition from teacher-centered to learner-centered learning, enhance student motivation, and contribute to the authenticity of the learning process.However, some researchers remain cautious toward technology adoption. Paolucci and Jones reviewed over 800 journal articles on educational technology and concluded that researchers have not yet clearly demonstrated quantifiable learning outcomes. Some Chinese linguists also criticized the language research in China for lacking theoretical grounding and appropriate methodologies. Liu, a leading Chinese linguist, pointed out, “Editors found that 90 percent of the articles sent to the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press could not be published, and 80 percent of the refusals were due to the inappropriate methods” 3.The literature review shows, although many studies discuss the effects of using computer technology on language teaching, such as how WBI improves student learning attitudes, interests and self-efficacy, most of them have been conducted in the western cultural context. It is uncertain whether the findings of previous studies in the West can be applicable to the ELT environment in China. So far, no well-established theories that are directly applicable to ELT in China are presently available, thus researchers should explore these issues. In summary, researchers should investigate more teaching outcomes that support incorporating WBI into ELT in China. 1.3 1.3  Significance of the Study One question which needs to be answered at this point is why one should incorporate online lessons into the curriculum, what the benefits of such a method are in comparison with trad


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