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    河北武邑中学2015-2016学年高三第三次调研考试英语试题 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共10页。考试结束后,只交答题卡。保存好试卷。第卷注意事项:1. 答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的班级、姓名、学号、考试顺序号填写清楚2. 各小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman think of the exam?A. The exam is very easy. B. The students didnt do well enough.C. More students did poorly in the exam.2. What does the woman mean?A. The man is right on the way to the post office. B. She knows the same way as the man does.C. She doesnt know how to get to the post office.3. What do you know from the conversation?A. The fishing rod is new but is not much helpful.B. The man has caught more fish than the woman. C. The man is not patient enough.4. Why didnt the man use an umbrella?A. Because he lost his umbrella. B. Because he forgot to take the umbrella.C. Because he had a raincoat already.5. How many minutes is Susan late for the party?A. 45 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 10 minutes.第二节( 共15 小题; 每小题1.5 分, 共22.5 分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答第6 7题。6. Whats the main idea of this conversation?A. The man is learning how to use a computer.B. The woman is showing the man how to put page numbers on.C. The man is trying to have his document printed.7. How is the problem solved?A. By pressing F8.B. By pressing Enter.C. By printing it.8. What do we know about the woman?A. Shes the mans classmate. B. She works in a computer lab.C. She is the mans secretary.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What can we learn from this dialogue?A. The man once lived in this apartment before.B. The man visited this apartment that morning. C. The man has called the woman before.10. Where is the dialogue probably taking place?A. At the door of the womans house. B. In a one-bedroom apartment.C. In an accommodation office.11. How much must the man pay the woman now if he wants to rent it?A. $ 250.B. $ 500.C. More than $ 500.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. What most probably are the two speakers?A. A guide and a tourist. B. A factory worker and a journalist.C. A worker and a manager in the factory.13. What does Workshop One produce?A. Radio packs.B. Radio parts.C. Radio models.14. Where are the new models made?A. In the lab.B. In the sample room.C. In one of the workshops.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Where is the plant being built?A. Far away from the town. B. Near the town. C. North of the town.16. What is the plant built for?A. Producing trucks B. Dealing with the waste paper. C. Dealing with the rubbish. 17. How much rubbish can the plant deal with each day?A. she is not sure, perhaps 3,000 tons B. more than 30,000 tons. C. the passage doesnt mention it.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Which of the following is NOT mentioned?A. Tents.B. Sleeping bags.C. Trailers.19. Which of the following is true?A. The state-owned campgrounds cannot meet the growing number of campers.B. In the US, most campgrounds are privately owned.C. The private campgrounds charge less than the public ones.20. The passage mainly talks about _.A. the problems of running the national parksB. how states can have their own campgroundsC. new campgrounds that give more people a chance to camp第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AIn Germany there are different kinds of high schools. Some prepare students for workers, others prepare them for college. All schools are great places for making friends and learning German.Short daysMost high schools in Germany begin at about 8:00 a.m. and end at about 3:30 p.m. This means your morning will be busy with classes. You will have time to do homework and take part in private(私人的) clubs after school.Formal settingIn Germany, teachers and students relationship is more formal than you might be used to. Teachers are respected and students must use the formal “Sie(德语:您)” when talking to teachers.Getting to schoolMost students take public transport to school or ride a bicycle. Some areas have school buses. It is not common for parents to drive students to school.Private clubs In many countries, schools offer official sports and after-school activities. This is less common in Germany. After-school activities are usually organized through private clubs. There are clubs for things like soccer, dance, choir, theatre and almost everything else. Once you are in Germany, ask around at school and talk to other students to find out what private clubs are in your area and meet your interests.Different states, different schoolsEach of Germanys 16 states has its own slightly different school systems. The school system in Brandenburg will be a little different from the system in Bavaria for example. Where you live, your knowledge level and your age will decide what school you can attend.21. For high school students in Germany, which is NOT the common transport to school?A. School buses. B. Parents cars. C. Public transport. D. Students bicycles.22. From the passage, we can learn that in Germany _. A. all kinds of high schools are for college B. age is not important for attending schools C. students can take part in after-school activities from 8:00 a. m .to 3:30 p.m. D. students can join private clubs to meet their interests by themselves23. What can be the best title for this article? A. German Private Clubs B. German Public Transport C. German High Schools D. German College Systems BOn “Super Bowl Sunday”, millions of Americans are glued to their TVs. They are eating pizza, chicken wings and chips and cheering every move. Theyre watching the Super Bowl.Why are Americans so crazy about American football? Well, it is more exciting than other sports. One team can lose possession of the ball in a minute, which may allow their opponents to make a touchdown(触地得分). Then that team may win the game unexpectedly.The Super Bowl also entertains its audience with a great halftime show. The football field is turned into a stage. Then an impressive performance of dancing and singing with special effects occurs.Since the Super Bowl is the most-watched TV program in America, commercial airtime is also very expensive. Big money is also spent on commercials. They draw the viewers attention and advertise their image or products during the commercial break.After football season, the “March Madness” begins. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) competitions begin with 68 mens college basketball teams. They play until the field is reduced to the “Final Four”. The winning team becomes the national champion. The NBA (National Basketball Association) All-Star game is also held in February. The best players from all the teams play in this game.Baseball is no doubt Americans national sport. From grandpas to young kids, whole families go to ball games together. They wear their favorite teams caps or even carry their mascot(吉祥物). Our family went to watch Wang Chien-Ming play in D.C. once. We ate hot dogs, waved flags and sang during the 7th inning(棒球的一局) stretch.If you are not a sports fan yet, come and pick a sport or a team. Go to a ball game with your family, and cheer your team on. Sports are definitely a part of American culture one should not miss.24. According to the passage, the Super Bowl is _. A. a well-received American football gameB. an expensive American sport C. an impressive TV performanceD. a most-watched TV series25. Which of the following may be one of the reasons for the popularity of the Super Bowl? A. Its results are too exciting to meet viewers expectations. B. People can eat pizza, chicken wings and chips when watching it. C. Its commercials are expensive enough to draw viewers attention. D. The performances during its halftime show are appealing to viewers.26. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Americans spend a large amount of money on ball games. B. American people of all ages like going to watch baseball games. C. All the American stars take part in the national basketball game. D. There are important national ball games in America almost every month.27. The passage is mainly written to _. A. inform readers of the three popular sports in America B. teach readers how to understand the sports culture in America C. encourage readers to fit in with American culture through sports D. show readers the importance of sports in young peoples life in America CI recently got pulled over for speeding not far from my new home in Virginia. I hadnt been paying attention, and I had driven a few miles an hour over the speed limit.“Can I see your license and registration?” the police officer asked me. I pulled both out for him, and he saw my Pittsburgh address on my Pennsylvania drivers license.“What are you doing here?” he asked. “Are you with the army?”“No, Im not.” I answered. I explained that I had just moved to Virginia, and I hadnt had time to re-register yet.“So what brings you here?”He had asked a direct question. Without thinking very hard, I gave him a direct answer. “Well, officer,” I said, “since youve asked, I have cancer. I have just months to live. Weve moved down here to be close to my wifes family.”“So youve got cancer,” he said flatly. He was trying to figure me out. Was I really dying? Was I lying? He took a long look at me. “You know, for a guy who has only a few months to live, you sure look good.”He was obviously thinking: “Either this guy is pulling one big fat line on me, or hes telling the truth.” He was trying to question my honesty without directly calling me a liar. And so he had forced me to prove that I was being honest. “Well, officer, I know that I look pretty healthy. I look great on the outside, but the tumors(肿瘤)are on the inside.” And then, I dont know what possessed me, but I just did it. I pulled up my shirt, showing the operational scars.He looked at my scars. He looked in my eyes. He now knew he was talking to a dying man. Well, he wasnt taking this any further. He handed me back my license. “Do me a favor.” he said, “Slow down from now on.”The awful truth had set me free. As he went back to his police car, I had a realization. I had been one of those gorgeous blondes (金发美女) who could bat her eyelashes and get out of tickets. I drove home under the speed limit, and I was smiling like a beauty queen.28. The author was stopped by the police officer because _. A. he didnt have a license B. he forgot to re-register C. he was seriously illD. he drove too fast29. The author moved to Virginia probably because _. A. he was homesickB. he served in the army there C. Virginia had better hospitalsD. he could spend more time with families30. On hearing about the authors cancer, the police officer _. A. said it was an excuse B. doubted his honestyC. showed sympathy for himD. asked him to show his scars31. It can be inferred from the passage that the author was _. A. optimisticB. adventurousC. dishonestD. romantic DFor the most part, it seems, workers in rich countries have little to fear from globalization, and a lot to gain. But is the same thing true for workers in poor countries? The answer is that they are even more likely than their rich-country counterparts (地位相当的人) to benefit, because they have less to lose and more to gain. Traditional economics takes an optimistic line on integration (整合) and the developing countries. Openness to foreign trade and investment should encourage capital to flow to poor economies. In the developing world, capital is scarce, so the returns on investment there should be higher than in the industrialized countries, where the best opportunities to make money by adding capital to labour have already been used up. If poor countries lower their barriers to trade and investment, the theory goes, rich foreigners will want to send over some of their capital. If this inflow of resources arrives in the form of loans or portfolio investment (组合投资), it will top up domestic savings and loosen the financial restriction on additional investment by local companies. If it arrives in the form of new foreign-controlled operations, FDI, so much the better: this kind of capital brings technology and skills from abroad packaged along with it, with less financial risk as well. In either case, the addition to investment ought to push incomes up, partly by raising the demand for labour and partly by making labour more productive. This is why workers in FDI-receiving countries should be in an even better position to profit from integration than workers in FDI-sending countries. Also, with or without inflows of foreign capital, the same gains from trade should apply in developing countries as in rich ones. This gains from trade logic often arouses suspicion, because the benefits seem to come from nowhere. Surely one side or the other must lose. Not so. The benefits that a rich country gets through trade do not come at the expense of its poor country trading partners, or vice versa. Recall that according to the theory, trade is a positive sum game. In all these trades, both sidesexporters and importers, borrowers and lenders, shareholders and workers can gain. 32.Why are workers in poor countries more likely to benefit from the process of globalization?A. They can get more chances to gain a good job. B. They can get more financial aid.C. They have nothing to lose.D. They have less to lose and more to gain.33. What can be the final result of the inflow of the resource?A. It will top up domestic savings. B. It will loosen the financial restriction.C. It will push peoples incomes up.D. It will bring technology and skills from abroad.34. What can we know from the last paragraph?A. Poor countries get the most profit during the process of trade.B. Rich countries get profit from trade at poor countries expense.C. Poor countries get more profit from trade than rich ones.D. All aspects involved in the trade can get benefit.35.Which can be the most appropriate title for this passage?A. Benefited or HurtB. Who Benefits the MostC. Helping the PoorD. The Inflow of Reso


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